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Everything posted by kurtis912

  1. Am not keen to hear The Art in Canberra but good to see a decent band come to Canberra for once.. We've has Pink a few times (she claims to be a rockstar) but no good rock bands come to Canberra so thanks to LP! Lp have got to bring out Jay-Z in Sydney AND play the LPU4 Hip-Hop medley!!
  2. Cannot wait until the Canberra show!! Been trying to promote it like crazy! Does LPLive need help with setlists, etc?
  3. So they must be VIP's to the LPU Summit? Maybe NY and FL are going to be the states getting summits so they are trying to make it easier for others? Kurtis912 20/11/2007 Sydney 11/12/2010 Sydney 15/12/2010 Sydney + LPU Summit 16/12/2010 Canberra!
  4. If anyone here is going to a meet and greet with LP could they ask what are the chances of Jay-Z joing them in Sydney? Logistically its possible so if someone could get the idea out there that'd be insane!!
  5. Anyone from England here if you could ask LP what the chances of Jay-Z joining them on stage in Sydney are that'd be great!
  6. Anyone know if there is a chance of LP doing Canberra? Already driving up for Sydney Dec 11, maybe again for the 15th but not sure yet... So random to add a show outside the "big five" Aussie cities!
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