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Everything posted by Robrobbsen

  1. so this means someone could post the multitracks for Complimentary here right? i would be very thankfull if anyone could do that
  2. can someone please render me the multitracks and upload them stagelight isnt working on my computer but i would love to have at least the multitracks of the song
  3. Exactly i must say instrumental wise i think its one of the most emotional track that i´ve ever heard of lp
  4. Has everbody forgotten about reanimation? just sayin´
  5. the site is soooo slow at the moment i think its oveloaded
  6. i have the keyboard tabs during the little singin verse on victimized
  7. i met mike several times 2011 even in private hes a very nice quy he anwsered all of my questions and he even recognized me after a few times its a realy great feeling when your sorounded by lp fans mike walks up to you and says "whats up rob still playin piano?" also i met the whole band at a meet and greet but to me i think if you ask mike the right things you realy get to talk to him for a time
  8. someone buy that disk i need the instrumental!!!
  9. Ahhh i hate that stupid only in The us Thing:< Well im going to Buy an New Mixer Board Then:D But still when is it going to be Out i Want that lp stuff:/
  10. Maybe but my whole studio runs on apple if it would be an macbook with all that it would been shipping right now:D but maybe i could sould try that pc
  11. actualy i´m pretty sure there will be AT LEAST one hardcore lp fan who is a musican and buys that laptop and shares thoose samples on the other side i have some money that i could spare for that i mean official loops and stuff are cool but if we would get presets to play them on our own that would be massive IMO
  12. when does it come out i want the samples now!
  13. so we get some new official matreal like patches or samples? hope sombody buys that and exports them all:/
  14. has anyone videos or mp3´s of the sound checks and the fucked up new devide seriously i love stuff like that
  15. If That Is Reals Prove it!
  16. Actualy about pictureboard did anyone think about the scenario that we maybe have pictureboard but with a different title like maybe pictureboard was just a name someone thought of or it was only a wirking title i guess nobody know till we get a lp song titled pictureboard:D
  17. It would be more interesting if it came with joes sd card and samples
  18. Everyone talking about "just a high quality version" of In the end/Untitled But this song has so much differences to my knowledge theres no version similar to this The Difrences to For example Untitled(Studio Finals) Louder effects during verses(also in the chorus) Lyrics from the First demo Difrent Bass in the verses & Bridge No Distorted Backing vocals during the verses Diferent Druming style in the bridge New percussion sounds in the second verse Or am i the only one who thinks that?
  19. Could you post a youtube link please?
  20. When They Come For Me its just epic
  21. man i can´t watch it :/ could somebody please screen record or something anything even just the sound i´m realy into al this soundcheck stuff
  22. i know >,< i wan´t thoose samples so bad at the next summit i can get to i borrow some of them if i can:D
  23. Dosen´t someone got any of the scractch samples hahn uses?
  24. Someone Should Try to contact mike on soundcloud he answerd to me there several times
  25. i´m going to record vocals for blackout but i don´t think my singing is good enough for iridescent:P
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