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Everything posted by Robrobbsen

  1. Did you even look into A Hybrid party of a thousand thing? Or do you just make stuff up and hope no one notices:D
  2. Thats true, we are going straight into a future where all the stuff I mentioned is easily possible with one mouse click. If not more.
  3. I don´t know anything about the software they used but I cartainly can´t ge Clean Drums out of any software like RX8 the more Overheads the more it gets that underwater filter like sound, if they would go for that kind of low tech approach instead of just leaving the tracks without masters out then its just shoddy. HT itself sounds totaly fine and I´m sure the tracks with the multitracks available will too. But the second problem comes from how I found out they mixed HT for this release if we take Papercut for example The center track contains Lead vocals,Bass some synths and The Kick, Snare, the Hihat mics and the two sampled beats that run troughout most of the song. The Drum Overheads and room mics are on the first two Channels. You can maybe with everything you got get a somewhat usable drum track, no software I heard of can split a Drum bus into its elements again. Let alone decipher a samples beat from what counts as overheads for example. I´m no beatles fan but I´m guessing in the early stages they used Max 2 guitar tracks, 1 bass, 2 or 3 vocal tracks and maybe a stereo drum track. Like I said in a previous post the more tracks the session got the more problem then to happen with filtering software. RX works great if you have a simple track with just Drums bass guitar and Vocals.
  4. I have RX8 but there are still artefacts when extracting, the more instruments the more artefacts. IMO thats something we can do to play around with or make remixed but not something for an official release from the band. I would love to hear from someone who was heard some of the older tracks in Atmos. Stuff like RME wasn´t even recorded properly too there is no way you can filer all the necessary Tracks out of a single stereo file. RX8 can do stuff we dind´t believe a few year ago, but if I try to filter out the voice of a densly produced track its still sounding filtered out. You can maybe get a presentable Acapella out of a track, but never a good drum track or single guitar track.
  5. I see no other way to mix it,or at least all the stems that the band has. If I´m not wrong since the atmos channels are like little submixes, yout can´t cleanly take out drums from a track, maybe there is such technology but that would probs not work on songs that are packed that tight like LP productions are. Then its also a release by a huge band I don´t think they would do half measures in that regard. Worst case would be the songs that just have no stems anymore since they lost them or whatever just won´t have Atmos verisons.
  6. What were the differences in across the line again? I sometimes wonder if the "alternate" versions are the proper versions and the other ones are something like tests to see how stuff sounded that through mislableing got mixed, mastered and released. One would normaly say thats impossible but you never know if the band even listened to the album before it was allready out.
  7. I think it sounds just a bit similiar because thats how Mike programs beats, if it would be the exact pattern it would be different but BID has a different hihat pattern. The Wizard song theory could hold more truth though!
  8. Interesting, She Couldn´t was always really interresting for me. The guitar part and overall structure was very different for LP at that time.
  9. Wait, where does this Flower info come from?
  10. I would second that. You can do interesting stuff with the masters and I wish I had the possibility to listen to the album in In Atmos, but at the end of the day the Album was recorded for the normal consumer wich is Stereo. Keep in mind Hybrid Theory was recorded in 2000, I think that is quite a bit earlier than consumer 5.1 equipment came on the market, I´m having trouble finding out when exactly "affordable" home systems became available. Also the Reanimation 5.1 seemed to be little more than a fun gimmick since it never cought on with the later albums. ATS or LT would sure been interesting but it seems like it wasn´t woth the trouble.
  11. 1) War 2) ALTNC Rick Rubin reboot
  12. Has an ATS vibe, I like it. I guess most of the time Mike is just playing around, if he wants he puts out something really good without even trying^^
  13. Isn´t it funny that everyone got mad about the "Chipmunk Vocals" on OML? If you listen to the quiet part of the APFMH bridge you can clearly hear that there is a pitched up vocal of Chester, not as extreme as in Good Goodbye but i still find it kind of ironic. Also I THINK the guitar in papercut is different from the multitracks that are allready out there, there is a little string scraping sound that is present in the 5.1 tracks that is not present on the Multitracks.
  14. shhhhhh🤫 😁😁
  15. Can someone send me the link to buy it? I don´t really find anything if I search for Linkin Park Hybrid Theory 5.1
  16. Is there some way to split the layers like with reanimation?🤔
  17. Yes and no, I don´t remember every little demo either but back around Meteora in order for the song to get vocals it had to be pretty late in the writing process. That would narrow it alot from how many demos they did for meteora to alot less songs that had vocals recorded. Also like i said Mike does his absolute best to keep his answers as nondiscript as possible, wich i find pretty obvious. If its so that he does not get asked to release it by fans all the time or that the lable told him to just say you don´t know about it. Mike is sure forgetfull, but so am I and if someone would ask me something about a song I have written and don´t remember I would get curious to be honest.
  18. Neat! Seems like the part we all know is the Chorus.🤔
  19. That would be the best scenario for sure but i don´t see that happening unless Meteroa 20 or something. LPU is not releasing demos anymore and LP hasnt released any random demos just because. Also i think Mike if would want to build hype he would say something other than "oh i dont know anything about that" He could say"of thats a really cool song we worked on, shame its not released" or something like that. With Happy endings mike just said you need to play it on repeat or something like that, so hes not really subtle about that^^
  20. The verse sections sound really good, the chorus not so because its missing guitar and real drums but if you wan´t i can try to record some for the song. I´m not as good and acurate as Astat but I did try to build some profiles for the kemper and they sound pretty close. Also yeah its not that i don´t believe that Mike genuinely doesn´t know that particular song after all those years but I´m sure he has been asked about this demo more than a few times and in the one linked someone even gave him a timestamp and he just does not seem to really care at all or like i said he plays it safe. Could you by chance link me the stream where he talks about the piano song? That was always one of my favourite Meteora demos!
  21. To be honest i kind of get the vibe that mike just don´t want to talk about stuff like that. He is always really vague and i´m pretty sure he know that the more info he gives out the more people will pry for a release or something. I think that why he is "ignoring" the timestamps and just goes "yeah i don´t know about that song really, guys we did a lot of soungs that went nowhere" because he cant releaes what he doesnt know. I´ll be mike gets a ton of messages daily like "release friendly fire" or else, that must suck too. Just get the vibe that mike is playing it safe here and is just for his sake not revealing to much but thats just my guess.
  22. The Verse parts sound really good! But sampled guitars just don´t sound right, also if we go from what we allready have from meteora demos i would say there has to be some kind of "heavy" bridge i think.
  23. As .SND? if yes i can do that. If .wav i would too greatly appreciate.
  24. Don´t worry about that, maybe someone will upload the folder or something if but its not that important.
  25. Oooooh its 32bit, that explains it. The intro text explains the stuff with dragging onto the icon but i guess its because its 32bit then.
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