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Everything posted by SergSlim

  1. SergSlim

    A Reminder

    It's actually $0,25 per day until September 14... It's like 1 fixed-run taxi payment in Ukraine. Each day during a month go to work/school/university/friends on foot, and you'll end up saving $12 to buy MP3 version of an album. Yeah, I totally agree with that. People have a lot of bad habits that they are willing to spend a lot of money on, but at the same time moaning that they don't have money for something useful...
  2. SergSlim

    A Reminder

    There's the MP3 version of the album being sold. You don't have to pay any shipping for it, etc. And it's only $12. There's more than month until the release date. You can easily save up some money during this time to buy MP3 version at least, can't you?
  3. The day it starts shipping.
  4. Actually there are also A.06, LOATR, Numb, Papercut songs in 8-bit version.
  5. There's also a 5-track Sampler that has some tracks different
  6. Esaul is not a music video, it's just a "live" recording.
  7. I agree with this post. Also I'd like to add that if we don't trust that site - stop posting their news on our forums and that's it.
  8. I was just going to post it.... Wait, today is not an April's Fool Day... WTF? Maybe Church was giving them too much alcohol, and Brandon understood that he doesn't want to participate in that, and just left? To tell the truth - I don't like FU a lot, at least how he looks, Brandon was much better IMO.
  9. Here's what I got so far.
  10. Ended: Jul 05, 201001:16:05 PDT Bid history: 0 bids
  11. LPL Community. Each member will get to see and touch it. and then immediately send it to next LPL member.
  12. If every registered member of our site gave 2$ - we could buy it.... But speaking in terms or real world - it would be around 5$ from each ACTIVE registered member.... ROFL
  13. You mean those as in my signature? We had a page for such banners in 2.0 or even earlier... 2.0 before 3.0... Don't remember. And back to the poll - I voted for rotating themed banners. Good idea that old banners would be used for 2.0 Theme.
  14. Definitely. If they didn't record it - and just made a webcast of singing in studio - it would've been released so much faster.
  15. What does have to do with Live aspect of the band?
  16. Wow. Never heard of that store. It has some nice stuff in it. Officially licensed - interesting. is the stuff sold @ Bandmerch also officially licensed, or it is made by some company that belongs to LP for example?
  17. I'm sure it'll be a decent replacement of bazinga! as soon as more people get to know and visit the site.
  18. SergSlim

    Puzzle Solved

    WTF? I don't understand it..... Can someone explain it to me?
  19. I talked to Mark just now, and he is OK with this idea. But I wanna know opinion of others on this. I thought of creating a page with links to other fansites, official sites, and trading sites (like we have in forums now). So that it would be on the site itself, and not only on the forums. For example: Official sites: Official Linkin Park website Official fan club The official Linkin Park YouTube channel Official Mike Shinoda's Blog Official Linkin Park Store Official Linkin Park charity organization's website Twitter links Fan sites: Linkin Park Association Linkin Park Times LP Crimea bazinga! (joking, rofl) etc. Trading sites: [AndOne] (Germany) BlackChester (Germany) ChesterChaz (Germany) Dedicated (Australia) DNS (Hungary) Doorstop57 (USA) Fyzer (Brazil) Ghost812 (USA) Hahninator (USA) (no list currently) InTheEnd (Brazil) - LPRT Team Joe_Lp (Colombia) (Break from trading) Kay (Spain) LP_Bartek (Poland/UK) - LPRT Team LPMaskmancick a.k.a. lpmaskman (Hungary) LPPanther (USA) LPUtkan (Turkey) Luki9875 (Ireland) Maxthunderer (Ukraine) Nkramar (USA) Numb and The_Glue (Germany) sckofelng (Germany) SergSlim (Ukraine) Victor (Spain) Wesley.09 (Brazil) wiiesel (Germany)
  20. It does for me now.
  21. I tried to skew it back, than use FInereader to convert it to text, but eventually I gave up the idea and just retyped all the digits. I thought that converting it to Decimal would give us some date or whatever, but the resulting number is way too big to mean something. This one looks really like some hint.... Some more editing to make it look more clearly: image0013.bmp
  22. SergSlim

    LPCrimea 2.0

    Hey people! A good friend of mine, STINGER_LP, who is also a big Linkin Park fan from Ukraine, as well as I am, has launched a totally remastered website - LPCrimea.com. Some of you probably already heard of it, as there are plenty of links to it on our forums in Media section. The new 2.0 version is extremely badass: crazy new design with astonishing header and footer, new huge Media section which has a lot of high quality videos of live shows (almost all ripped by STINGER_LP himself mainly from original DVDs or HD sources to make the best possible size/quality ratio) and soon more will be added (as well as audio material). So go there and check it out – read the opening news post (for English version click on corresponding tab). P.S. From STINGER_LP: "Hey guys! I hope you'll like it! To view site in English use build-in Google Translator (UK flag on the left). I've optimized the pages of Media section for the smooth translation into English. See ya!"
  23. Just an interesting thing I noticed: I had 2 pages of LPL opened: 1 for the page that I stopped comparing with 2.0 on, and 1 for reading news on main LPL page. First link is from that time when we still were testing 4.0 only and it has www in it. Second was opened recently and does not have www in it. They have different themes. First one has DBS theme, that I set up when i was working on 4.0, and second has Meteora that I set up after final site launch. I tried refreshing 1st one, even with CTRL+SHIFT+R in Firefox - still DBS theme. Quite interesting.
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