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Everything posted by SergSlim

  1. I made some adjustments to the list... So, I sorted them by official and fan-made. Sorted by length comparing to album versions. It is not finished yet. I'm not sure about all those LPConcert samples, as I'm not that big of a fan to know which short samples are from which songs. And I have them named as Sound1, 2, etc. [xx:xx / yy:yy] - means: xx:xx - Instrumental length yy:yy - Album version length ~~ - means that I don't have FLACs of those files, so length might not be correct. Krwlng has ~ in length, because I ripped it from DVD, but I had to split it from the rest of the audio track, that I ripped, so other people might have it a bit shorter or longer, depending on the split place they chose. If you have any suggestions, fixes, ideas - let me know.
  2. Where was they released on? I suppose some kind of Single CD probably, or Internet. BTW, on her MySpace it is said - Not only did Tigra collaborate with Berko to make this album, but she also jumped in the studio to duet with MC Lyte and gave Mr. Hahn of Linkin Park two different tracks to remix. So Mr. Hahn Remixed 2 tracks, or he selected one of those two songs she gave him for remix? Or maybe he remixed both, but she picked only one remix to add to the album. Any info on that???
  3. Added. Thanks If it's not confirmed officially - not gonna add them to the list.
  4. Too bad to know it, I'd love to make some guesses... lol Haven't tried that for a long time, since I knew about contests earlier, like most staff....
  5. I think that this does not belong to Newswire. People who got email - will know about it anyway by checking their Inbox. Maybe it was a contest-like event, where not every member got a code. So what was the reason for posting this? Same thing goes about LPU updates. LPUTV, contests, etc. What's the point in teasing those, who are not members, by posting news, that they can't actually watch/read/participate in?
  6. Great... Haven't renewed since december 2009, so this is a great treat for me. Thanks for letting us, LPST members, get something for free, even a sneak peek, actually.
  7. I do remember asking for LPU8 wallpapers in Full HD resolution Finally this became real Thanks.
  8. So, I'm probably missing one of the radio versions
  9. Including Soul Song and Saturation?
  10. What is the origin of this mixtape? Was it done by Eminem and 50 Cent themselves, or its fan-made, or your options?
  11. Reanimation DVD-A is my top wanted Cd/DVD right now. Or it could be Reanimation Dual Disc too If anyone has brand new sealed DVD and is willing to sell it cheap - PM me
  12. Is there anyone willing to share their code, if they're already an LPU members?
  13. I would bet on 12/2011, but I guess a lot of people will want to kill me for that
  14. He is/was also a singer of Grey Daze, Sean Dowdell and his Friends, Dead By Sunrise, Bucket Of Weenies.... Linkin Park has nothing to do with this particular track, as it's Chester's personal collaboration with Z-Trip.
  15. What? Where did you find a mash between LP and MA???
  16. It's safe as condom...
  17. Damn it, totally forgot about HSH... Thanks for remind me about it. And I guess I'm gonna add BOTB to the list too. Other videos are not necesarry. EDIT: Nice, I made some small reorganization. Now it's even better.
  18. SergSlim

    3000 Members

    Short statistics: 2405 members that have been active during last year, 31 of which are banned, so 2374 active members. 1878 members that have been active during last half-year, 15 of which are banned, so 1863 active members. 767 members that have been active during last month, 6 of which are banned, so 761 active member. I recently found my to-do list for a txt version of the site...
  19. Papercut, LOATR, A.06, Numb are not in the game, but were released in 8 bit as ringtones. Am I correct?
  20. Nope
  21. Fuck Apple for not selling iStuff in Ukraine officially and not being able to buy stuff from their iStore...
  22. The only possible way to get it is to buy the game, finish it and listen to the song... If you think otherwise - read the bolded text in main post of this thred and get ready for a suspension
  23. Anyone asking for a song via PM in an indirect way - will get suspended too
  24. STOP ASKING FOR PM's OF THE SONG. There's been already enough said in this thread. Anyone asking for it after this post will be suspended.
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