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Everything posted by SergSlim

  1. Since when we have such a rule? Even we knew few songs from a show - we added a setlist with : xx. Song Title 1. xx. Song Title 2, etc. And there was a guy on the forums who was there in audience. so he probably knows the setlist. And this is not a regular rehearsal, because it was in front of an audience.
  2. So I guess we're not adding this as a separate show page? Only as a Show Note in actual performance's page?
  3. They are all listed in the second post of the thread and is updated regularly. Added LPUX CD. Didn't remove the Distored WID remix, as it's not the same as we got earlier.. We'll call it demo Should we add Unmastered HT tracks to this list?
  4. I guess they get at least half million dollars for each show. At least that's what I heard from promoters in my country, who think that LP is too expensive to bring them here....
  5. I fixed the link to DIME torrent, as it was somewhat a bit wrong link to that torrent page. Thanks for taping and releasing
  6. I was hoping someone would point that out.... Well, I must admit - I was waiting for Astat to give it a listen. I'm just listening to the Pale for the first time. Other tracks in the way... This whole whining and bitching reminds me of Plaster Lol, I guess those are the same people complaining about LPUX as were the ones who complained that Plaster is almost the same as OSC. Hell, Pale is awesome!!!!
  7. ROFL Just tell us who they are and we'll make sure they never disturb anyone about doing some illegal stuff anymore on our site
  8. ^ This
  9. Please refrain from such tone to the person who is giving us some info about the CD. She's doing the right thing with not leaking it. I wish it never leaked at all, but there are other douches, as you said, who would leak it anyway.
  10. Maybe if we left original version - it would gain more interest..
  11. I bet that there are no known performances of this song by LP, but Mike has rapped (I guess) full song over some beat at the Wake Up Show of some radio (can't remember which one) back in 2001 probably. That was from top of my head, so I might've remembered something incorrectly. Anyway, I would love to even get the recording of the show with next songs, not saying that it would be the best live show I'd visit... So the songs are - High Voltage (Remix); Nobody's Listening (oooh, with the extended version and Ivan breakdancing); And One; Sweet Child O' Mine - that's probably one of the covers that I like the most. Wish would be awesome too. Unrealsitic wishes are Carousel and She Couldn't.
  12. http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=5726
  13. That's the one on Frat Party At The Pankake Festival DVD with some special effects in it. Euro version has been shown on MTV a lot of times. That's the one from the Dragon Festival with some parts of Frat Party DVD. And Live version is actually the same, but without the parts included from the DVD. 5. Burning In The Skies added
  14. LOATR
  15. I would really vote for Reanimation if it was there.... But, in this case my vote goes to Meteora.
  16. But the ATS is $40 more expensive than on lp.com... so actually nothing's better, at least for shipping to Ukraine.
  17. Yeah, I actually knew that... It was fun to search for the actual first post on the site. BTW, is it mp3 in archive?
  18. first newspost says:
  19. I wouldn't relate myself to any of the songs, but I must admit the song 'Too late', as it's one of my favourite tracks of all time...
  20. My ears are bleeding, but it was probably cool to be actually there.
  21. Added: 2. Waiting For The End 3. The Catalyst with lyrics 4. Waiting For The End with lyrics
  22. Sent him a message
  23. Happy Birthday, mate!
  24. No, we only list those DEMOs that are full and have been released somewhere, which is not the case with ATS documentary demos.
  25. Looks like LPUHQ considered opinions of those LPU members who wanted to get LPU9 merch, but didn't do so, waiting a little bit longer, hoping to do it 'next month', and who were extremely disappointed with the early launch of pre-orders for LPUX. If you go to http://lpu.linkinpark.com/ now - you'll catch the opportunity to renew your membership and get LPU9 merch, which is by the way sold by discounted prices. But it looks like to me that S&H costs have raised, so you won't win anything actually comparing to the old prices. For those who still want to get all the LPU9 merch (LP UNDERGROUND CD - LPU9: DEMOS; LPU 9 T-SHIRT; LPU 9 GUITAR PICK; LPU 9 PATCH; 5 COLLECTIBLE LPU ITEMS INCLUDING A CD + T-SHIRT FROM PREVIOUS MEMBERSHIP YEARS AS SELECTED BY LPU HEADQUARTERS; LIMITED EDITION VINYL + VINYL FRAME) - go get it now, until LPUHQ decides to remove such opportunity again ;-)
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