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Everything posted by SergSlim

  1. While comparing 4.0 pages to 2.0 and searching for some 'new' mistakes or typos, or missing info which could come up during transfer to 4.0, I went up to http://www.lplive.net/shows/20030307.php only starting from the first LP page.... So all pages after that haven't been compared by me. Also I wonder if someone fixed those bugs that I listed while comparing those pages, as most of them I foxed on my own, but there were some that I had to consult someone first.
  2. VIP members have everything in BLUE, not only "VIP" word itself.
  3. I don' think it is. Day after day people are getting wider and wider screens, so this problem is only becoming more urgent as the days pass by, IMO. Sooner or later we should do this anyway.
  4. Why's that? He said that live on the radio. We only made a recording and a transcript. Even Mike himself, or Warner could've heard it.
  5. And the direct link to it is 2 posts above yours.
  6. Now define 'foggy' and 'trippy' please
  7. Reanimation Forum Theme: Editing Thread Title by clicking and holding its name - Text is black on dark background. Impossible to read. EDIT: QUOTE in News post doesn't work on the main page of the site. Only in Forum.
  8. SergSlim

    Proggy sound

    While listening to the XFM Radio (London), trying to record the Stone Temple Pilots interview, LESTAT caught radio's anchorperson talking about Linkin Park: I had someone come in and play me brand new Linkin Park material in the wake. Someone from the management company. This is no lie. Came in to the XFM studio with a cop from America who would flown over with the one copy of the 6-track sampler of the new Linkin Park album and basically this cop's job was to guard it at all times. This is the true story. It really was the case of the new material being on the lock and key. But it was really good and actually very different. If you're one of those people who thought that Linkin Park have made the same album 3 times as far as their new studio releases go, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with this new one. There's rapping on it, but not the kind of rock-rap type of stuff that Mike Shinoda has done in the past. And the track is going to be the first single. At its full-length is almost proggy in places. It's very very good. Lots of take in, lots of new layers coming with the Linkin Park sound. And of course they have confirmed the full UK tour. You can download this part here
  9. Would be cool to have a forum and site wider. Or make the width of those depending on the monitor resolution. Having the forum only on half of the screen in width on my 1680x1050px resolution is quite a waste of space. I'm not sure how this thing is done based on the screen resolution, but I suppose that it can be done somehow. Gotta look into it on my own too.
  10. Nice... Did anyone record it? I have only few short clips.... My connection was fucking up the video few times, or it was on their side, but anyways it didn't make the recording
  11. Fucking Bandmerch. After this big change - they don't ship to Ukraine. And in the email they told me that they aren't going to add it to the list any time soon.... CRAP
  12. 5 A.M. Damn it....
  13. I like the remix Something new at least.
  14. Can someone tell me - what's the difference between: 1. Believe Me 5. Believe Me (Director's Cut)??? And give me links to each of those videos. I have one ripped from my FMM Militia DVD. Which version is that?
  15. Was 'Smoke Mouth' ever recorded in studio, or it is a live-only song, that you performed during shows? If it was recorded in studio - Who might have it? Is it possible to share it with Grey Daze fans?
  16. Yeah. That's the main question for me now.
  17. We definitely need a field for SEX under avatar, so that we don't call girls - He, and vice versa.
  18. Great. More informative for newcomers
  19. I was talking about Contributors.
  20. Lol, I noticed that color change today too... My reaction - O_o
  21. Crap. I'm so pissed at such things.... They can't do anything normally. They should always fuck us at some point, either by editing stuff out, or just replacing the song fully.... This whole SBD idea was shit, if they can't make it as it is.
  22. SergSlim

    B.O.W. Pic

    You should listen to the speech before Anything, Anything at that show - Chester explained everything himself.
  23. I didn't read through all of our member's favorite moments, so if mine is the same as someone else's - it would be quite cool.... I don't know what to chose from, but I'll guess that my favorite moment would be crowd-surfing by Mike or Chester (if he did that ever)
  24. I must admit, that my LPST code did work.
  25. Where in FMM were Cigarettes samples? And 8 seconds of Believe Me sounds funny Added, w/o pics, but with names. Not sure if all of them are correct and full enough.
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