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Everything posted by leftshoe18

  1. Looking forward to hearing the new CD. We get 3 new songs (well Pretend to Be has already been released) and a ton of instrumentals.
  2. with lpux we now have 22 songs that were at least started during the recording sessions for lp's third album. i guess they were in a creative mood from 2005-2007
  3. they should swap out shadow of the day with breaking the habit and that set would be amazing.
  4. The round is over: Burning in the Skies 8 When They Come For Me 3 Iridescent 7 Wretches and Kings 10 Another close round and Wretches and Kings is eliminated. The remaining songs on the album are: 3. Burning in the Skies 5. When They Come For Me 8. Waiting for the End 12. Iridescent I'm gonna change my vote to When They Come For Me. Here's the order of elimination so far: 15. Empty Spaces 14. Robot Boy 13. Fallout 12. The Radiance 11. Wisdom, Justice, and Love 10. Jornada Del Muerto 9. The Requiem 8. The Messenger 7. Blackout 6. The Catalyst 5. Wretches and Kings 4-1. TBD
  5. i wonder if they'll do anything special for one step closer now that's it's back in its proper place.
  6. If it is, then you've spoiled the surprise.
  7. Is the tracklisting out yet? But seriously, this should be an awesomme show since it's the tour finale.
  8. From earlier in the thread: But I don't know where this person got this information from.
  9. 59 6f 75 27 72 65 20 67 6f 6e 6e 61 20 68 61 76 65 20 74 6f 20 74 72 79 20 68 61 72 64 65 72 20 74 68 61 6e 20 74 68 61 74 21 QnV0IGNhbiB5b3UgZ3V5cyBkZWNvZGUgdGhpcz8=
  10. If the CD is on sale tomorrow, as has been reported, then it will definitely leak by Friday at the latest. I'm excited to see what LP has put together for this year's CD.
  11. 01000011011101010111101000100000011010010111010000100111011100110010000001110111 011010000110000101110100001000000110000101101100011011000010000001110100011010000 110010100100000011000110110111101101111011011000010000001101011011010010110010001 11001100100000011001000110111100101110
  12. That's because the cooler you are, the louder your mic is. And Mike really is scoring the cool points this year with that beanie he's been wearing. lol
  13. I'm just glad we finally have something to extend our Xero collections. Edit: And it's a song we had never heard of. I wonder how many more of those are lying around waiting to be released on future LPU CDs.
  14. I want: - 1 xero song - 2 hybrid theory outtakes/demos - 2 metoera outtakes - 1 minutes to midnight outtake/demo (if they even have any left lol) - 4 a thousand suns outtakes/demos that seems like it would be awesome
  15. You hear that folks? It's gonna be all over the internet tomorrow night. lol Thanks for clearing that up. Clarity Edit: I'm not saying that you will leak it, just that if copies are available it will likely leak.
  16. So, are they just playing the CD or will they actually have the tracklist at some point?
  17. I wonder if the CD is being premiered on the first or second day of the summit.
  18. 01010011011010010110111001100011011001010010000001110111011010000110010101101110 001000000110010001101111011001010111001100100000010010000110111101101101011001010 111001000100000010100110110100101101101011100000111001101101111011011100010000001 110011011100000110010101100001011010110010000001100010011010010110111001100001011 100100111100100111111
  19. It's a short setlist, but here's what I'd play: 1. Pinion (Nine Inch Nails cover) 2. Wish/Into the Void (Nine Inch Nails cover medley [into the Void verses replace Wish verses]) 3. Sick (my own song) 4. I'm Too Sexyback (Right Said Fred/Justin Timberlake cover medley) 5. Bad Poker Face (Lady Gaga cover medley) 6. King of Carrot Flowers Pt 1,2, & 3 (Neutral Milk Hotel cover medley) [blends into...] 7. One Step Closer (Linkin Park cover[Reanimation bridge]) 8. La Luna, Pt. 1 & 3 (medley of my own songs)
  20. The round is over: The Catalyst 7 Wretches and Kings 5 Iridescent 5 Burning in the Skies 2 When They Come For Me 1 Waiting for the End 1 This has got to be the closest round of this election. The Catalyst is eliminated. The remaining songs on the album are: 3. Burning in the Skies 5. When They Come For Me 8. Waiting for the End 10. Wretches and Kings 12. Iridescent I'm gonna go with Burning in the Skies for this round. Here's the order of elimination so far: 15. Empty Spaces 14. Robot Boy 13. Fallout 12. The Radiance 11. Wisdom, Justice, and Love 10. Jornada Del Muerto 9. The Requiem 8. The Messenger 7. Blackout 6. The Catalyst 5-1. TBD
  21. It says: "Do something like that www.megaupload.com" according to this site.
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