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Fleur de Lys

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Everything posted by Fleur de Lys

  1. The thing people think is "crazy" about the guitars on the Faint demo is the fact that the melody is played with powerchords only, instead of octaves and harmonizing powerchords, it might sound pretty cool and fresh to your ear now, but really, the real guitars in the real version are much much better musically in my opinion. That goes for all the demos, Figure 09 for instance, it sounds pretty fresh and new right now, but when you think about it, the guitars are much better on the real version. The bridge has much more rythm in the real version, just go back and listen and compare, it's much more developed, much more special on the real version. The tapping riff in the intro is much more badass on the real song, though the guitar sound is more raw on the demos, which is pretty dope. In my opinion, what you really get out of this is a deep inside look of Linkin Park's working process, and that's really really cool, so I love this LPU CD, it's the very best yet. But in my opinion all the songs are better than the demos, everything else would be stupid as it's demos. I like Across The Line, very unique track.
  2. I think what you're missing is a storyline to go with the performance. They're are both just band performances.
  3. Wow, that's very interesting! Where did you get this info?
  4. Someone, please ask him how he keeps tight to the samples Linkin Park use live, I always wanted to know if he's using a click in his earmonitors or..?
  5. This is 100 % the best performance I've seen from this band.
  6. Crawl Back In is up now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvy6M0G11rU
  7. I don't know how old you are, but they didn't look horrible back then at all. It may look horrible now, but they all had the "skater style" back then, which noone thought looked ugly back then.
  8. I don't like their appearence either, but who cares? It's clothes. This is music. I think the "I wanna die" part is very honest actually. He might be 35 years old, yes, but his life was a fucking mess when he wrote that song, he thought he was never gonna see his kids again and he just got devorced. He was even living in a small apartment because he had no money. Who can blame him? At least he isn't writing lyrics that are tailored to fit whiny teenagers anymore. Like Runaway and Numb, which are both about hating your parents one way or another. In my opinion. Anyway, it's also very stupid to use "I wanna cut through my skin" as an example. If you were actually paying attention listening to the song, and not taking things out of context, you would know that the next sentence is: "and pull you within". So it's a love song. It has nothing to do with actually cutting through your skin. I guess you only hear what you want to hear huh?
  9. I personally think the drums sound a lot better now. The band as a whole is, as you said, also better now. They're a lot tighter. Brad changed his amps from Marshall to Randall before the MtM touring cylcle. His distortion is a lot cleaner now, not as raw as back then. While I normally prefer cleaner distortion, I think his new distortion lacks bass and fill. That's why his guitar sounds so low on live recordings. So all in all, his old amps fits the band better in my opinion.
  10. Condemned, Let Down, WIC sounds fucking awesome. The rest did not do anything for me. Yet.
  11. It's an okay song. Best riff until now, all though that dosn't say much. The people talking about auto tune are wrong, you can easily get vocals in tune today and it's impossible to hear. That, people, is called an effect. Though, I don't like the sound of it either. And I'm not saying they havn't used auto tune, but that's definitely not what you're hearing.
  12. Haha, I agree on Hybrid Theory and Meteora being overproduced. In my opinion a more raw approach would have been a better fit for this song though. You're not the only one, I like this version far better. I think the screaming in the chorus sounds out of place in the live version, and I can't hear the double bass drum. DBS live impressed me. They pretty much had whole crowds against them from beginning to end but they still rocked out. Also, Chester is ten times better live on these songs than he is on LP's. I know a lot of songs uses this progression, but it's not only that. The start-stop rythm of the guitar throughout the verses is very similar to Little Sister. The 2009 melody of the verse is also very close. I liked the 08 version better, I never thought of Little Sister back then and the verses had so much more energy.
  13. The drumming is sick. Never heard anyone using double bass like this before, it's awesome. Also, I like the fact that the tone of the doulbe bass is un-usual, very discant. Love it. Just a real shame that the song is a rip off of Little Sister by Queens of The Stone Age, but whatever, good song!
  14. It's a metaphore for loosing someone and moving on, it makes sense. I don't think Chester ever mixes random words together. I just think his lyrics are quite simple, which I like, in some cases. Mike Shinoda is more complex. And he is the only one of the two who could ever end up mixing random words together, in my opinion. Bleed it Out.
  15. Funny, I think Leave Out All The Rest is one of their most cliché lyrics, I really think they destroy the song. But the other two are quite good, yes. I think Papercut (MS), In Between (MS) and Part of Me (MS) are some of the best just to mention a few. But this just proves the fact that lyrics are very subjective to every person, and you can never really judge who's the better writer.
  16. Haha! Apperantly their ear-monitors were still working. Can't believe nobody told the band faster.
  17. Can anyone tell me how Joe got the spirit back for the 2009 shows? So much energy man, I'm loving it...
  18. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was tuned in standard half step down instead of the drop D tuning the song needed. Haha. Quick switch indeed. And there's plenty of bass if you ask me. Not that the mix is perfect at all. I think the drums could've been louder, and we need to see Rob more.
  19. His guitar wasn't tuned right. He changed it after the octave part in the beginning.
  20. I think it's really awesome actually. I love Chester's performance here, the solo could have been better, but I like the overall style. The lyrics are awesome too.
  21. Can't wait for the set-list. Btw, anyone noticed how Dead By Sunrise ripped off Queens of The Stone Age's Little Sister with their song My Suffering? Especially with the new verses. Even though the chorus dosn't sound like Little Sister, it has the same tempo shift and the music is very similar throughout the song.
  22. Might have been a bad day, I think there was a very good connection with the fans to the shows I've been too.
  23. @MrPool, It's not fair to compare the old shows to recordings from Rock In Rio, the audio mixing of those videos totally kills them, they suck ass. I hate that show. Now compare it to the videos I posted instead. I agree, they had more energy back then, but who can blame them? You see what happened to Chester from jumping down from risers for 10 years, and we don't want that do we? They ARE getting older, and that's just the way it is. Musically, I think they are a lot tighter now and the sound have improved at their shows. Saying the new shows suck is retarded. I even met LP haters, who admitted they kicked ass at festival shows last year. And are you basing your point on recordings? Did you go to any of the 2007-08 shows? Cause it's a lot different to just watch it on YouTube than to actually being there. If you go to a show, try to compare the overall energy, not only from the band but the whole thing, to other bands shows.
  24. I have to agree with Lord_Arthas, Faint Rock Am Ring 2007 rocks. This is the best performance of Chester I've seen. He mixes rock 'n' roll vocals with metal vocals in the ending, I've never heard anything like it, it's sick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qe7okyqG6zs Also, I love One Step Closer from the same concert, people go nuts. The band does an exelent performance. I love the bridge, with all the hands and Brads expression:
  25. I think Fire will have a screaming chorus, or at least agressive vocals. It sounds like it, from the guitar.
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