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Posts posted by NJPLP

  1. 13 minutes ago, EnhanX said:

    Ok, but what about these numbers? https://drive.google.com/file/d/15tLBPP33r6Ym0jYfEFV1zKz2g3jU3fbM/view?usp=sharing

    + I think Xs in the right-top corner of the image have some purpose

    That number is "1 (223) 548-7210. When I called, I got a voicemail saying something about Verizon Wireless (Probably to tell me that the number is not available, like other have said the number is unavailable).


    As for the X's in the top right corner, I have no idea what those are for. Who knows in terms of that.

  2. 3 minutes ago, jopevc said:

    Yeah, that´s one thing that doesn´t convince me that´s a date. It was just the first thing that came to mind. But what could it be? Another phone number (doubt it), just a random number to throw us of?

    I tried calling "000296+04*" (The "+" is "0" on a phone) and got a voicemail saying "if you are in an emergency, call 991". After heard that, I stopped the call.

  3. Pictureboard > From The Inside

    Could Have Been > In The End

    Coal > Dialate

    Pushing Me Away > Lost

    Lost > Numb

    Lost > Nobody's Listening

    Coal > Hurry > So Far Away > Soundtrack

    Coal > Pods (1, 2, and 3)

    Asbestos > Given Up

    Pale > Hands Held High

    After Canada > Hands Held High

    The Wizard Song > Lost

    Points Of Authority > Pretend To Be

    Chance Of Rain > In Pieces

    Can't Hurt Me > Heavy

    QWERTY > Lies Greed Misery


    I'm pretty sure there are more, but these are the ones that I know of for now.

  4. 13 minutes ago, jopevc said:

    What are the chances that "Lost" might be leaked before its released?

    We know "She Couldn't" leaked 11 years before it got officially released by Linkin Park in 2020 (mainly because it got leaked on an old 8-track demo dating back to 2000 that was discovered in 2009). Who knows, though, "Dialate", the Chester version of "Pictureboard", "Could Have Been", the Mark version of "Esaul", and the Chester version of "Stick N Move" didn't leak before they were released on October 9th, 2020 as a part of the HT20 boxset. It still could be possible for it to leak, though.

  5. 2 hours ago, DylHDZ said:

    If I had to guess… I feel like we’ll get an announcement with a song this Thursday Jan 26th and the release March 24th  

    I seems like you might be right with the announcement and "Lost" being released on Thursday, January 26th, though, I don't really agree with you in terms of the boxset being released on Friday, March 24th. I feel like it might be released on Friday, March 10th, like what me and @AJ93 thought, though, who knows when the boxset is going to be released. We'll have to wait until Thursday to find out the date.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Hybrider said:

    You have right. I checked every LP album and they were all released on Tuesday except The Hunting Party and One More Light. Last 2 albums were released on Friday. So I believe to your theory.

    I kind of funny that he thinks that the Meteora 20 boxset is coming out on Friday, March 10th, 2023 because that's the exact same date that I thought is when the boxset might be coming out, mainly because it matches up with HT20.

  7. 24 minutes ago, thigolpbr said:

    it really is a mystery, we all expected only meteora 20th until lpu email last december.
    when they mentioned "exciting stuff".

    I really can't imagine what else is to come.
    "Secret things on secret projects" I think is very likely something MIKE related. but since it's not a new album, could it be something that involves the LP?
    a possible meeting? or short tour?

    I think Meteora 20 will be announced (whenever that is) then the Mike related (thing (if that's the case) will come sometime after the announcement. I'm thinking something like that will happen, though, who knows, lol.

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