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Everything posted by Soeffingnaive92

  1. Yeah we are talking about 6 unreleased songs (MTV, FM, Lost, Massive, Healing Foot and Friendly Fire) with vocals (possibly 7 with track n. 14 of this release)in a year. Amazing
  2. We didn’t even hear the full song, it might even be a “Primo” like situation with a weird decision by the band. All I can say so far is that it sounds more like classic pop LP I would imagine than, say, a song like Heavy does (I really like that song, don’t get me wrong). We’ll see, I think that if it’s just a Chester track with that classic LP chorus I’ll enjoy it more than GG or SFN.
  3. That song has amazing elements but it’s a Frankenstein song, too much stuff in there, lacks of cohesion
  4. This !!! It’s a OML song with LT vibes, I instantly thought about IMR/BID/IBG !
  5. Turns out it’s SOTD 😂😂and the guy got fired
  6. Brand new unreleased stuff almost 7 years after his passing is a BLESSING
  7. I like it, Stuck and Seasons are bangers and 7:1 and avalanche are typical TSTM. It’s not their worst record IMO
  8. I fucking love Thirty Seconds to Mars, just take it back 😂
  9. Keep hearing In my remains in that "fiiiire fiiiire"
  10. Same here, the first half is ehhhhhhhh,GATS itself has amazing elements but as a whole something prevents me from fully loving it and considering it worth a GH spot
  11. The MV extended intro is amaaaaazing
  12. Probably the same issue" that a song like Heavy has: both were really succesful but not really representative of LP and theri staying power. A song like WFTE while less succesful chart wise is more representative of LP and their evolution
  13. Lost is among the songs so no live shows sadly
  14. I wouldn't rage, but it would be kinda pointless honestly, in 2024, a compilation of your classics songs, with every song on it being at least 7 y.o. with the exception of Lost, thrown on a CD
  15. Duuuuuude it's been ages since we spoke!!! It was like PT cycle
  16. No hate for any LP album, my least fav is THP which has fantastic songs on it, it’s like a 7/10 overall, but the first half of it is my least fav collection of songs LP ever released, I love it from Wastelands on.
  17. Mike being so quiet and especially not promoting his solo stuff and not disbanding the rumors surrounding the GH is a signal IMO
  18. If there’s something from THP, it has to be Final Masquerade, in a GH mindset.
  19. Or "Too Legit" where half of the lyrics are PANANANANANANAAAAA
  20. Lost was so huge that they probably decided to go with more Chester stuff and keep the momentum going. Like, waiting 10 years to release Friendly Fire is nonsense IMO, keep the momentum going. A pop song with CB on vocals would definitely crack the alternative chart or billboard and make 50 M streams on Spotify in a few months
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