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Everything posted by Soeffingnaive92

  1. It’s A LOT MORE than what I was expecting. I expected bland remixes of AO like the ALTNC EP or the BID ones, but this is cool, none of the remixes sounds similar to the OG. Love it. And the Finer bridge is 🔥
  2. NIN/Radiohead and BMTH “amo” vibes, alongside with ATS. This EP is Mike back to form
  3. Lost would have been huge back then but it’s weaker than Numb so I get why they didn’t include it. But it’s fucking amazing to have it.
  4. Virgin Radio Italy says that the reason why the song didn’t end up on Slash’s album was that Warner didn’t want such a huge collaboration to “shift” the attention from A thousand suns coming out within few months … it feels kinda weird because fans don’t act like “who cares about new LP, we have Slash and Chester” lol…
  5. Same person singing the same word in the same period of time (2010), kinda normal it sounds the same 😀
  6. Really digging the DBS/STP vibe of the track, Chester feels in his element here 100%. Like, it’s a very simple song but super effective
  7. I still love listening to albums front to back, and I see fans in general still do. Like, as a random example, the number of streams per each song on the new TSTM record is well distributed, except for Stuck that was released 4 months prior to the record, meaning that people still enjoy listening to the record from start to finish.
  8. I like how the AO FM remix is a totally different track, it’s like Reanimation stuff.
  9. Oli Sykes screaming “e everything is gonna be fucking fiiiiiine, I am eating your sooooul” confirmed. Sad that we are not getting a Tom Swoon Remix of AO.
  10. Disrespectful and weird. If you want to make a documentary/movie about Chester make it about his LIFE, not his last day with this weird thing of the letter … Nobody wants to revisit that specific day/period of time.
  11. As a “Mike” song yeah, that shit is great
  12. Well said, fav Mike song since Promises I can’t keep.
  13. Definitely, the instrumental is somewhere between MTM and the first half of LT, mainly IMR and IBG.
  14. Song is nice ! It’s like a Mike’s song with MTM instrumentals, i like the second part more than the first, it’s fun, super repetitive but fun
  15. Really LP-ish lyrics, very relatable and suitable for different situations of life.
  16. Totally, let’s not forget that OSC is less than 3 minutes long and Numb is 3.09.
  17. hahah. Seriously, I am not really complaininig, I love Heavy and it clocks in at 2.50 or something like that, and my fav TTSM songs off the new record are 2.40-2.50 minutes
  18. Song is only 2.40 so when you start vibing it’s… already over. Lol.
  19. Gosh the first minute of tha Australian Tv intro, the feelings again
  20. Totally in for something energetic that doesn’t feel like a Chester clone. I totally get why Mike wouldn’t want a song with Oli or Sam Carter
  21. He clearly doesn’t want to create an imitation of LP in his future music and it’s totally understandable. I mean, I bet he would never want to be “Mike Shinoda with someone who tries to sound like Chester”
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