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Everything posted by Soeffingnaive92

  1. Yeah it could be that, in fact I told myself “it’s different” and then I was like “I don’t know”. Replying to @Andros it’s the exact same song, the vocals are the exact same 100%, I just had the feeling the mix was a bit different (especially the beginning) but I could be wrong.
  2. I think an Italian rock radio is playing the 2002 mix, I might be wrong but I heard some differences. I even played it on Spotify just right after I heard it on the radio (same car stereo) and the one I heard on the radio sounded rawer and louder, IMO
  3. In other news my Grey Daze copies of Wake me and No Sun Today just arrived, so if someone ordered them months ago well no worries, they arrived to me in Italy, you will get them lol
  4. yeah,, I get why stuff like Lost was not included, or FM, but adding MTV wouldn't have hurt, yeah. Like adding too similar songs (FM and Lost with Numb and Figure 09 and HTF already there) would have weightedb th album, but one more song with a different vibe like MTV ? Yeah
  5. I am happy to have these songs now that Chester is gone, it's something new/old from an era we love. My comment about these demos being possibly included on the album was to point out the quality of the tracks, I love M as it is too
  6. Imagine Meteora tracklist with the 4 songs we have (pretending for a moment that Fighting myself was finished in 2003): Foreword DS SIB FM LFY HTF ETR MTV Faint Lost Figure 09 BTH Healing Foot (renamed) FTI Nobody’s Session Numb
  7. At this point the demos are so good that Meteora could have been 17 tracks…blown away
  8. Yeah it’s like comparing a song from the last BMTH record as opposed to By Myself, the guitars in the latter are 10 times heavier.
  9. Yeah, the version we got could have never been on HT, I love to have it but I think we can all agree it’s vastly inferior to anything on HT
  10. I am blown away by the level of completion of these “demos”. Like, we are not talking about asbestos or Too Legit or Pictureboard, these are almost done songs, Lost is a song that almost made the cut, FM is 90% done (Mike’s words), MTV the same, and Healing Foot is very raw and quite formulaic but not that far from being a song that could have been on the record… wow
  11. It’s so good! Always loved the instrumental. It has something of both ITE and Faint
  12. So far for me it's really hard to rank the four songs we have because the effect of being new LP from an old era I love is really weird and amazing, but... so far I can say: LOST: I really love it, it's like Numb little sister, the chorus is super strong and the second verse is better than the first, the bridge is amazing but the instrumental in the verses is a bit too demo-ish for me, kinda like a Xero demo. FIGHTING MYSELF: looove it but totally get why it was not on the album, it's really too similar to Papercut and HTF (and maybe a bit even to Figure09), I think I like it more than HTF because of the bridge and the weird crazy reversed vocal. MORE THE VICTIM: it has that weird punky vibe and the chorus makes me think of DBS, Mike's rap is very good, but it's one that could have fit more on LT than Meteora IMO. HEALING FOOT: love the song, it's very demo-ish but gives me vibes of Faint and ITE and the instrumental is a bit Reanimation style. Out of the 4 we heard so far, this one is the one that I think needed more work to be complete.
  13. Yeah this was not like LOST, who almost made the cut, this was a song that was really far in the process but was scrapped. I’m glad we have it, it’s a holy grail definitely because it’s 110% old school LP but it’s kinda repetitive and quite similar to at least a couple of better songs. It’s great but not one of these “OMG WTF WHY THIS WAS NOT ON THE ALBUM” situations
  14. Yeah he is a manager now, he had panic performing live, plus I think last time he recorded vocals on something was like 1998.
  15. I have to agree, I remember when LOST dropped I was like "How the fuck this song was not on the album instead of Nobody's listening or HTF?" then I realized, I love LOST but i see why it was not on the album (mainly being Numb 2.0 and also pretty similar to ETR).
  16. Having the opportunity to listen to Wake me and NST on Spotify makes me appreciate even more the outstanding work they did with Amends and The Phoenix, they did a phenomenal job
  17. Your joke made me realize that I fucking want a Mark the graves demo, the possibility of it having very different lyrics is high
  18. Yeah like the terrible metal version of “Heavy” someone did in 2017… IF one of the biggest bands of the last 2 decades decides to make a song that has a specific sound, it doesn’t mean that a metal version will be better automatically 😂😂 falls in the “metal head stereotypical way of thinking” 😂.
  19. I pre-ordered the 3 CDs bundle, maybe it is stupid but I want something to celebrate M20 but at the same time I don't care THAT much about vynils and live shows so it'd be basically something I'd watch once/twice and then put on a shelf for years. Don't get me wrong, the box set is amazing and not even THAT expensive, but it's me. I bought Amends super Deluxe and last time I opened the picture book was like 2021
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