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Everything posted by Soeffingnaive92

  1. It’s so jarring and weird to have the album versions on Spotify, like, I can go past the 1 second of Blackout at the end of WFTE, but having the walkout noises and Chester talking at the end of LOATR and then there’s no BIO right after but another song (Lost or Numb, don’t remember the tracks order) is ehhhh
  2. I still do like the studio version of QWERTY but I have the same issues I have with some THP tracks. About the title, I think it is a similar situation to Figure 09, the title matched with lyrics would be “behind your lies” as much as Figure09 could have been “become you” or something like that, but I love them keeping the demo title
  3. Transitioning from OML to BID is so jarring 😂😂😂 I like the tracklist order
  4. YOU HIDE BEHIND LIES ! The visualizer is kinda cool, very LPU retro, almost ATS vibes kinda graphic
  5. Yeah this one sounds like a watered down and simplified version of Not Alone and Holding Company
  6. I don't get this comment at all. Like, they released a capella and instrumentals all the time in their career, they challenged fans with remix contests... I can get the criticism over Papercuts in general, I do think a GH in 2024 is kinda pointless, but a cashgrab for ... this ? As if Warner is making a lot of money out of A capella and instrumental FF on streaming.
  7. yeah it could boost the streams/interest up. imagine a Lost remix contest with dozens of electronic/edm/etc remixes like they did with The Catalyst or stuff like that
  8. Yeah it’s so weird that we got THP and LT instrumentals and acapellas on streaming services and no HT M and MTM which are the most successful albums by them. Like, we don’t have ITE or Numb instrumentals but we have War and UIB. So weird
  9. They should release the acapellas and instrumentals for the whole OML album too.
  10. I think ATS20 will blow our mind, they could have so many unreleased stuff we don't even know. Like, I bet there are at least a couple of finished songs we never heard and alternative versions of album songs like Robot Boy with almost entirely different lyrics we got on LPU
  11. OFF TOPIC: am I the only one who cannot post in the shout box ? When I try to post the page reloads and gets deleted
  12. It could even be the case, but to be honest I imagine the Numb demo being very similar to the final one, since they recorded the song very late in the album process, so I wouldn't be surprised if the Numb demo is just Numb with slightly different lyrics
  13. OML live is what a live of OML should be, they cut some hits and that is weird but I love that they had the balls to put out a live album with 90% songs off that record
  14. Such an underrated song, I don’t understand why it didn’t go big like Lost, it sits there with 25M on Spotify despite being the classic catchy rap rock LP tune
  15. Haha yeah, it’s full of band who has Meteora/HT elements
  16. Why replicate the sound of 20 years ago ? That’s not what I would find exciting TBH
  17. Haha, sorry. I still do like THP as it is but it's my least fav album by LP and it's the one I would "reimagine" the most. I love heavy LP but not that kind of heavy TBH.
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