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Everything posted by Alexonlyalex

  1. Mark ur alive? wooow
  2. catalyst
  3. I dunno much, but I can say its amazing piece of LP's history.
  4. I hate Xefuzion too, gets attention he doesnt deserve, F*CK YOU
  5. http://www.creativeman.co.jp/artist/2011/09linkin/
  6. Yay, one more time I can show off, brag and whatever else you want, muahahahahaha but guys you can call me whatever u want but ur just jelly, and I know that and idc. Gosh, Im so childish that it hurts.
  7. how would people write linkin park in japanese?
  8. I'f I remember right around 2007 I've been redirected from bazinga! or lprevolution to the text version of the site. I knew back then that the site had huge potential, but was never active or anything. Yeah, good times.
  9. LP PLEEZ COME TO NORD KOREA PLEASE; WE LOVE YOU WHY YOU HATE US? PLEASE COME HERE that was my smart comment for todays show.
  10. Still fake, otherwise give me reason to prove me wrong. noob
  11. What many dont know is, that Blackbirds was rly close being released as a single, like it was everywhere entered as such, but it got cancelled if you remember the wea entry from some time ago. I'm sure they(warner) already sent confirmation to radios that its going to be a single so they(radio stations) played it.
  12. Points of Authority was on Radio, heard APFM recently too.
  13. lol, once u get the ticket call them up ask ur not sure what type u are and give them number of the ticket or w/e, shall work if you dont say your name.
  14. Dude so true, they only care about their own projects, they dont give a fuck about this sorts of information actually. LoL I gotta think bout the gruenspan show in hamburg, it was filmed for release, a dude told me that directly on the show. Then I called them like after 5 months, he didnt even know what i was talkin about. So yeah, unless the person ur talkin bout is not LPs management(even if you get Lps management to talk, they wont say much) u wont get any decent information not because they hatin, just because they dunno.
  15. I also know for sure, that OOA sold so bad, at least way behind their expections, that there might be no second DBS album, at least not paid by Warner for recording studio ect., if I'm correct warner even made minus with it, which is rly sad, imo.
  16. then go google, I'm not mark which can spend 3 million dollar on a cd and share it with the world, dammit I'm not not a hacker, neither 1337, but i did it somehow, took me a week of reading and 1200 wii points, and trust me, if I can do this then you can too. besides that, I loooove trolling, dont judge me for that.
  17. Oh damn, I thought you knew how crack the .ogg's, hmmm LOL, really, I'm already 100% warned u guys wanna me be kicked completely out of here? Anyway, u shall stop talking bout this shit here and move it to VIP or W/E cause some higher powers watching this thread.
  18. Over 9000 times already, just not publicaly.
  19. They could at least use the GH tracks, damn
  20. Daaamn, so many memories on this one, wow
  21. nothing new compared to europe.
  22. You did the best thing you could do, you went public, sooner or later they will see it here.
  23. I dunno, grey daze doesnt have the groove that Lp Fm or dbs has, at least not for me, so I'm not very interested in them
  24. Lestat, I'm so sry that none discussing your interview, though I know the original, which would make people discuss. Anyway awesome stuff, huge thx for sharing.
  25. I like it how I got over 30 pms about the rips and especially those who send me 2-3 pms (you know who you are), damn I wont for sure send anyone those per pm or something. But if you are patient, you'll get them soon, gotta clear up how to make it without putting LPL in a bad light in warners eyes.
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