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Everything posted by Alexonlyalex

  1. Next time steadycam please. The girl is amazing at interviewing the stars, I'm sure I would fail big time.
  2. Itunes is ok, but they force me to install quicktime with it, and THIS is pain in da ass!
  3. I rather install viruses and trojaners than itunes, livestream wont happen for me if the stream cant be viewed outside of itunes.
  4. the reason why the crowd sucks, is because they were for filter there and not jk.
  5. I missed the: *Too poor to afford tickets and travel. *I hate the ats setlists so far. answers, on live show questions.
  6. He means it will be in 1013, in 6 million years after our existence as we know it destroys itself and new species will lead the world.
  7. the fuck, whatever there supposed to be, I dont see it. Shit doesnt load for me at all.
  8. Awwww man, this sucks, we need some fuckin jk.
  9. I gotta say, that on every concert the crowd is at least that loud. In such proshots you just cant hear them, this one is an exception. I've heard audio and videos of Lp concert where I was at, you basicly don't hear anyone, though the crowd was super loud. You can't judge by Videos or audio recordings how loud the crowd actually was.
  10. Yup, 100%. I think everyone noticed that and who didnt, will notice in your signature.
  11. I assume it is in HD, yeah.
  12. I dunno much, but I can say its amazing piece of LP's history.
  13. I hate Xefuzion too, gets attention he doesnt deserve, F*CK YOU
  14. http://www.creativeman.co.jp/artist/2011/09linkin/
  15. Yay, one more time I can show off, brag and whatever else you want, muahahahahaha but guys you can call me whatever u want but ur just jelly, and I know that and idc. Gosh, Im so childish that it hurts.
  16. I'f I remember right around 2007 I've been redirected from bazinga! or lprevolution to the text version of the site. I knew back then that the site had huge potential, but was never active or anything. Yeah, good times.
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