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Everything posted by iPodwithnomusic

  1. What are "Official bootlegs"? Are these the pro shots of each show they recorded?
  2. I thought the pods were all instrumentals?
  3. I'd have to say the real holy grail is the show in 2000 where they played Pictureboard. Any sort of recording of that would be incredible.
  4. Wasn't a bad video, a little short, but was interesting to see some behind the scenes of Joe getting replaced for those three shows.
  5. The Linkin Park and Friends title is interesting. Imagine if Page Hamilton showed up and they played the live debut of AFN? Or Tom Morello for Drawbar? Too bad it's probably just Aoki.
  6. Rock band 4 wasn't released on the PC? So far people haven't been able to extract it from the Xbox or PS4 versions because the song files are a lot more heavily encrypted.
  7. I follow the Rock Band communities very closely and so far no has made any mention of progress on getting out multitracks, however I will be sure to post when they do!
  8. I completely agree with Tako / Geki / whoever, and I respect Chester's decision. As someone who doesn't listen to STP, I'm not excited he left, and I find it strange anyone would be happy he quit doing something he loves.
  9. I'll post this again, Part of Me 7 / 8 / 9 track demos have Chester screaming "cut myself free" before the chorus, but on the hybrid theory EP / LPU1 Mike says it. Also, the version of Untitled on LPU11 has a lot more kicks in the drum pattern than the versions on the 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 track demos.
  10. I would love it if his solo was a remix of Tinfoil and right after they play Powerless! Although I know this is extremely unlikely.
  11. Who's Julien-K, and what do they have to do with Linkin Park?
  12. I love all of LP's albums, but If they actually makes an EDM album, that would be the first one I don't listen to.
  13. I like the way it look like the album cover, but for some reason there is some white shape added in that covers part of the soldier's face. And there is a big ugly R in the bottom right corner. I suppose it is a bit simple considering the hype. I can't understand why LP doesn't just sell shirts with the album covers on them, and posters of the album cover. I would buy HT and LT posters in a heartbeat if I could.
  14. The first post is missing the version of Victimized with piano and gang vocals that can be seen in the making of living things.
  15. 1. Leave Out All The Rest (Mike's Full Version) 2. Figure.09 (Singing Verses) 3. True Chainz / All For Nothing (Mike's Vocals) 4. Final Masquerade (Mike's Vocals) / (Alternative drum play) 5. Tinfoil (Powerless Longform 2010 demo) 6. Guilty All The Same (Mike rapping) 7. Victimized (with gang vocals) 8. March of the Dead 9. Any unreleased THP song 10. Any unreleased ATS / LT song 11. In My Remains demo
  16. I like the Ballad medley. I'd rather they drop Castle of Dance and Runaway / Wastelands.
  17. This was cool to hear, but I'm not really a fan of it.
  18. As far as I know, this has nothing to do with LP Underground, so I assume we will still be getting LPU15
  19. Here's a link to the page on linkinpark.com I have to admit, when I got an email titled "Announcing XVLP‏" I thought it was announcing the LPU15 CD, and got really hyped for a minute
  20. Does anyone have a tab of what Phoenix plays on "A Line in the Sand"? Even if you could tell me what guitar parts he plays from Astat's guitar tabs, that would help.
  21. If I remember correctly, before they released Minutes to Midnight, they signed a contract for 5 more albums. Their next album will be the fifth one.
  22. I'm talking about after the contract ends. Surely they won't still get a % of the sales and shows then?
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