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Everything posted by Geki

  1. Pretty cool. If he did one in NYC or Boston, I'd definitely be there.
  2. Thanks. Wish there were good recordings of all of those.
  3. If it made the final album of OML it probably would have some shitty trap beat instead of real drums from an actual person and would probably feature some shitty rap artist on it. Even though Chester is the one who reached out to Billy for the song, Chester would probably be removed from the song. Probably would have Mike doing his sub par singing even though Chester was the lead singer of the band. Most bands use their lead singer for vocals that are going to make a final album. But maybe, yeah. This track is more MTM sounding since it actually has real instrumentation on it from humans and doesn’t have horrible guest features like a lot of LP.
  4. We all know that some crowds are more crazy then others. For example, Chester said that the show in Norway in 2011 was one of the craziest crowds that they ever played to. I think it's safe to say that show was the craziest crowd of the ATS Cycle. Anyone know of others? I'd like to know for each cycle. The band feeds off of the crowd's energy, so usually the show is awesome, too. Norway 2011 is really good for that reason, listen to the DSP.
  5. It's kind of cool that Chester reached out to Billy Howerdel. I thought Ashes Divide was badass on PR08. Their 2008 album was good, too. A Perfect Circle has always has some good songs. It was cool that he was able to reach out to him that many years after PR08 and they made a song. Makes me wonder who else Chester and Mike reached out to during that time that we might not know about. We would have probably never known about this track if Billy didn't decide to finish it for the Perfect Circle album and talk about it.
  6. Yeah, he does that in the live version that he did with them in 2006/2007/2008. But I always thought he was on the studio version doing it, too. Sounds like him to me. If you listen to the demo of Technical Difficulties released with Time Capsule, the we are part is just a computer voice, no screaming. I think that's him on the album and he just wasn't credited for it.
  7. Sick that we will get a livestream. First M.S. show.
  8. I thought he WASN'T featured in the studio version, according to someone years ago, but I always thought that he was. Sounds like him and the Technical Difficulties Demo released through Time Capsule this year only reinforces my thoughts since the demo sounded so different. He played it with Julien-K live many times but idk. I guess someone should ask Amir or Ryan.
  9. If RU won, he should alternate SFN with it. It's clear a lot of the hardcore fans want to hear SFN and I think a lot of the reason RU got such a big vote was because it was played at the Hollywood Bowl show. Maybe he will do shortened versions of RU and SFN, cutting out Chester's parts. Maybe it would all fit in one set, actually.
  10. Like I said, there are some songs that I like on the album. One More Light, Nobody Can Save Me, Battle Symphony and Sharp Edges are all songs that I think are pretty good. The songs that I hate the most are Good Goodbye, Heavy, Invisible and Halfway Right. The rest are just boring to me. I don't like Heavy primarily because I don't think Kiiara needed to be featured, I think it would have been a lot better with just Chester singing, especially after learning how much the song meant to him lyrically. Some of the sounds in the song annoy me too, though, such as the intro. Good Goodbye annoyed me with all the trap sounds and the chipmunk sound. I like the chipmunk sound on Nobody Can Save Me, actually. I just hate it on Good Goodbye for some reason. I don't think Pusha T was really necessary. Would have been better with just Mike. Stormzy's verse isn't that bad but even still I don't love it. Some of the lyrics in his verse are cringe worthy. Overall it's just kind of an annoying song to me. Invisible is fine lyrically, I actually don't hate the lyrics, and I know Mike wrote them for his kids. But the song is just way too poppy and ''Disney'' for my liking. I also am not a huge fan of Shinoda singing but I do like him in some songs, just not this one. Halfway Right is just kind of meh to me. It has a total ''trap'' beat and it sounds really unfinished to me. I could have done without the nananananana parts throughout the second half of the song. Maybe the structure should have been changed or something. I'm sure there were better songs that were scrapped that would have been a better fit for the album, even ones that Chester helped on. The lyrics once again don't bother me much but it's more so the melodies and sounds. Sorry For Now was a song that I was super hyped for when I heard that original clip in 2016. But I didn't expect the song to have all that chipmunk shit and trap sounds over it. The beat heard in that original clip seemed different, as well as the melody and background instrumental being changed. Sometimes simplicity for me works. If a song is good, it doesn't need to have tons of chaotic sounds, etc. I also think Blackbear should have done a verse in place of Chester's. I actually like Blackbear's music despite not liking trap or pop that much, I think he is probably the absolute best at that genre, similar to Skrillex for EDM, which I like, and I don't love EDM. Talking To Myself is OK, but I don't love it. I hate some of the trap sounds during the song, such as the repeating line of ''nobody's home'', etc. Would have been better with just straight raw Chester vocals. Once again, simplicity would have worked more for me. And lastly, Sharp Edges is a great song, but I do have an issue with the lyric of ''We learn what doesn't kill us makes us stronger''. Wish they chose a better line. That's the only line of the song that I hate. The melody is amazing, just the lyric.
  11. Yeah, originally, I was expecting a very mature, Coldplay esque sounding album. Something like the album version of Iridescent, but even more mature and beautiful sounding, I expected the entire album to sound like that. When they said they were writing some of the best lyrics they had ever written, it made me think it even more. Especially since they said they wrote lyrics and melodies first and worried about music later. I thought it would be a lot of stripped down, piano and acoustic guitar driven tracks, very raw sounding. I never would have expected full on pop and trap stuff, especially after the band publicly bashed that kind of music all the time just a few years prior. OML has some good tracks (OML, NCSM, Sharp Edges, Battle symphony), but I don't like a lot of it.
  12. Different than the sound of OML. Kind of mature rock sounding, like mature alternative. Kind of Coldplay esque. Would have been a cool direction for OML instead of the pop/trap sound. I'm sure a lot of it is the sound created by A Perfect Circle and it would have been more poppy/trap as a OML track.
  13. Oh, that’s lame as fuck. Was hoping Blackbear would be on it. Song just dropped in appreciation for me greatly. Meh.
  14. No, Living Things Plus didn't come with an mp3 folder of the show. Just the DVD, sadly. You could always rip the DVD audio but the rips out there are really shitty in quality, IMO, they are very low volume and don't sound nearly as good as the DVD, IMO.
  15. Sounds like a good song. Lyrics that were revealed were kind of meh but I haven’t heard more than a few lines. I think I’m gonna like this track though.
  16. I have a hard time believing that. Chester wrote a lot of lyrics on Meteora and MTM and he has said so himself in many interviews. MTM especially was an album where all the band members contributed because that's how they wanted to make that album. Watch the DVD. Mike says that he wanted everybody in the band to feel important and that's how they did it. If 1 band member didn't like something, they would change it, etc. They all had to contribute. And Chester wrote a shit ton on MTM. He said he wrote the lyrics to GU, TLTGYA. Mike told me personally that he wrote the lyrics to Valentine's Day. Chester came up with SOTD, etc. And the DVD also shows Chester doing lyrics with Mike. It wasn't just Mike and Brad. Mike and Brad may have created the music piece but Chester contributed a lot of lyrics on that album and prior. Meteora too, he wrote a lot. There's evidence of this stuff. ATS is really when Mike took over and Chester just let Mike and Brad go crazy and make cool stuff. Watch the DVD. ATS was Mike's baby, it's been said. And I think that stuck with albums after. But back to HT, some of HT was written before Chester even joined. Mark Wakefield has credit on some of the songs. No doubt that Chester contributed a shit ton to the album, especially for songs like Crawling and way more. But Mike made a lot of that HT music. He probably means Chester did a lot of lyrics and helped with the song writing because during interviews it's been said that Chester wrote a lot lyrics in earlier albums. I think Chester even elaborated a few times, saying Crawling was about his struggle with drugs and his identity, Runaway about him when he was younger wanting to apparently ''kill everyone'' and runaway, etc. I'm willing to bet Papercut, With You and Pushing Me Away were also written lyrically with Chester's input. And they changed the lyrics to a lot of the old HT demos like By Myself, Forgotten, APFMH, etc. All that stuff Chester contributed. So I'm not saying you're wrong with that. But Chester did still write for Meteora and a lot for MTM, he probably wrote the most for MTM actually.
  17. What songs did Chester come up with throughout all 7 LP albums? We know he came up with the original idea for SIB. Other ones that come to mind are SOTD (he came up with it) as well as Heavy and Halfway Right on OML being the two songs on the album he has writing credits for. According to Chester, Mike also asked him if he had any punk songs laying around for THP and Chester went home in one night and came back with War. Any others? Did he write The Messenger too?
  18. Only thing that I like is the hat. But thats mostly because I collect hats. Might buy it but damn pretty expensive.
  19. I called it a few months back. I knew he would have at least one collab on the album and I said blackbear specifically because I can just see him working well with Mike. I hope this means blackbear will be providing some vocals this time instead of production like on SFN.
  20. Yeah but Chester didn’t have a whole verse like he did in Sorry For Now. Either way, looks like Roads Untraveled will be the one that he’ll play. Not bad since it was only played once before.
  21. How is Mike gonna play that Sorry For Now song without Chester? Is he gonna just rap Chester's verse and shit? I guess I'll vote for that one since that's what everyone here seems to want. Anything after MTM I couldn't care less about so I have no issues with Mike playing it.
  22. I can probably post a list later excluding remixes and live stuff.
  23. The tricky part here would be that the band has released like 400 different versions of each song. Remixes, demos, live, other mixes, etc.
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