Actually it was a Czech site, not russian.
I downloaded lots of divx and mp3 stuff from there and still have them burned on my old DVDs.
How slow interned I had back then and it tooks days to download bigger stuff. Also it was easily disconnected during download, so I had to use Flashget download manager.
The 2004 one could be extracted from the Camden show because that one has this outro instrumental in full quality.
The 2003 one is so good, possibly a fan remake.
I also recorded the live stream too, but it's lower quelity than the replay, it's in 720p.
deleted it, since the quality is inferior, so don't request it.
Yes, this one. I wonder where it was sourced. Maybe another unreleased track or contains samples from somewhere...
Also the Docklands intro was cool too.
I think they will come back by the end of this year or early next year. I'm sure they are working on something in the background. That's why Mike's announcement about "okay I'm done with PT stuff". The other band members are so quiet too. So there will be a huge announcement.