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I find it weird there is nothing from ATS or LT on the CD, like no demos of released songs like WTCFM or not 1 full bside that didn't make either CD or something.

Guest RockSylvie
Posted (edited)

Well, I downloaded the CD because I was so anxious to listen to it, and my favorite tracks are Homecoming, Peper, Debris and So far away.

Edited by RockSylvie
  Hahninator said:

Na man let's allow full discussion! Who cares lol, it's a CD :P

I care and it is something different. New studio album, we get a single, maybe another teaser song and previews etc. before the release. With the LPU all you have is track names, you have no idea how they sound like, if they have vocals etc.

Not even 5 minutes after the digital download became available people say: this song is good, this is bad bla bla bla. You always have a different perspective on something if you are biased about something. And I gotta say it was a great feeling to discover the songs on my own, even though it was pretty hard to escape all the spoilers.


Using spoiler tags was a bit annoying. Here is my full review now that I have listened many times.


Homecoming - Very awesome song. Sounds like a MTM track, for sure. I enjoy it a lot. I love the guitar and the melody is really good. It's instrumental, but awesome. I usually don't enjoy instrumentals much but I really like this one. It has a weird kind of uplifting vibe to it.


Points Of Authority (Demo) - We have had this same version for many years. Kind of lame to put it on the CD, but it's a cool demo nonetheless.


Clarity - Cool demo. Not my favorite, I was expecting something totally different, but it's still cool. Not much to say about this one..


Asbestos - Fucking awesome song. May be my favorite track on the CD. I love the punky riff style of the guitar and drums. The vocals are really cool. A solid MTM demo. This is what I was wishing for and I got it.


Bunker - Upon first listen to this song, it instantly reminded me of some kind of weird vampire castle music. I love it though. Awesome beat, great demo. Instrumental once again, but a very good one. I will enjoy this for many years to come.


So Far Away - Totally was NOT expecting this at all. Really great, moody, awesome track. Has a very 90's type feel to it for sure. I thought Mark Wakefield was singing this upon first listen, but I found out it was Mike. It's interesting because no other music from that time period sounded like this. Reminded me of early Staind music, which ironically was one of LP's inspirations back then. Great, amazing track. Awesome to have.


Pepper - Meh. Decent track. When LPU releases have Meteora demos on them, I know what to expect from now on. They are all instrumental and kind of sound the same. Very different than the style on the actual Meteora album, but cool. I like the drumming in this one.


Debris - Was not expecting another vocal MTM track. Very cool lyrics, and the chorus is really awesome. I love it. One of my favorite MTM demos and tracks on this release. I wish the second verse was completed, but it's all good. Great song. Very raw demo kind of feel and I dig it. I wish all LPU released tracks were like this one.


Ominous - Not much to say at all about this one. It's cool, but my least favorite song on the release. Not much special about it really. Another one of those instrumental Meteora songs that I am growing tired of...


Forgotten (Demo) - We have had this same version for many years. Kind of lame to put it on the CD, but it's a cool demo nonetheless. I could have thought of a much better track to be used in it's place, but it's all good.


Overall, a very good LPU album. I love it. I will be listening to this one for many years. I wished for MTM demos, and I got them. I am extremely happy. I liked it a lot better than I did LPU9 and LPU11, but LPUX still remains my favorite of the recent LPU demo releases.


Well I really hope there are track notes from Shinoda in the CD like last time :)


My thoughts:


Homecoming: Sounds great. Awesome song here, this is quality. One of the best songs LP has left incomplete (from what we've heard) in my opinion. And uhh...PHOENIX. Bass sounds fantastic.


POA: Only difference is pre-chorus in verse 2 right? Otherwise the rest is in that WB Sampler demo. This version sounds like a better quality though if that makes sense...but this is my favorite POA demo anyway because of the "sink or swim" bridge. Definitely a fan favorite demo. Would have rather had like a Don't Stay or Lying From You demo since we've had POA on the LPU CDs before but it's cool.


Clarity: Loud bass here....glad to see Phoenix was audible on MTM demos. But definitely one of the most boring LPU CD demo songs we've gotten. I like it way better than Divided though (LPUX) but still nothing special.


Asbestos: Holy shit. So this is what the Given Up demo sounds like haha. No way this turned out to be another song, this has Given Up written all over it. Shinoda rapping sounds fucking great. A++++. Someone mash this up with the Given Up bridge and it'd be filthy. Damn, I wish we had a version of this with Chester going apeshit on it. I would imagine this transformed into 21 Stitches...if it isn't Given Up then I will be very surprised. "So the girls tell the boys they better fuckin' run away" - sick. Shinoda jamming big.


Bunker: Good song for an LPU CD. Instrumental beat demo, I like it. Sounds like this was just a legit instrumental track without vocals intended for it. First scratch from Joe I've heard from anything 2005-2008 by LP I think LOL...I remember he was nonexistent on MTM.


So Far Away: Guitar instantly reminded me of the end of Pale (LPUX). Wow, a very early Shinoda singing song. I thought he didn't sing a single thing until after HT/Meteora for some reason. Very interesting look into the old LP. Blue, Slip and So Far Away definitely have grunge influences in them and they are a great look into a phase the band went through at the time. Joe all over the middle of the song too. Chester on backing vocals? Or just multiple Shinoda layers of vocals? I'd be interested in reading Mike's notes on this song. Very possible the only Chester here is the very last line in the song. Good selection for the LPU CD. Wow, now I'm really wanting more So Far Away/Blue/Slip sounding demos.


Pepper: This definitely sounds similar to the Soundtrack, Program and Broken Foot demos on LPU11. I like how LP goes through these different sounds, but so many of their "sounds" you can't hear on the albums. You have this grungy shit in 1998, you have the polished jamming Hybrid Theory full of nu-metal ROCK, you have these sample-full NASTY guitar jams that have like very soft guitar then EXPLOSIONS of filthy jams right before the Meteora album drops, then with Meteora you get HT 2.0 with some experimentation with more samples (different than that style they had right before Meteora for sure). Then MTM they soften out a lot, ATS they go electronica, LT they go to yet another style, etc. I really like the insight the demos give us. This, Soundtrack, Program and Broken Foot are all very cool. I wonder if any of those songs turned out to be demos for the "sophomore album" they scrapped before they did Meteora? Because the style is different than the style they had on Meteora for sure. Meteora still has the samples and all and some heavy guitar but these 4 songs are definitely different.


Debris: Rapping from the MTM era. Rick says sing where you should rap, rap where you should sing (MTM era)....this explains the chorus. Sounds like Mike made this demo all himself...maybe it's left over from the FM era too? Lyrics are very demo-ish haha. I'm more interested in what year this is from - 2005 or 2006.


Ominous: Yep here we go with another pre-Meteora "style" song. This one has a little bit more experimentation in the first verse but that heavy guitar is there for sure. I don't really understand why the 2002 demos for Meteora sound so different than the album tracks when everything was made in such close proximity to each other (the songs). Did Don Gilmore force them to polish the shit up way more for what made Meteora?


Forgotten: Pretty sure we have this one already? Am I wrong?




Overall thoughts: Good LPU CD. Asbestos and Homecoming stick out to me as very good tracks. A bit bummed the songs we got demos of that we already had (POA and Forgotten) are so similar to what we had before but hey that's 8/10 new so still that's a great job by the LPU. How does it rank in comparison to previous LPU demo CDs?


Well LPU9 was first and of course that's my favorite...I mean how can you beat Across The Line? Haha. That CD was so surprising to us all and so front-to-back balls to the wall epic I don't think you can come out with an LPU CD better than that. A-Six is fucking FILTHY, Faint jams, Figure.09 demo has the best screams we've ever heard from Chester on a song (LOL at how much that F09 demo destroys LIES GREED MISERY, haha), Fear/Drawing/Drum Song are all A++++ demos, Across The Line is one of my all time favorite LP songs, and the 2 short demos are cool as filler songs since we didn't have them. So 12/10 on that CD release...still listen to it all the time and JAM.


LPUX. Was not a big fan of this one. What We Don't Know is a fucking fantastic b-side for Minutes To Midnight and I am very surprised Warner didn't want to release this on a single in Europe for like What I've Done or something. Or an iTunes b-side. Great track. And Pale was very surprising...the best "building up energy-wise" song LP has released. Halo and Coal were cool but Unfortunate, Divided, Oh No, and WID didn't do much for me. Pretend To Be was released before the CD so that kind of killed it but it's a cool track. 6/10, if that. WWDK and Pale really brought the score up on this one lol. After the epic-ness that was LPU9, LPUX let me down a lot, but that's just my opinion.


LPU11. I like this one 100x more than LPUX. Slip and Blue are really big releases for them in terms of tossing FULL Hybrid Theory-era demos on there...never thought that would happen. I think that makes Meteora the only album we don't have a full "extra" song from. Blue - damn, I really love Shinoda's rapping. The Meteora demos really jammed...Broken Foot Jesus Christ some of the heaviest LP instrumental stuff I've heard. I really wish they'd take the Faint outro and just cover Broken Foot after the last line of Faint, lol...that'd make one hell of an outro and the songs are so similar that it'd fit perfectly. Sounds like something Matt Bellamy would do. But Esaul - fuck yeah, finally getting the Frat Party (live) version from the studio - best lyrics APFMH has ever had in my opinion. And otherwise the other tracks carried their weight very well, the only real dud being Yo in my opinion but I'm glad we got it because we had "Brad's Yo" as a ringtone before that so having the full version is cool. 9/10. "Electric neck twitch", yo, and "Aztec moon".


LPU12. Well I like the heavier LP material even though I do enjoy SOTD/LOATR sometimes so Homecoming and Asbestos do wonders for me. Asbestos, damn. Ominous and Pepper are good additions/continuations to what LPU11 had from Meteora. Hope we can get a full Meteora b-side song with vocals one of these days to hear what it'd sound like. It seems like the band is holding those back perhaps? lol. Like that "thoughts that take away my pride" demo? So Far Away is cool. I feel like LPU11 tops this one out though. POA, Forgotten, Clarity, and weirdly enough Debris don't do much for me. Bunker is good. 7/10 I guess. Maybe it'll increase if Shinoda writes about them in the booklet for the CD. I feel like there's too much Minutes To Midnight on the CD...I am surprised there's not one single thing from A Thousand Suns or even LIVING THINGS on it.


Future LPU CDs? Would be nice to end all the hype around Pictureboard one day...I'd like to hear it since Shinoda mentioned it so long ago and they played it live. I am shocked Bruiser was not on the LPU12 CD too...I guess we'll have to try really hard to get it soon. I'd like to hear one Meteora-era song with vocals that was a legit finished track (like What We Don't Know, Across The Line, Blackbirds, etc). I'm sure ATS/LT have those too...an ATS one would be cool but I'd really like to hear a Meteora one. Otherwise I'm game for whatever else Shinoda has up his sleeve. A Lying From You demo would be cool or WTCFM demo. Who knows.


Top 5 favorite LPU CD demos: Across The Line, What We Don't Know, A-Six, Blue, Asbestos.


Hmm it seems the drums were used again (possibly) but I guess that goes back to Shinoda originally saying ages ago that they are afraid of releasing demos in case they want to reuse portions of songs for future songs lol.


Wasn't there a sample in one of the LPUX or LPU11 demos that can be found in Session or something?

  Fr4nc0_LP said:

LOOK at 15:20! DEBRIS played during ATS session!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsh7mBAtKGQ



As well, SO FAR AWAY presents the SAME DRUM PART in second verse of Soundtrack (LPU11).

Excellent find with Debris! That's definitely coming from the studio monitors, not something that was dubbed into the video as background music later. Confirms that Debris was a demo that was worked on again during the ATS sessions.


  Hahninator said:


And part of Homecoming is in the MFR video in that thread we posted about ages ago.

Interesting thing about the Homecoming clip in the Power the World video is it's at a different speed/in a different key. Sounds like they just took the synth part and edited it in there, the beat is missing too.


I'm seriously not hearing any connection between So Far Away/Soundtrack and Asbestos/Given Up like some people are saying though.


I was decently impressed with the album this year. I love MTM material whether it's full vocals or not, although Homecoming would have been BRILLIANT with some vocals from Chester, and Debris is just begging to be finished.


The biggest highlight for me though is easily So Far Away. Mike is singing like a boss in 1998? It's unheard of! And that guitar riff is sick! It sounds a lot faster than most things the band does.


Asbestos also surprised me. Listening to the unfinished chorus section though, I definitely feel like Victimized vocals could fit in perfectly right there, just to had a little more complete vibe to it.


POA's screaming section in the bridge was also pretty intense. Everyone is saying it's an already released version but that part really surprised so maybe I haven't heard that demo yet.


Homecoming is AMAZING, but it would have been so much better if Chester sang verses and choruses on it. It just has that feel to it...

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