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How do we give you what we want?


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Mike Shinoda recently posted on his blog:

“Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.”

-Mark Twain


In our band, there are many moments that help define–to us and you–who we are as a group. With each of those moments, we weigh a myriad of factors–how we felt about it, what the fans’ reactions were, how it affected the band in broad or specific terms. Are these lyrics offensive? Should we curse on that song? Should we tour with this band? Should we put our song in that movie?


Each time we enter a new phase of the band, we rely on our own sense of what we like, and mix it with the opinions of people whose opinions we trust and value.


This is one of those times.


At the link below, you’ll find a list of questions. It only takes a few moments to fill out. But by doing so, you could–quite literally–be helping define the future of Linkin Park. Let us know who you are and what you want. As an added bonus, one person will receive an autographed A THOUSAND SUNS box set.

Thank you. Click here:





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hope everyone takes the survey.

I voted In Pieces, Easier to Run and Valentines Day as my top 3 LP songs. :) (In pieces live one time)

Im having trouble deciding my third favorite LP song, in all honesty my third favorite is always changing. My top two, BTH and WFTE, dont change though. I can't decide on a third song, other than that im done with the survey
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I'm really happy they asked so much about the live shows and what our top 3 songs are (voted for Figure.09, Papercut and Lying From You). I'm sure they'll recognize the answers and will switch something up in the future.

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Cool that they've done this though I wish you could write your own comments than having to select stock answers on a drop down :/ I now look like an elitist prick that only likes HT and Meteora lol though I did point out the most recent show I went to was probably the best I've seen of them. 3 faves were PMA, ND and APFMH. At least there's 2 chances that a new song will be played in future haha

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Kay, so I sticked with "Don't Stay", "Jigga What/Faint" and "The Catalyst" - I agree with Rob_Wilson, though. It's kinda hard not looking like an ATS-hater/HT lover, when being honest.

In my opinion the "problem" with ATS is, that it's a true masterpiece. It's more of an opera, looking at it from a structural point of view (yeah, I know, hard to compare), so it's freaking amazing when listening to it completely, but the songs taken one by one are great - but apparently don't reach the level of former stuff.

Just an opinion, though, nothing to believe in ;)

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That was stressful ;)

Some of the questions, I was like, why do you need to know this!?


3 favourite songs was tough. I felt pressured in case my vote actually swayed any decision making. Ridiculous, I know, but couldn't help feeling that if I picked a certain song like NRL, it was a waste, given that Mike said in the chat recently that it doesn't sound good live. Thats assuming of course, that the song choices are geared towards setlists.


In the end, I just stuck my principals and picked my 3-favourites: Blackout, Iridescent and APFMH.

However, ATL was not available as a choice and that is one of my all time favs.

I would've also liked a comments section instead of picking from the drop down lists.


Still, interesting survey. Who knows, maybe they'll finally stop using myspace :P

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I do not like the question about comparing the concerts, it was either better, worse, or didn't like it, and both the concerts I went to were equally awesome and same with the ranking of ATS. I went to my iTunes most played list for top songs, and my top Linkin Park song is She Couldn't played 80 more times than the second most played LP song


And what is Aloof?

Edited by TripleXero
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I'm surprised so many of you voted for softer songs. For all the complaining that goes on here about set lists, most people seem to have voted for songs that they play all the time anyway.


I voted for Iridescent which is one of my favourites but I don't like it live. Same goes for BITS, WFTE and LOATR. I really like those songs but I think they're weak live. Just my opinion.

I prefer certain songs live and certain songs on the album. I love The Catalyst but I would like them to perform it live without the vocoder (or whatever its called). Personally, I think it would be better.



I would've like to see an option of picking favourite live songs and favourite album songs.


Again...just my opinion :rolleyes:

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I'm surprised so many of you voted for softer songs. For all the complaining that goes on here about set lists, most people seem to have voted for songs that they play all the time anyway.

No kidding. I voted for songs I've never seen, or at least haven't been released on a DVD :)

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