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LPLive Package Giveaway #3!


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So far our previous two giveaways via our Twitter & Facebook page have been tons of fun to do. Now we go onto our last of our LPLive Holiday giveaway. How to win you may ask?


Leave a response stating How YOU discovered LPLive.net & what made you want to be apart of the site.


You have 24 hours to respond. So tomorrow at 3:30 Eastern time, a winner will be chosen. Good luck!

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I discovered LP Live on youtube. I was searching for vids of LP at Atlanta, and on one of the vids, the user said that he got the audio (It was Crawling) from your site. So I visited it, and I was intreguied. I eventually joined because I liked the downloads you guys offered, and i wanted to be a part of the community. That was over 2 years ago. My, how time has flown by!! lol

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It's been long ago. Almost 3 years now... I built up my own LP fansite, because I get to know AFTER the european winter tour, that there were SBD Downloads that you could buy at the show... So I tried every single fanpage on the net to search for codes and download. LPL was one of these sites and since then I drop by every once in a while. I even used to be part of the staff, but I was dropped some time ago. But I like to see how the site develops in the future

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I'm pretty sure I've been here (on LPLive) before by accident but my first time in here (first CONSCIOUS and INTENDED time) was after n-th time LPZion.org has mentioned you in one of their notes. I've been registered here for almost a year now but I've been familiar with your site since 2007.

If it goes about WHY I am a part of LPLive - I just want to be in touch with people who have the same interest as I have. I want to unite with LP fans :) I also want to practise my English :]

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found lplive searching lp sites i wanted to be apart of site cose of all the hard work ppl did on it my first lp show was in 2001 and one and i didint have any keep sakes from show i came here had the whole setlist somone posted the audio from that show for me and a few other lp shows i had been to i just love it here even when the fights start you can come here find out what other ppl think about that song or show have some banter its the best fan site i know and long may it last

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Yeah, it was 3 and a half years ago, I guess. I discovered it from a Bulgarian Linkin Park fansite and I thought the guide (as it was called at this time) was amazing. I was so interested in seeing all these setlists and stuff Linkin Park had done during the years. Now it's one of my 3 most visited websites on the Net. I'm really keen on knowing how the band performs live and can't wait to open the site and see 'New show in Bulgaria added' some day in the future. What's more, it's the best place to be in touch with what's happening in Linkin Park's world in terms of news, interviews, announcements and stuff, and the giveaways and special releases just make LPLive the best Linkin Park related website on the Web.

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Hmm, I discovered LPL about 2 or 3 years ago. I was a pretty new Linkin Park fan at that time and I knew not much about them, I was just listening to their music pretty much.

I was searching in a couple forums for some oldschool fans because I wanted to meet new people and go watching a couple shows with them. I talked to them via the internet and they told me a lot of things about Linkin Park, but I was searching for more. I searched a fansite who is posting news about them which I can trust. A boy who is now a very good friend of mine told me about LPL and that this site is pretty reliable about LP news and I checked the site out. I visited LPL every day until I got to know a few people from here and registered myself in the message board this year because I like the site. And I'm still checking out LPLive when I want some fresh LP news.


Well, thats the story ... not an adventure but sweet. :D

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I discovered LPL short after the North American Arena Tour in 2008 because I watched many many videos from the Madison Square Garden show on YouTube and I wanted to know the setlist of the show.

I googled it to death but wasn't able to find anything and that was why I decided to google for some fansites. Well, it brought me here, I checked out these amazing show pages and became a member of the forum a while later :)

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I discovered LPL back in 2007. I was searching for setlists, and after checking gazillions of sites I finally ended up here. Since then I started visiting the site daily, and 3 years later, when A Thousand Suns was announced, I thought it was the perfect time to join the family

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That's a hard question...

I honestly can't tell how I discovered LPL nor when I visited the site for the first time. But it guess it was at sometime in 2007...

But I can tell why I wanted (and still want) to be a part of this site.

Well I started collecting live recordings at the LPP (a pretty big former LP fansite) back in 2007 I think (not sure). Many recordings back in the days had no exact informations when or where the show took place. I tired to figure it out and this Live Guide was the best help I could get.

Then in 2008 I attended my first LP show in Frankfurt. After that I wanted to know everything about their live shows and LPL was and still is simply the best source for that.

I was kinda fascinated how you got all this informations about nearly every show even from some 2000 shows.

Over the years it became more than a live guide and today it's one of the biggest LP communities out there.

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It's funny that you ask how we have discovered LPL, because I think if you are a Linkin Park Fan that uses the internet on a regular basis there's no way to not discover it. The moment you meet other LP fans online sooner or later someone will mention LPL. I mean, LPL is one of the biggest websites about Linkin Park, in addition, it is the only guide for LP live shows. So that's my answer, I've discovered LPL by simple word-of-mouth advertising :-)

As to the second part of the question, there's just a ton of information about LP collected here, so that's why I joined the forum.

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I registered here 1.5 year ago but I think I discovered it 2 years ago. At that times I was so lame to register somewhere for any cause so I were here only like a guest :) For latest information I always used Russian forums because it is my main language (even if you are from Ukraine the most speak that language).


As each active Internet user I always use Google so when I started to search for some videos and news and as a result saw LPLive web page :P So I decided "What a hell, I must registered there!" to have the most correct info about Linkin Park, in addition my interest in English language and its skill was growing up and I liked to speak on foreign language so I started to be here as a member. And with past years I found it as the best LP FAN website ;) So this is how I discovered LPLive :rolleyes:

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I discovered lplive when i was doing some research about a show i downloaded (well it was a time when i began to collect live shows and after that started trading!) Well to my luck i've found lplive info about NY 2000 shows. That made my day and from that day i started to check the website almost everyday. Why? Cause back in the days it was the most accurate source about LP shows, not to mention other great info @ newswire. Imho lplive had a 60% effect on me so i could do what i am doing now (=lp collector);)

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i was listening to linkin park one day in the summer, i was looking up info for the A Thousand Suns on Google. I searched goggle, and found this site and info about the catalyst. I became a reader here because i didn't check if it was free to join (idk i thought it might not have been), but then i decided to look at some things and decided to join. Now it is my 2nd favorite website (after facebook) and i come on here every day

Edited by LinkinParkFan4Ever
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I used to be a member of the old LPMB site but that was very inactive so I discovered LPLive in 2008 and joined straight away. This site has helped me out a lot with obtaining music/albums ;) haha I'm sure many of you know what I'm talking about LOL.


I love the live setlist updates that take place for the shows and the fact that members of this site request intros/bridges/outros to the band members who actually take notice and sometimes oblige with the requests! That is awesome. Personally for me, one special moment of this site was when staff members bought the CD with "She Couldn't" and other demos and they shared it with the site. Respect to everyone involved in that.


This site has given me a lot of lulz especially during the whole "this is holding up the album" phase and the "Mike's Message" threads were hilarious and so off topic :lol: the obsession with the elephant being in the TC video made me LOL too. It also feels good to have some of my news posts newswired haha.


Final point as I'm aware this is turning into an essay and no one is even reading it, it was so good to meet so many LPL members at the London Summit. Everytime I told someone I was "ree_ree" from LPL or "Ree" from LPA, people were like "OMG THAT'S YOU?!" lmao I didn't even know that people from this site knew I existed so that was funny.


So thanks LPL, I'm glad I discovered this site and I'll be around for a long time.

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I originally stumbled across the site many years ago when it was only at Version 1. I think Mark shared a link on some forum or something. And from that day I haven't sent as much time on a website besides this one. I have never been so active on a site of any kind besides this one. And the reason of this. This site is filled with Great news, great exclusives, interesting topics and most importantly, great members. The site has become more then just a site for the bands set lists, its become more of a home for LP fans to share experiences and opinions. Thats why I'm so glad to be a member of this site.

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It was only about 10 months ago when I discovered LPL. I was googling linkin park and came across many fansites, one of which being LP Live. I wasn't such a hardcore fan as I am now, I pride LPL to help me being as close to one as possible. I had hardly anything linkin park at the time. I was amazed how many things were posted on this site each day, i had no idea how much can happen with one band ,and the dedication of the staff, members and moderators. The site was only 3.0 at the time and had much less users than now.


I soon signed up and started posting, I can still remember my earliest topic, 'best Gray Daze song'. as I became more into the LP community I signed up to more sites, but LPLive still being my most favorite and most regular checking for news many times a day. Finding so much information about tours, setlists and statistics. I hope to stay here and contribute further with many years to come.


To prove my dedication, I typed that all with my iPod.. Which you will probably know is a bitch to type on. Hahaha.

Edited by Ginger
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