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Unfortunate sounds kool, a lo of people say it sounds like "opening" when "opening" is just crawlings chords on a piano, which Unfortunate isn't, so i'm not seeing that at all. Good instruental none the less


What we don't know should have made at least a b side for mtm. Don't understand how the band could have not seen the potential this track had.


Oh No, its a very different demo of POA than we had, maybe even Mike knew he had to give us something really early for this track as most of the demos out of POA don't vary this much in sound.


I have Not Begun, i like bass part made from the (holding your finger on a plugged in jack to jack). Could have easily fitted on a Fort Minor record tho. Would have liked a chester chorus and this could have potentially been a new favourite of mine.


then we get to pale, when the beat kicked in i was like "OH NO! sounds like eminem's like toy soldiers" but then that beat just fits into the background, halfway through the song i felt i'd heard it before, then someone on here pointed out Madina Lake's Freinds And Lovers.....is Mike/LP ghost writing for other artists?! It's so close to it....it's very hard to beleive that both bands just happened to have the same structures....unless madina lake heard this and copied it. I dunno.......i'm not them so i will never know.


Divided sounds very radiohead at begining, has a very easy flow to follow. I feel this is more in the vien of lockjaw, just mike and rob playing together trying to come up with something.


Coal is the best track on the cd for me. Very fresh and new sounding, adventurous. Something i feel the band lack on newer material. At parts it sounds like "one step closer"s drumbeat, but i know that complete over thinking it. I a tempted to make a remix of OSC with this instrumental tho.


Halo......drumbeat again sounds like something else, numb this time, on a whole this song could have easily have been finsihed and added to the album but as astat has said, would mr gilmore and WBR Dildo Crew really allow LP to do everything their way? i very highly doubt it.


Lots of people are saying they prefered LPU9 to X and the only reason i can think people are saying this is LPU9 had demos of songs we'd heard the finals of, so it was good to hear how the song progressed. On LPUX most of the songs are the ones that didn't make it. I personally love all demos but given the choice i'd choose X, purely because it shows us the songs that didn't make the cut that we may never of heard. Demos of songs on albums may be released later down the line on a 25th anniversary package (WBR will definatly do this, as an easy cash cow move and will prob only include songs the LPU already have)


I state again




Except Across The Line was quite possibly the worst song they have ever made. It sounds like an indie-pop cover done by a rock band.




Except Across The Line was quite possibly the worst song they have ever made. It sounds like an indie-pop cover done by a rock band.




Wait for it....wait for it.....

Posted (edited)

"LP Underground X : Demos" CD now officially can be purchase at LPUnderground.com...

I just check it just now..

The price for CD quite okay (reasonable) but when it comes to S+H,it's totally expensive...


Edited by Stranger

Except Across The Line was quite possibly the worst song they have ever made. It sounds like an indie-pop cover done by a rock band.



Now I can see why you chose your LPL name to be Mystery. Your hatred against ATL is baffling and it cannot be explained. That is quite a Mystery. I'm guessing you are a major fan of Not Alone, OR just a complete fucking "ruhtard." LPUX and LPU 9 can't be put in the same sentence. As a matter of fact, let me fix your inaccurate math equation




"LP Underground X : Demos" CD now officially can be purchase at LPUnderground.com...

I just check it just now..

The price for CD quite okay (reasonable) but when it comes to S+H,it's totally expensive...


Yeees! I want to buy the CD as a non-LPUX Annual member. The CD is $10, which is okey I guess, but I have to pay an extra amount of $25.95 of H & S, which sucks.


Yeees! I want to buy the CD as a non-LPUX Annual member. The CD is $10, which is okey I guess, but I have to pay an extra amount of $25.95 of H & S, which sucks.


Yup,you're rite..

The S+H is sucks..

I'm living in Malaysia and if change the amount to RM,it will cost me RM140...



Now I can see why you chose your LPL name to be Mystery. Your hatred against ATL is baffling and it cannot be explained. That is quite a Mystery. I'm guessing you are a major fan of Not Alone, OR just a complete fucking "ruhtard." LPUX and LPU 9 can't be put in the same sentence. As a matter of fact, let me fix your inaccurate math equation



Actually my name is Mystery because that has been my username for years now, and I go under that name in my new music project coming soon.


Not Alone fan? Not at all. I wish they never released Across The Line. It may be creative and different on their part, but of all of their songs it doesn't sound a thing like them, in a bad way. It's a bland track with half decent synth and electronic work, and the worst MTM b-side out yet. We all have our opinions here, so don't try to bash me and pun my username, Mr. Clean.


I like your math equation, but it's a little unbalanced;




There now we have a true statement. Your inaccuracy baffles me.


Actually my name is Mystery because that has been my username for years now, and I go under that name in my new music project coming soon.


Not Alone fan? Not at all. I wish they never released Across The Line. It may be creative and different on their part, but of all of their songs it doesn't sound a thing like them, in a bad way. It's a bland track with half decent synth and electronic work, and the worst MTM b-side out yet. We all have our opinions here, so don't try to bash me and pun my username, Mr. Clean.


I like your math equation, but it's a little unbalanced;




There now we have a true statement. Your inaccuracy baffles me.

Dude... stop saying anything against Legend. xD


LPU 9 is Across The Line and 8 other unnfinshed songs that likely can't be enjoyed by anyone except hardcore LP fans.


LPUX is more balanced has a few songs that can be considered almost 100% complete, and isn't similar to stuff we have. (Bar WID Remix)


Across The Line is an awesome song I agree. But one awesome song, and the demo of a song you give way too much credit that borders on a Linkin Park form of "fanboyism" isn't enough to stand up to a CD with more varied material that's nearly completely new and over twice as long. That's my opinion.


Haha oh yes. I forgot. The traditional "zomg this dude has 1 million posts he is the freaking man and your a newb who just joined" among Linkin Park fansites.


Just because i'm new doesn't mean i'm not allowed to have an opinion. I chose this site after leaving the LPA. If I don't like a song, I can say so. I'm not trolling and i'm not breaking any rules.


Be sure that you have never had any regrets in your life which only lasts for a few decades. Laugh or cry as you like, and it is meaningless to oppress yourself.


Among thousands of people, World of Warcraft Gold you meet those you've met. Through thousands of years, with the boundlessness of time, you happen to meet them, neither earlier nor a bit too late.


Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being processed by time, conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, FFXIV account just like a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted.


"You couldn't see my tears cause I am in the water." Fish said to water. "But I could feel your tears cause you are in me." Answered water.


Penitence is something that enervates our spirit, causing a greater loss than loss itself and making a good words!

Wow... It's come to spamming LPLive now? People who spam and make things to auto-spam have no lives and are retarded.

Be sure that you have never had any regrets in your life which only lasts for a few decades. Laugh or cry as you like, and it is meaningless to oppress yourself.


Among thousands of people, World of Warcraft Gold you meet those you've met. Through thousands of years, with the boundlessness of time, you happen to meet them, neither earlier nor a bit too late.


Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being processed by time, conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, FFXIV account just like a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted.


"You couldn't see my tears cause I am in the water." Fish said to water. "But I could feel your tears cause you are in me." Answered water.


Penitence is something that enervates our spirit, causing a greater loss than loss itself and making a good words!



Wut in the motherfucking fuck????????


Divided - This track reminds me a bit of A.15 from Mike's VMA score tracks, or at least the intro does. In fact, the whole track is very reminiscent of the style of those VMA tracks. It sounds like this could easily be an all-Mike track, so it wouldn't surprise me if this was something he was working on around the same time he did the VMA tracks and some of the Fort Minor stuff.


I completely agree with you about Divided sounding like one of the VMA tracks! I'm sure it at least had something to do with them.


I completely agree with you about Divided sounding like one of the VMA tracks! I'm sure it at least had something to do with them.

It really does. And your sig is awesome.


Time for my review, finally. First of all I say thanks to the band for releasing an LPU CD every year with UNRELEASED content...that's ALWAYS better than live tracks like LPU7. There have been some terrible tracks on LPU CDs in the past but there have been awesome ones as well. LPU9 is my favorite CD because "Across The Line" is on it. That's hands down one of the best songs LP has ever written...I have no idea why it wasn't on MTM but I love it. "A-Six" and "Figure.09" you can just jam to all day long. One has a great song structure for an instrumental and the other has the nastiest bridge in LP history. All around, the LPU9 CD brings it and this is where the LPUX CD lacks.


I thank the band for LPUX, but overall I think it's a bit weak. They sure hyped the hell out of the fans by saying it's the best LPU CD ever. At one point I was positive I heard "10 unreleased bsides" as well. Hmm. Not sure where that came from now that I think about it. But anyway, it has 6 instrumentals on it...3 full demos (one was already released but that point is really invalid since we knew PTB was on LPUX), and 1 remix that was already released.


All the promo for the CD including LPU Facebook posts (even yesterday) say that there's 10 unreleased songs. No, that's not right. There's 9. "What I've Done (M. Shinoda Remix)" was on the "Bleed It Out" single in summer 2007 if I remember correctly. Just because the one on the LPUX CD is a tad shorter doesn't mean that makes it ZOMG UNRELEASED NEW TRACKZ LOL!!11seven. No. That's lame lol.


I concluded that all of these songs must mean something to Mike since he chose them for the CD. So each one must have some special meaning to him.




01. Unfortunate (2002)


As usual I didn't like this the first listen. I do like the samples used...they fit into the time period. The Joe scratch sample before the song kicks in is cool. I don't see this really as anything special but it does remind me of "Drawing" a lot with all the samples near the end. Possibly this was another attempt at an instrumental like that....I'm not sure. Interesting to see something from the Meteora era that's slow


02: What We Don't Know (2007)


This is legit right here. Best track on the CD for me. I love Chester's delivery; never heard him sing quite like that...see: unique. The lyrics aren't epic but they work for me. This isn't good enough for MTM for me but I do like the song a lot. Another MTM b-side, so that means we might have them all now. If you count "Not Alone", then this should be the last track from those sessions but if not there might be ONE more. This fits into the MTM time period perfectly and is an enjoyable track. Nice b-side for the CD. It sort of reminds me of "Breaking The Habit" in a way.


03: Oh No (Points Of Authority Demo)


Wow, ummm. I guess this is neat to see how POA transformed but I don't really like this track at all. "Stick N Move" from LPU9 blows this away in my opinion lol. I was hoping we wouldn't have any short instrumentals on LPUX but my hopes were thrown in the trash when I heard this. Not a fan of this even though it's a POA demo. I think the space could be utilized for a better song...another full HT song that didn't make the CD. Something different from the 1999-2000 time period would have been better in my opinion.


04: I Have Not Begun (2009)


Everyone loves this track. This is a solid piece from the ATS sessions. I don't know if this was ever considered for ATS (I would hope not LOL) or not. I think Wretches and Blackout take this to the cleaners all day long but this works for the LPUX CD. Unreleased b-side. Not a big fan since Mike goes on and on and on here but it's alright, definitely a good choice for the CD though. The intro reminds me of "Do What We Did" by FM. Anyway this wouldn't fit well on ATS at all, at least to me, so releasing it here is good.


05: Pale (2006)


Gold material right here. Love this. It indeed is sleepy because of the length of it but I'm a big fan. Piano at the beginning is nice and the drumming reminded me of "Hands Held High" when I first heard it. The guitars coming in at like 2:40 solid. I'm not sure if they wanted this to be an instrumental like ASP or not but I do like this track. Good choice for the CD. The last minute and a half is the closest you come on the CD to being able to jam lol.


06: Pretend To Be


I like this song a lot. Good choice for the CD. I guess it was made during the MTM sessions and tidied up in 2008 in the studio around the time Lockjaw was made? I



07: Divided (2005)


Not a big fan of this instrumental. I guess this was one of the first pieces made for the MTM sessions. I forgot LP was even recording in 2005 lol. QWERTY is from 2006 so I guess this piece falls in before that...interesting. A slower instrumental here that didn't make it very far in the writing process is what I see. The bridge is ok but this isn't anything special...I'd rather take another song for this one. Who knows though, maybe one of these songs plays a bigger part than what we know. Perhaps the verse instrumental from a track like this transformed into another song we know or something. Who knows.


08: What I've Done (M. Shinoda Remix)


WTF. Total, huge waste of space. Easily the worst track on the CD and I'm not saying that because I hate the remix because by all means I love it (OSC intro gunshot sample FTW) but we already had this song from the BIO single in summer 2007. I'd like to see why it was slightly shortened and mixed a bit differently for this CD. Maybe another track got cut from the CD at the last second for some reason (someone said no to it at the last minute or a sample couldn't get cleared like "She Couldn't") or something. Regardless, garbage entry here. I would have taken anything in the place of this.


09: Coal (1997)


LEGIT fucking entry right here. A Xero INSTRUMENTAL. Very nice. The samples are great and this is an excellent look into the past of LP. Another Xero track is an epic win. I could see why they chose this for the CD and saved "Pictureboard", maybe for another LPU CD in the future. Obviously the label/band knows that whatever they release "Pictureboard" on will generate a lot of sales solely because of the hype it has in the fan community even though it's been mentioned ONCE EVER and has NEVER been heard by anyone, so they do have that going in their favor. Huge fan of this selection for the CD. Nice one, Mike. I am wondering if this is just Joe and Mike or if anyone else had any input into this track.


Also...any other Xero songs lying around? LOL


10: Halo (2002)


The band are huge Halo fans so the name doesn't surprise me at all. I like the intro sample...it sounds like someone walking through a desert in heavy armor in my opinion (or maybe I only think that because of the track name lol). It reminds me of the sample before "Not Alone" only because it stands out in a way that is totally different from the actual sound of the song. Anyway this is another dark piece from the Meteora era and is one of the best tracks on the LPU CD in my opinion. I don't know if that is a sample of keys or some other metal piece but I do like that. The guitar is dark sounding and the one that comes in later I guess for the choruses sounds great. This didn't make it very far in the song writing process either it seems but I do like this one. Anything from the Meteora era is a win because we have NOTHING from those writing sessions besides the CD, the 2 instrumentals on this CD and the demos from LPU9. The past 2 LPU CDs have really given us more insight into Meteora so I hope they keep releasing stuff like this in the future. Meteora is a lot of fans' favorite album.



Final thoughts: Ok I think 6 instrumentals were a bit too much. 6 out of 10 are instrumental and you're calling it the best LPU CD ever? I think "Across The Line" hands down destroys the entire CD for me and I prefer LPU9 a LOT over this. There are 3 solid b-sides here (WWDK, IHNB, and PTB) and I would have kept 3 instrumentals (Coal, Pale and Halo), but 4 of the other tracks could have been put to much better use. Scrap Oh No, Unfortunate, Divided, and WID remix and put some better songs on there. What happened to "Pictureboard"? What about the unreleased songs from the Meteora DVD? "Thought That Take Away My Pride" or maybe another demo. On the Meteora art wall we saw tons of lyrics to unreleased demos... what about one of those? Another HT track? Team Sleep remix of My December? ATS demos? I'll take 6 songs here but I think 4 are pretty weak for a release you're calling the best LPU CD ever. Hell I would have rather had demos to SIB, LFY, NMS, BIO or something else than some of these instrumentals.


I hope Mike posts a track-by-track description on his blog with info on each song and why he chose them for the CD. I hope LPU keeps this up in the future with 10 songs on LPU CDs that are unreleased. Fans love that stuff and the LPU CD is a great outlet to release your demo material. Fans love it.


Final thoughts: Ok I think 6 instrumentals were a bit too much. 6 out of 10 are instrumental and you're calling it the best LPU CD ever? I think "Across The Line" hands down destroys the entire CD for me and I prefer LPU9 a LOT over this.

I am no longer being gangbanged by LPL members in ATL denial! The match is even!


Across the Line is definitely the best track between the 2 CDs, but I think LPUX is a little bit stronger overall than LPU9.




One thing surprised me that no one has pointed out.

It was the one big thing everyone has been bitching and moaning about since LPU6.

The CD case is no longer a slipcase.

It is now a full CD case.


One thing surprised me that no one has pointed out.

It was the one big thing everyone has been bitching and moaning about since LPU6.

The CD case is no longer a slipcase.

It is now a full CD case.

Yeah, I noticed that in the pictures. I figured nobody had paid much attention to it though, since the only people with a physical copy of the CD right now are people who went to the LPU Summit. Plus we knew it was a possibility, the Japanese CD-only edition of LPU9 came in a jewel case, and Adam said it was something he was working on making happen.


Makes sense though, the slipcases came and went with the Best Buy packages. They pretty much had to use a slipcase for those to be able to squeeze all of the items into that little box, and it didn't make much sense for them to use 2 different case types for the Best Buy and non-Best Buy packages, that would mean 2 separate runs of the CDs, which would mean far greater production costs.


At this rate of complaining, i wouldn't be surprised if the band just said, "screw it" and went back to releasing live tracks and bubbles because the 'fans' will still complain anyways. At least with live tracks and bubbles, the complaint will actually be relevant.

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