hahninator Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 Hey LPLive! We promised another giveaway to allow our international users a chance to win something after our NYC ticket giveaway, and here it is. This isn't just another giveaway. We've got two prizes to give away this time around. Up for grabs is an 8GB Apple iPod Touch, seen HERE, with a custom skin for 8 Bit Rebellion and a set of LPU CDs from the first 8 years, all sealed/mint condition. You get to pick which one you want. Sort of. Here's the deal: We want you to tell us who you think deserves a prize. Nominate someone, give us your best reason(s) why you're nominating them and which of the two prizes that person should get. Staff will then sort through all of the entries and vote to determine the winner. If your entry is picked, your nominee gets the prize you picked for them and you get the other prize. Simple enough? This contest is open to all LPL members with the exception of LPL staff and moderators. Entrants and nominees must be members of LPL, so if you plan to nominate someone, make sure they get an account here ASAP if they don't already have one. Post in this thread with the following information in the entry: Your username: Username of your nominee: Which prize they would receive: Reason for nomination: That's it. This thread will remain open until Friday, October 1, 2010 at 8:00PM (EST). Winners will be chosen by a week later and the results posted by, Friday, October 8, 2010 at 8:00PM (EST). This gives you a little over 2 weeks to get your entries in. Good luck to all who enter! P.S. Before you nominate someone, be sure you tell them you're nominating them. If your entry wins, we'll have to get their information so we can actually send them their prize. Go! Quote
HybridThe0ry97 Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 (edited) Your username: HybridThe0ry97 Username of your nominee: Nameless Which prize they would receive: LPU CDs Reason for nomination: Dedication to the website on ALL levels and helpful with members of the website, and gathering news from Italian sources! Edited October 1, 2010 by Jen Quote
Nameless Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 Your username: Nameless Username of your nominee: Teagan Which prize they would receive: LPU CDs Reason for nomination: Other than one of my best friends, she's a great LP fan and i'm sure she will love to finally have a complete collection of the LPU CDs. No other people i know got a Mike Shinoda sign and got it tatooed the day after! How awesome is that? Quote
Zanzatheangel Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 (edited) Your username:Zanzatheangel Username of your nominee: LPjahova808 Which prize they would receive: 8 bit rebellion ipod touch Reason for nomination: This dude was whining forever for the new linkin park album, had me listen to it with him like as soon as it leaked. He then hosted 2 listening parties (with my help) he has every LP song that I know of in really high quality, he joined the LPU when he didn't have a ton of money to do really much of anything. He sometimes compares his hairstyle to Mikes, and references LP songs daily in ordinary conversation. Since A Thousand Suns leaked, he's listened to it like an intense amount of times, and he ignores his social life to listen to LP a lot of the time. He also wants to cover every LP song that we can in our small band, and has defended them to the death throughout all of the "A thousand suns" debate on whether or not they were still a good band. He defended it enough even to say that it would even be better than hybrid theory. He's attempted to show linkin park to as many of his close friends and acolytes as much as he was able. He also has bought every album that I know he has been able to. He also scrounges money on occasion to ignore his gaming friends and to buy linkin park merchandice. He has also talked about flying to brazil and other foreign countries just to see linkin park shows. All in all I think he is a very loyal fan, and deserves some more linkin park merch to go with his collection. -Yours truely: Zanzatheangel Edited September 15, 2010 by Zanzatheangel Quote
RiderSSPU Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 (edited) My Username: LinkinParkFan4Ever Nominee: HybridThe0ry97 Prize they should recieve: LPU Cds Reason Why: I am nominating this person because he is a great fan of LP. He deserves to win this because of his great fanship. He seems to get along with people and I have found him to friendly. We also have had some good chats about LP in the chatbox. He is an awesome person and deserves to win this prize Edited September 15, 2010 by LinkinParkFan4Ever Quote
Fromxeroto1000 Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 Your username: fromxeroto1000 Username of your nominee: Mattyice318 Which prize they would receive: The CD's Reason for nomination: A reason. I can't just address one reason. One isn't enough to describe his dedication, his devotion to the band known as Linkin Park. They are his life and passion. Everything about him is Linkin Park, and nothing about his life is not. Being his brother, it often gets old to hear him talk to such colossal extent about them. Our DVR has recorded everything that television has played about Linkin Park in the previous two years. His room is abundant with everything Linkin Park-Posters, CD's that he proudly displays, and a few articles of clothing hanging up in his closet. But his commitment isn't that superficial. If it was, I wouldn't be writing this for him now. I know the first album he ever owned was Hyrbid Theory, which he inherited from me. The next was Meteora, and Minutes to Midnight. I know for a fact that his Ipod is closing in on 400 songs that are solely by you know who. I never see him listen to anything other band anymore. I'm doing the absolute best job I can to describe his borderline obsession with them, but words have yet to be created to communicate such an act. I remember a year or two ago when he had had his birthday party. Some of his relatives and friends just gave him money to spend on whatever he wanted. He saved it all, and ended up buying the rare album Hyrbid Theory EP online off of E-Bay. That was the most excited I've ever seen him when he won the auction. And when it came in the mail, and he realized it was a fake, it was the most heartbroken I have ever seen him. Of course he eventually got over it, and used his newly found time waiting for new songs. He stayed up all night for The Catalyst in the hopes the radio station would play it prematurely. He marked A Thousand Suns on his calender the day that information became accessible online. He keeps up the Linkin Park video chat in his room when he goes to sleep, so he doesn't ever miss a chance to talk with the band. No updates or new information ever has the slim chance to get past him. Why? Because he checks at least 5 Linkin Park websites at least semi-daily. I'm sure that there are handfuls of people out there in the world that would genuinely deserve to win this prize, but I would never, ever be even remotely able to find one single reason why he deserves it any less. SAME IP FOR BOTH PEOPLE - Jen Quote
Legend Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 Your username: Legend Username of your nominee: JaySinkie Which prize they would receive: iPod Reason for nomination: I vote for JaySinkie because Sinkie sounds like Slinky, and I like Slinkys. Quote
Teagan Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 (edited) Your username: Teagan Username of your nominee: Nameless Which prize they would receive: IPod Reason for nomination: I got to know Fabio last year after the exclusive DBS concert in germany. We, as well as some other great LP fans, spent some hours on the train station and took the same train (together with Stefano) home. We almost slept all the time because it was freaking late, so we didn't have much time to talk, but somehow we started to talk a lot afterwards via msn. I found an awesome friend in him, and he is one of the few persons, who I really, truely trust. He became one of my best friends by now. Do you know the kind of people, who make you smile, when you log into your messenger and see that they are online? Well, I'm proud to be able to say, that I'm friends with one of them. This is for sure the first reason, why he truely deserves to win - he gave me a lot with the friendship and even listens after the 10000s time when I complain about random stuff. It would be an honor to be able to give something back to him, besides being his friend. I actually asked Fabio, why he himself thinks, he would deserve to win. Well, his answer was, that he finally wants to be able to browse youporn outside with wifi hotspots. Of course he was just joking, but wouldn't it be nice to make this possible for him with the IPod Touch? I think it would. Well, if you want a more children-friendly reason.. I think he deserves the IPod, so he can even post news and lurk even more when being in the bathroom. Of course this isn't a real reason, since I guess, that a lot of people would like to be able to do so. I guess most of you know Fabio due to his outstanding help with lplive. He did a lot for the community, tries to help in the forums and helped me, personally, to figure out how to behave here, haha. i think the most important reason, why he should win, is simply, that he is a badass person, dedicated to everything he does - friends, work for the community, and above all of course Linkin Park. It would be wrong to say, that he is a greater fan than anyone else here, because I think everyone here is just as obsessed with Linkin Park. Nevertheless, he is an outstanding person, who deserves to get some credit for his helpful and simply amazing character and behaviour. Edited September 15, 2010 by Teagan Quote
Fran07Chile Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 Your username: Fran07Chile Username of your nominee: Legend Which prize they would receive: LPU cd's Reason for nomination: Well even tho i disagree with most of his opinions, at least he makes them fun. And well this is a forum so there are always going be different opinions. ANd if your going to disagree with someone, at least it someone like him that just makes things fun in here. Plus his name says it all haha oh and also everytime i see his avatar it makes me laugh becasue i love the ols spice guy. just genius! Oh and i picked for him to get the LPU CD's becasue when he nominated "JaySinkie" a few post above me he said wanted him to get the Ipod touch, meaning he probably want the CD's lol Quote
denemy Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 Your username: denemy Username of your nominee: Legend Which prize they would receive: iPod Reason for nomination: Easily the funniest guy on here. And whenever I read one of his posts I do it in the Old Spice guy's voice. Quote
HaloXero Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 Your username: cloud2795 Username of your nominee: Legend Which prize they would receive: iPod Reason for nomination: because of the epic post on Danger Silent http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopi...amp;#entry81909 Quote
rav0k Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 (edited) Your username: rav0k Username of your nominee: Linkin/Joze Which prize they would receive: Whatever he prefers. Reason for nomination: Throughout the past decade, I have encountered many disputes amongst many Linkin Park fans which led to a period of me despising every living person that had the slightest hint of support for the band. I associated adolescence with anyone who supported the band and I had become a very unhappy person. This all changed for me upon meeting LinkinJoze, who added me via MSN Messenger to talk as friends. I was able to rant about all the negative things in my head while this dude just sat there and read everything I had to say. That takes a really good person to want to help you through whatever you are experiencing when they don't even know you. I think LinkinJoze deserves an iPod for being a kind person and reviving the part of me that was able to look past all the arrogance that is within Linkin Park forums. It took me until I met him to realize that not all the people are bad, I just had too many bad experiences to believe it. I had too much of a chip on my shoulder to realize that there will always be the good and the bad, regardless of where you stand. I should have taken note of this many years ago. (Take this as an apology post as well, if you will.) I also think LinkinJoze deserves a sealed copy of every single LPU CD, as he is a very devoted fan and has supported everything they have done throughout the years. He has been able to criticize the work of the band without dropping the ball and moving on. If you ask me, it takes a real fan to be able to critique the work of a band to help them and stand by their side for many years to come. Edited September 15, 2010 by rav0k Quote
aravind221 Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 (edited) Your username: aravind221 Username of your nominee: Legend Which prize they would receive: giv him the best thing u ever got , maybe that i pod Reason for nomination: ive been in the community for quite a while and ive been a active participant in the site's activities , i personally feel he sweated a lot to upfront this site and played a supportive role along with Mark and other lp live staff TO BRING THIS SITE to such a level , hats off . Edited October 1, 2010 by Jen Quote
Linkindude92 Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 (edited) Your username: linkindude Username of your nominee: Agony.In.Disguise Which prize they would receive: iApple iPod Touch Reason for nomination: Over the past few months, I've come to know this guy really well. As fellow Indians we both know how much of a let down it is for us not to be able to attend a LP concert, meeting them in person is a DISTANT dream for us. To add to the pain, we need to even persevere to buy LP merchandise (He once told me he fucking searched all of his city to find an LP t-shirt, and finally he DID find it, but he had to convince (actually blackmail) his parents to cough out a fortune for it). I also know for sure how much LP songs & lyrics have been instrumental in bringing about a change in his life and pulling him out of the depressions in his life. It's what motivates him to face life, come whatever may. I know he has fought with even his best friend to defend LP, and has never regretted it. Most of the time when i see his updates on facebook, they are about what a fucking awesome band LP is, or reposts from LPL newswires, or his views about LP songs and how he loves them to death. And yeah...once he told me that twice he had a dream that he was attending an LP concert......but.........it was just a dream..... He even went to the extent of saying that if god gave him a choice that he would not be able to attend a LP concert but he would remain happy in all other aspects of life throughout his life or he could attend a concert but he would have die as soon as it ends....he would choose the latter!! Edited September 16, 2010 by linkindude Quote
GraDoN Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 Your username: GraDoN Username of your nominee: Nameless Which prize they would receive: LPU CD's Nameless, to be totally honest i would have voted for him because i think he is a balanced and diverse member. Now i guess (no idea really) that's why he already is a VIP but that's not the point. So why do i think he deserves it? He is active, well mannered and apart of the community. Another thing that caught my attention was the infamous DangerSilent and how some people, funny as they were, seemed to add fuel to the fire with their posts. I respect people who knows that there is a time for everything. Cheers mate. Quote
JayS Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 Your username: JaySinkie Username of your nominee: Nameless Which prize they would receive: LPU CDs Reason for nomination: Because along with running his own LP fan-site, he's also become a staple member here on LPL, and his posts are always enjoyable to read. It would be nice to have someone who contributes regularly, plus someone who isn't able to participate in the U.S.-only contests win such a great prize pack. Quote
praya Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 Your username: praya Username of your nominee: Legend Which prize they would receive: LPU CD's Reason: Every forum has a member that just sticks out. The member that people gravitate to or that they wait to see a reply from. I think Legend is that guy. I think every thread I visit has his mark in it. Whether he's proving a point or just cracking a joke he always has a solid entry. I see he's a VIP. I'm assuming he paid for that title but it almost feels like his contribution via posts alone earn him that title. He gives the site so much, and wether you hate him or love him(i really hope your a HIM btw) he does whatever he fights for tremendous justice. I don't think I've ever had any sort of contact with Legend, which might be a good thing, but he seems mildly cool and with a 1041 post count (and growing)[epicnessosity] I feel its safe to say that his seemingly obsessive dedication shall not fade into the threads of yesterday, he shall forever remain...a Legend. [/epicnessosity] Quote
hawk Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 My Username: Hawk Nominee: Legend Prize they should receive: Ask him....or he can tell me and I will edit this post. Reason Why: He brings the lulz. He is also a cool dude. Quote
Aberu Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 Your username: Aberu Username of your nominee: ceZAR_LP Which prize they would receive: LPU CDs Reason: He is a big fan of Linkin Park for 10 years. When Linkin Park brings a new song, he always sees the good side and hardly ever gives go bad, much less the new album, liked it completely. He is a big fan of Linkin Park that even going to the concert in Argentina in October, for reasons that will not come to my country this year. He is a good organizer of our Linkin Park fan club in Peru, always broadcast the music of LP for our radio stations, and is always on the lookout for any news of Linkin Park. Quote
appukhare Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 Your username: appukhare Username of your nominee: GigaScythe Which prize they would receive: Whatever he prefers. Reason for nomination: He's a great musician and obviously a big LP fan. I became a fan after listening to "In Coma". Keep going Alex! Quote
nikolajlaulp Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 Your username:nikolajlaulp Username of your nominee: GigaScythe Which prize they would receive:ipod Reason for nomination:because after i saw one of his covers i got into Linkin Park:) Quote
ana Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 Your username: ana Username of your nominee: Nameless Which prize they would receive: iPod Reason for nomination: A really cool guy that contributes a lot to the fanbase. Actually it is a tough decision..cant we all share the iPOD? that would be awesome..lol everyone puts his music on it and pass it to the other...[/utopia]. I chose you fabio, because the others I would have chosen already own an iPod/iPhone EDIT: please don't nominate me (if you were going to) I have all LPUCD's and 2 iPods. Quote
Collision Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 (edited) Your username:Collision Username of your nominee: Legend Which prize they would receive: LPU CDS Reason for nomination: For asking me and my mate to do the LPL FOUR Design ,and after drawing it and coding just the way he wanted, going offline and ignoring us. That's one of the reason why LPL FOUR took that long. He basically stole the design after it was finished (who would've thought that LPL staff would do this kind of things), and we had some arguements about it. He promised me an LPU CD for work, I did work on that design quite hard, and I hope that he gets those LPU CDS now and chokes with them. Great staff member, "scamming" other members of this website. Nobody cares, that he actually stole something, and they're still voting for him for being an amazing person and so on. Hope you read this. I already got over it, just want you to have some fun with CDS. Hopefully, they'll remind you something. If this posts gets deleted or I get banned - wow, keep it up, but justice will be done in one way or another, hopefully soon enough for you to feel it. Edited September 15, 2010 by Collision Quote
anjum Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 (edited) Your username: Agony.In.Disguise Username of your nominee: linkindude Which prize they would receive: LPU CDs Reason for nomination: I'd like to nominate linkindude for this cool giveaway. He is a long time and active member of LPL (quite evident from his post count of 1100+). I know he too has faced a lot of due to his fanaticism for LP, and like me, he too has been unable to build a CD/merchandise collection due to regional/financial constraints. Whatever he said for me, pretty much applies to him also and I really wish he wins the LPU CD's set. He deserves it. Edited October 1, 2010 by Jen Quote
annalpsious Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 Your username: AnnaLPsious Username of your nominee: VavourasLP Which prize they would receive: 8GB Apple Ipod Touch Reason for nomination: He is a great LP fan who likes to be honest about what he likes and what he doesn't.He really deserve this price for the reason that he tries everytime to help LPL site and other sites and he really works here. Quote
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