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GREAT NEWS. Can't wait for this edition of LPU, it's gonna be epic.


Woah, 10 demos. I think that Pictureboard will be included in and that they will be 10 demos of never-unreleased-before songs, not like LPU9 demos (Demos, early versions of already known songs)

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I'm hoping for something that we don't know about. Like early Xero or HT songs in the vein of She Couldn't. Meteora b-sides. Stuff like that.

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.


Really really excited, can't wait.




"I think that" Pictureboard "will be safe. And I think there will be a little bit of everything, never heard demos and demos of popular songs. But if we have said is the best "LPU" I'm sure that will contain demos of Xero.


That couldn't be any further from what I want, lol. LPU9 was badass but it just didn't have enough. It left me CRAVING older LP material. It was just badass to hear the evolution of the songs like Fear, Figure.09, Faint, Drum Song, etc. It was really really cool. A-Six, dang.


I could listen to that stuff all day long. I'd like even more demos of songs we know, but what'd be even better is a CD with songs we've never even heard of. What if there's songs from like the Xero era that we've never even heard of? Sure, they had Esaul, Pictureboard and the 4 song Xero tape, but what if there's more? What if there's another Hybrid Theory-era song like She Couldn't we don't even know of? A Meteora b-side? You'd have to be flat out ignorant to think that LP has released all of their good material. Hell, look at Across The Line, lol. Surely there has to be more. If some of that stuff makes it onto this LPUX CD, I will be one VERY happy man.


There's 10 songs - I can't wait.


Another good reason (in my opinion) that I don't want there to be 2008+ material on the LPU X CD is this: just take a look at the Minutes To Midnight era. There was a b-side on iTunes, there was a single released 2 years later for a movie, there was a b-side in an iPod game, another b-side on an LPU CD years later, an instrumental for the LPU, a song for Download To Donate, etc. My point is this - songs from 2008, 2009 and 2010 will find their way out. It is very obvious that the band is wanting to use older, unused material (possibly reworking it) for future release. I think that is BADASS. So I have no doubt in my mind that ATS-era songs will find their way out slowly over the years.


I don't need those on an LPU CD. Hell, we already just got one yesterday with Pretend To Be. More will come. I want the LPUX CD to slap me hard in the face and knock me off my feet in surprise. I want shit I (someone that's followed the band's every move for many years) haven't even heard of or thought about. Hell, Hybrid Theory is 10 years old now. What time is better than now to release some shit from that era that we've never known about? Exactly.


And I think they can do it.

^ Everything I was going to type.


More than likely gonna be ATS demos. Would love to hear some older stuff, obviously, but who knows how many are left and the legalities with them. Awesome news, nonetheless.


More than likely gonna be ATS demos. Would love to hear some older stuff, obviously, but who knows how many are left and the legalities with them. Awesome news, nonetheless.

Willing to bet a concert ticket on the next LP tour on the CD having something from the HT era. Something older than ATS. It's the 10th anniversary. I'm serious, lol.


Mike told us, there are going to be Demos from EVERY albumsession...

and one demo is even determined PRE Hybrid Theory

Full Interview audio going to be posted on BlackChester.de soon ;)


Mike told us, there are going to be Demos from EVERY albumsession...

and one demo is even determined PRE Hybrid Theory

Full Interview audio going to be posted on BlackChester.de soon ;)

Awesome :D really thanks!


take away my pride?

if thats that unreleased meteora song then f_ck ya.

this is all very exciting, i just hope they mean demos as in like "Dedicated" or "Across The Line", not incomplete songs like the rest of lpu9

dont get me wrong tho i loved me some lpu 9


Mike told us, there are going to be Demos from EVERY albumsession...

and one demo is even determined PRE Hybrid Theory

Commencing mangasm in 3, 2....


Willing to bet a concert ticket on the next LP tour on the CD having something from the HT era. Something older than ATS. It's the 10th anniversary. I'm serious, lol.


Your posts are too obvious calm down. rofl


Willing to bet a concert ticket on the next LP tour on the CD having something from the HT era. Something older than ATS. It's the 10th anniversary. I'm serious, lol.

Ahh forgot about the 10th anniversary with the excitement for ATS going around. Makes sense.

Mike told us, there are going to be Demos from EVERY albumsession...

and one demo is even determined PRE Hybrid Theory

Full Interview audio going to be posted on BlackChester.de soon wink.gif



I immediately said "holy crap" the moment I read that out loud. Jesus that's a lot of demos. Remember back in the old days when we had to scour the earth for things like Plaster?

I just hope the LPU doesn't troll us by doing:


2. SHE COULDNT (1337 demo) U MAD?

3. BY MYSELF (demo 19823498) COOL STORY BRO

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