hahninator Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 From the blog of the Chief (Mike), "We're working on the new Linkin Park album right now. Will we have a new album out in 2009? Absolutely! And, of course, by "Absolutely," I mean, "Absolutely, as long as things go smoothly and the ideas are flowing, and we don't hit any scheduling problems or massive writers block." Jokes aside, the pic below is from my studio; Chester and I were listening to all the demos I've been writing in the past 6-12 months in busses, studios overseas, and my studio. When we're out on the road doing shows, I generally keep the music on a safe hard drive, in a format that you can't download onto your iPod (gotta be careful). I also don't like playing stuff for anyone unless I feel like I've given it a proper amount of love. That means I go for months where I write stuff and don't really play it for anyone. This week, we went through about 35 new demos, most of which had only had my hands on them thus far. The process is a little scary; it's like saying, "here are the songs that I think should make up our next album." Luckily, nobody hates the songs (at least most of them!), and we're looking forward to getting started on this album in the coming months. I just did an insightful interview with a gentleman named Mikael Wood for a piece in an upcoming issue of Revolver magazine. Check for it in the coming months, I think it was an '09 music preview article." Full article and the picture. Thoughts?
April Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 Thoghts? It's absoeffinglutely amazing!!! we're looking forward to getting started on this album in the coming months. - it sounds not so crazy as Chester's words lol and it looks like (if nothing bad happens) they can release on Fall 2009. The pic of Chester and Mike's studio made my day <3
Mawloo Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 The pic of Chester and Mike's studio made my day <3 The same But "I also don't like playing stuff for anyone unless I feel like I've given it a proper amount of love." He only shows stuff he likes. What about the rest? there is a lack of balance, Mr Shinoda. Everyone has his own tastes. But very good news though! =)
RMD369 Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 The pic of Chester and Mike's studio made my day <3 Seeing that pic made my day as well! Great to see Chester looking relaxed and pain free. Love the continued updates about the new album and hope for some LPTV episodes or cd extras showing the behind the scenes hijinks.
Reumeren Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 Nice! Good to see them in fill swing:D It seems like Mike have a hand in every song.
pbizkit33 Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 this is great news, hopefully a we will get the lpverse trifecta then. that is just amazing!!!!!!!!!!
LPKode2 Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 This is some amazing news Can't wait for the album to come out, hope we can see new LPTV episodes from the album process Mike's studio looks awsome & good to see that chester is well and looking like enjoying the demos he's listening.
DecanoLP Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 Mike's studo is really cool But awesome news..can't wait for the album...
chazmike Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 album releasing date:12/31/09???? He didn't say when in 09 haha But if they can release in 09 even the last day of 09, I will be really happy. The picture make my day. Chester looks really good and enjoys listening to the demo. Hope they work smoothly in next couple months............ The other thing is how about DBS??? Chester will be very very busy I guess.
GeekShadow Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 GOOD NEWS I hope we will have a good LPU8 before !
danielpsoad-09 Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 This is amazing. Another album to look forward next year.
Geki Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 Awesome! I can't wait to hear some of these demos! Nice to see that Chester is up and at it again too.
LPPRJKT4 Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 HELL YESSS!!!!!!! DBS IN 09, Julien-K in 09, and the next LP studio album in 09!!!!!! This will be a great fucking year!!! Hmm does anyone else get the feeling that they will debut some demos live before the album comes out after Mike said "I don't feel like playing songs for anyone unless I've given them enough love?" Mayb they can pull a WID/Numb and release a single before the album comes out.
INK 1 2Many Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 All that got me Excited was he has a Photo with Chino from the Deftones! where it says "Chillin with Chino" made my day
Reumeren Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 HELL YESSS!!!!!!! DBS IN 09, Julien-K in 09, and the next LP studio album in 09!!!!!! This will be a great fucking year!!! Hmm does anyone else get the feeling that they will debut some demos live before the album comes out after Mike said "I don't feel like playing songs for anyone unless I've given them enough love?" Mayb they can pull a WID/Numb and release a single before the album comes out. Actually, most bands DO release a single before an album comes out. It's called a LEAD SINGLE, it's for promotion. One Step Closer, Somewhere I Belong and What I've Done were all lead singles. By the way, why did you mention Numb? I though Numb was released long after the album, or am I wrong?
Revolution1985 Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 i hope the cd is out in time next year to do a winter tour, thats what i really want good to see chester is out and seems to be feeling well
Daniel R. Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 2 things I have to mention : First of all, I can't wait until next year now after hearing they're planning to release their new record in that period of time and last but not least, I'm glad to see Chester obviously fully recovered!
Fleur de Lys Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 Actually, most bands DO release a single before an album comes out. It's called a LEAD SINGLE, it's for promotion. One Step Closer, Somewhere I Belong and What I've Done were all lead singles. By the way, why did you mention Numb? I though Numb was released long after the album, or am I wrong? You're right. Numb was the third single of Meteora and was released fall 2003. The album and real lead single was released Spring 2003 and yes, Somewhere I Belong, which is the songs name, did come out before the album. Every band does it to promote their album and boost sales.
handsheldhigh Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 1st single - sep 09 full album - oct/nov 09 promo tour in august makeup tour in asia in september us tour in oct/nov pause in dec europe tour and 2nd single in jan/feb us tour in march/apr oceania in may european festivals 3rd single in june projekt revolution in jul/aug pause in sep asia tour in last single oct/nov latin america in dec
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