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Mike's MPC Demo


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Mike has updated his blog with a post on his MPC, but he's included a video you can view here as well.


"A few of you have asked about my process when it comes to making beats. I don't really have a "process," but I currently have been doing a lot on my MPC, so I figured I'd throw a little demo together. I tend to try to combine gear to get a cool sound. In this one, all the gear I used was pretty basic and reasonably-priced; simple stuff you can buy at Guitar Center or whatever. Enjoy.


PS: I'm growing my hair out. I know it looks awesome right now. I think it's exactly the same haircut I had in elementary school."


Astat mentioned in a comment that "MPCs were used for a lot of the sample-based stuff on Hybrid Theory and Meteora actually, they just moved away from that somewhat on Minutes to Midnight. I remember Mike mentioning once that the majority of My December was written/recorded on an MPC." Cool!


I think he could do a lot of amazing instrumental stuff with it...

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MPCs were used for a lot of the sample-based stuff on Hybrid Theory and Meteora actually, they just moved away from that somewhat on Minutes to Midnight. I remember Mike mentioning once that the majority of My December was written/recorded on an MPC.

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i like the pink guitar in the back ground. nice to see mike is experimenting with different colours. :P

That's the Hello Kitty guitar he played on From the Inside at Weenie Roast in 2007.


I also spy his orange PRS, a black Les Paul, and a white Strat. :P

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I hope Mike makes more of these "raw" unedited videos. Don't get me wrong, I love LPTV, but it's cool to see Mike do this kinda stuff.



wow, kinda epic. I may have had a "HT flashback" while he was playing that thing.

and this



lol at Mikes comment about his hair, pretty cool stuff always good to see Mike interacting with the fans

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