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Ran across this on the LPMB / LPUMB, so I thought I'd be nice and share. Check it out. Asian tour preview and Las Vegas pre-show writeup coming within the next few days.


From September 22nd:

"My name is Jamie Lan, one of the 150 fans from Taiwan who started waiting at the soccer stadium 6 weeks ago for the concert of Linkin Park. I wanna share our story with all the Linkin Park fans in the world."


Full thing:





Someone is more hardcore than us....? Wow.


wow and i thought i was hardcore....well good on you guys had to show me up didnt you? lol .. i wud wait fo4r them but i doubt they wil b bak in AUS for a while and if they do they will play at the adelaide entertainment center, which has a concert like every night!


that's stupid, if you ask me. what do they win by waiting there for 6 whole weeks? wasted time. there's a limit to dedication, imo.


i have to give props to them taiwan people


staying in line while rain and wind


wow i hope they will stay strong hope they wont get sick Best of wishes to 150 people of them


THEY SHOULD BE ON The news for china/Taiwan


Seeing as this is going to be the second time LP will appear there. Of course there is going to be A LOT of people trying to be first to the show and well People do wait that long to be first to the show.

These guys ARE the HARDCORE FANS!

I would never see this anywhere else as far as the dedication goes to see Your #1 Band for the First time or second time upclose.

These guys deserve to meet the band.


uh that's extremely pointless. I know LP has only been to Taiwan twice but there can't possibly be that many people showing up early that they need to get there 6 weeks in advance. maybe 1 week at the most


If someone did this in America they wouldn't be told how "hardcore" they wouldn't get this kind of recognition. They aren't "hardcore" they obviously don't have lives and want to get recognized so they did something stupid. good job!


LP have only been here 3 times and the last time I went I got there at 10am and there was no one in line. How is this any different?


personally at first i thought this was admirable....

but when i had a week and i thought about it again today

its stupid.

your losing a months worth of pay. stuff you can do better with your life... its just dumb... maybe 2 days before? yeaa

but this is even worse then the nerds waiting outside for the star wars movie


I agree in that I think this is taking dedication to a whole new, unhealthy extreme. I don't know that I could ever allow myself to do something like this. But more power and well wishes to those who are brave enough to do this.


For those who don't know, the Taipei show last year had over 40,000 in attendance. This is the 2nd largest LP show ever I think, only to Sao Paulo 2004. It can be argued that LP had more fans at like Rock am Ring, Rock im Park, Download, some other festivals, etc, but those are festivals with a lot of bands, and LP is simply headlining. However, since all those people decided to stay for LP, I guess you could count that as an LP attendance.


Wherever their attendance records stand...Sao Paulo 04, all the international 2003, 2004, 2007, and 2008 festival shows/shows in countries that hardly get LP shows like Kuala Lumpur, Taiwan is definitely one that ranks in the top percentage.


I'd like to see a list of the top like, 10 LP shows as far as attendance goes. Maybe that's a project I can work on this fall for you guys if anyone's interested.


that is honestly just stupid. i'm sure i love LP as much as those guys do, hell i missed chris cornell's (who is one of my fav artists also) projekt rev set for a CHANCE (i didn't win a pass, but i wanted to give it a shot) to meet them for 2 seconds, and their live show is fucking amazing, but NOTHING is worth rotting outside a stadium for 6 weeks unless lives are on the line or something. that isn't "hardcore," that's fucking pathetic.


on the other hand, they definitely deserve recognition. they should be invited backstage for the opening acts to hang out with the band, get merchandise signed, and get photos. they should also get some free merchandise and they should be given the option to watch the show from backstage or perform with the band or something.


this is why i love shows at venues with no pit. last projekt rev, i met LP literally minutes before they went on stage and i still got front row because of my seats.


that was quite possibly one of the most "controversial" posts i've ever made.


I am from Taiwan although I study in USA now. A lot of my friends in Taiwan went to the show last year and they are also going to see them this year. Base on what I see and what I hear from the forum in Taiwan and my friends I can share with something.


Yes, LP is really popular in Taiwan and there is around 40000 people shown up to last year. My friends told me the show kick ass and peole all went crazy for LP. The atmosphere was awsome. This is the second largest show of LP and the largest show in 13 years after Michael Jackson's concert in Taiwan. However, there won't be so many people show up this year. Last year the pits sold out immediately. This year there are still thousand pits tickets left. Most of people won't pay 130 USD to see them in less than a year considering the bad economic situation.


For me, I always think the "line up" culture in Taiwan is sick. I don't know why there are always some crazy fans think line up for days show they love the bands or artists more. I have to admit they are definetly hardcord fans and their dedication is unbelivable. But to me it is pointless and waste of time. You can do so many other things to make your life better or others' life better. Of course this is my point of view. I think different people will have different thought about what' more important. For me, I don't think it is a healthy way to show your love to a band. Why not go to work and donate money to music for releif etc......


The other fact is that because of this kind of line up culture. The other hardcore fans who need to work or go to school will have less chance to get a good spot during the show. Of course you can argue that because they are willing to sacrafice somthing to line up there for days. But the true is some people even make money through line up for somebody else. It is basically like a part time job. You will pay a person money like 5 USD per hours and he/she will go there to take the spot for you. On the other hand, the 150 people who already waiting in lines are not waiting in lines the whole time. They come in groups and they have a time sheet. They will take turns to stay in line. The bigger group they can find the less time they need to stay in line. That's because you have more people to rotate to stay in lines. I don't think it's fair for the people who go to the show alone or only with their couple friends. Actually I always think the organizer should try to stop this kind of things. They should state that no one can go line up there until the show day.


For me, I have to say I like the American concert culture more. I can relax more and enjoy the show more. In America, going to a concert is like going to a party. In Taiwan, I always feel like goint to a battle. I am quite sad about the situation. I think people there deserve to go to a show in a better quality. But what can I say, people have their own choice.


For those who don't know, the Taipei show last year had over 40,000 in attendance. This is the 2nd largest LP show ever I think, only to Sao Paulo 2004. It can be argued that LP had more fans at like Rock am Ring, Rock im Park, Download, some other festivals, etc, but those are festivals with a lot of bands, and LP is simply headlining. However, since all those people decided to stay for LP, I guess you could count that as an LP attendance.


Wherever their attendance records stand...Sao Paulo 04, all the international 2003, 2004, 2007, and 2008 festival shows/shows in countries that hardly get LP shows like Kuala Lumpur, Taiwan is definitely one that ranks in the top percentage.


I'd like to see a list of the top like, 10 LP shows as far as attendance goes. Maybe that's a project I can work on this fall for you guys if anyone's interested.

im pretty sure iv seen a vid where Chaz and Mike say that their Kroq Acoustic Christmas show in 2007 had like 1,000,000 people there, isnt that the top number?

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