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This video is atrociously bad. Exploding heads, lol...

I haven't cringed this much since the absolute garbage that the GATS video was.


Jesus, lighten up people. We've known for awhile now this video had a silly tone to it. Enjoy it for what it is instead of whining that it's not another dramatic video like 'Numb.' I think it's a welcome change of pace. Kid at the end is badass.

Posted (edited)

It's not that bad. You guys had me thinking this would be the worst video I've ever seen, and it really wasn't terrible lol. It's pretty ironic that the majority of LP's fan base find silliness to be unacceptable, since Mike and especially Chester seem to be silly all the time. It's not like LP is an ultra-serious band that takes themselves super seriously at all times. I wouldn't enjoy the band as much if that were the case.

Edited by Justin



There are exactly two LP music videos I've bothered watching more than once in the last decade: This and Final Masquerade.


I'm sure this was a lot of fun to record and edit. They said many times the video would be silly and focused on comedy, so I was expecting it, although the visual effects caught me off-guard after Heavy getting a more realistic video. By the way, I guess it was the first time Chester appeared with that specific mohawk in a video, but I could be wrong :P


I found this really funny and entertaining, I mean, it s anyway miles and miles better than supposed-to-be-serious-fucking-flying whales or another perrformance by the band like UIG, that s the carbon copy of New Divide and The Catalyst mashed up


I actually thought the video was fucking hilarious. Also I'm pretty sure that was the girl from Stranger Things.

The video was intentionally made to be satirical and funny, and it definitely feels like it was influenced by Blood Dragon. It has the identical tone.

Also Chester's face at the end when the girl starts flying is perfect.

Posted (edited)

"I don't know what people say, the basketball thing is kinda stupid, but it's not as bad as people say it..." - random AMG car appears - "..oh"


From there on it is just going downhill. I cant even put the cringe into words.

Edited by graveguard



Chester's face when the girl is in midair is great. He's just like "oh fuck, I'm gonna get dunked on by a grade-schooler."


This video is so dumb but it's incredible.

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