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'White Noise' from MALL Soundtrack available for download!

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Lol I'm a big fan of this movie and now the book as well, so this was fun for me. No need to thank me. :) But thanks. Maybe we will get some of these other songs on LPU14 or maybe they will release all of these as a soundtrack, I just feel like we will be getting the 3 songs with completed vocals (White Noise, Ammosick, Warm Spell) because Mike said he was finished mixing the 3 songs.


Lol I'm a big fan of this movie and now the book as well, so this was fun for me. No need to thank me. :) But thanks. Maybe we will get some of these other songs on LPU14 or maybe they will release all of these as a soundtrack, I just feel like we will be getting the 3 songs with completed vocals (White Noise, Ammosick, Warm Spell) because Mike said he was finished mixing the 3 songs.


This is the weird thing... Luna has vocals too, so why Mike said three songs? One of them was already mixed? Maybe he already mixed White Noise and then start the mixed the others [Luna, Ammosick and Warm Spell]?


If the songs were used in the movie.. weren't they already mixed? does they sound different to you G?

I'm pretty sure Mike refers to the mastering/finalizing the tracks for release when he talks about mixing.



This is the weird thing... Luna has vocals too, so why Mike said three songs? One of them was already mixed? Maybe he already mixed White Noise and then start the mixed the others [Luna, Ammosick and Warm Spell]?

White Noise was mixed yesterday. You can see the date in the Instagram video.

Only three songs were finished by the time Mike posted the Twitter update. Other songs were still being mixed.

I'm pretty sure Mike refers to the mastering/finalizing the tracks for release when he talks about mixing.



If the songs were used in the movie.. weren't they already mixed? does they sound different to you G?


LP's demos ever since around Meteora era have always sounded really polished and good before they even mixed and mastered them. So they sound pretty good in the movie, but White Noise actually does sound a tad bit better with the new mix that Mike did. If you even compared White Noise from the opening of Mall video they posted a few days ago with the new mix from Mike, you can notice small differences, it just sounds a bit more polished. But keep in mind, sometimes there are random sound effects and dialogue during parts of the songs playing in the background during the movie. Anyways, I think we will get all the songs at some point, too.


This is probably the heaviest Linkin Park song ever recorded.

Coming from the guy who called Guilty All the Same bubblegum pop... :lol:


This song gets a C- at best from me. The music box thing is cool, Chester sounds...alright...and I guess the drums are kind of neat although they're mostly just a rehash of the electro drums from The Catalyst, played on real drums. Terrible lyrics, mind-numbingly boring main guitar riff (the bridge is decent), arrangement sounds about 75% finished at best, and in general it just sounds like an incredibly forced attempt to write a heavy song with ATS-like electronics. Everything on THP beats this except for maybe UIG.


White Noise is pretty cool I guess but sounds a bit empty, nothing special is going on "behind the track" :D I hope thats understandeable.... Also why are final m and uig getting called not good tracks?


White Noise is pretty cool I guess but sounds a bit empty, nothing special is going on "behind the track" :D I hope thats understandeable.... Also why are final m and uig getting called not good tracks?

UIG because I think the lyrics are terribly repetitive. The song wasn't even intended for THP.


Final Masq because I saw it 9x on tour and am tired of it..... It doesn't have a lasting effect for a song like WFTE has, for example.


UIG because I think the lyrics are terribly repetitive. The song wasn't even intended for THP.

Which album was it for?

Playing "White Noise" in live shows will be one of the greatest ideas!!! I'll add it to my future Custom Setlists!!!

It would be a good MS opener.


I know it seems 'empty' as I've seen people put it, but this track is dirty as fuck. Love the rock kick LP is on. This song of course is no idicator, but damn would love to hear this direction in a new album.


Maybe it's just me but every time I listen to the track, the vocal effect used on Chester and the guitar sound gives it a low quality sound, like it's a much lower bitrate.

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