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Live Songs Series: "Songs The Band Has Been Nailing Live"

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Next up in our live song series is a list of a few songs that Linkin Park has really been nailing live. On the Living Things World Tour, we can all agree on a few songs that the band shows extra energy on, or a few songs that sound exceptionally well in the live setting.


"Songs The Band Has Been Nailing Live"



1. Papercut


This song was not surprisingly on almost every list that people submitted for this series, including ours. And it's also no surprise that Chester said during the Living Things World Tour that Papercut is his all time favorite Linkin Park song. "Alright Pooch, crank that shit up", said Mike at Lisbon's Rock In Rio in 2012. Being put before One Step Closer at the end of the show in the Festival Setlist, Linkin Park knows the fans love Papercut and know that the song will get some energy going in the crowd. Having been played on every tour since 2000 (except the short Summer Tour in 2009), Papercut is a song that LP has been completely nailing live for well over a decade. And then they did the unthinkable by mashing it up with Lying From You! The Set B encore from the last touring cycle was arguably the best encore that the band has presented on stage in many years, perhaps since Projekt Revolution 2004. If there's one thing you can guarantee with the Linkin Park fanbase, it's that just about everyone loves Papercut. We included a fan-shot video from the front row of the Camden show in 2012...where Set B debuted. Check Mike's expressions when the sample for Papercut starts....he LOVES this song. And so do we!



2. With You


When With You was absent from setlists in 2007, we were a little sad. Mike in 2009 and 2010 told fans that he knew the hardcore fanbase wanted to see it return. Well, the band finally made it happen in 2012 and it brought up the question of why was it ever gone to begin with?! Hey, we'll take it though if a song comes back in such strong shape six years later. Check out the video from Las Vegas a few months ago - the band is rocking it. With You was a staple on the entire Living Things World Tour, but was a song that was consistently sounding great night after night. Of all of the non-singles in the setlist, we hope that With You stays around after Download Festival, where the band is guaranteed to play it for the Hybrid Theory set. Plus, it'll fit in nicely with the heavy songs on The Hunting Party in the setlists.



3. Lost In The Echo


How often has the melody from the beginning of the song gotten stuck in your head since 2012? Half a million times? We even had Jonas from LPLive's staff humming it during the Honda Civic Tour between shows. This song became a fan favorite from Living Things instantly and the band made a strong statement with it by opening the encore with it at the very first show of the Honda Civic Tour in Bristow for its live debut. It's one of the hardest hitting songs off of Living Things and the band can be seen rocking out and with huge smiles on their faces during this one at every single show. The only question we have is... we know it opened KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas in 2012, so when will it open a setlist on tour? Don't miss the video for this one...even with the insane heat in Tokyo for Summer Sonic 2013, Linkin Park is all over the stage jamming on this song. If Linkin Park keeps anything from Living Things for The Hunting Party World Tour, we hope its at least Lost In the Echo!



4. Waiting For The End


One of the complaints about Waiting For The End during the A Thousand Suns World Tour was that the song didn't pack enough "punch" during the shows. Was the band listening or what? The Apaches Intro with a verse from Until It Breaks has to be hands down one of the grooviest and and one of the best rap pieces that Shinoda has laid down in a live setting. If Until It Breaks couldn't be played live, the verse sure fit perfectly over the intro for Waiting For The End! And the Wall Of Noise outro - don't forget about that one too. Waiting For The End fit in perfectly in 2012 and 2013, sometimes even coming with zero delay straight from the end of Points Of Authority. As the most popular song from A Thousand Suns with the mainstream, we expect this song to stick around for The Hunting Party's World Tour, but that's completely fine with us as long as it still keeps sounding this good live! Going from an average sounding song in 2010 and 2011 to a force to be reckoned with in 2012 and 2013, Waiting For The End is definitely a song that Linkin Park has been nailing live.



5. One Step Closer


Be honest...you were all a little bit nervous (like we were) in the summer of 2011 when the band dropped One Step Closer from a festival setlist or two. As much as we can't blame Linkin Park for giving the song a VERY short break (if you can even call it that), and as much as we know that surely it must get old playing the song 300+ times over so many years....we all know that One Step Closer still kicks ass live. In the end (no pun intended), Crawling was the song that took a break from "the big three" - the three singles on Hybrid Theory that has been played at just about every Linkin Park show since 2001. We commend the band for keeping One Step Closer around for so long, especially with so many Hybrid Theory songs in the setlists on the Living Things World Tour. The only thing we could think of that would improve the song in any way would be to stick the Reanimated bridge back into it, but it still rocks live in any version that the band feels like presenting!



What do you think? Do you agree with these five songs?


Part 3 will be coming shortly, which is "Songs That Should Admittedly Take A Break", followed by "Songs That Would Be Gladly Welcomed Back"!


Agreed with all except WFTE, not a fan of the song, especially with the outro which makes it boring. LITE is perfect from SS'13. Best performance to date. With You never gets old. And OSC always top notch


Whoa, was not expecting WFTE on there. It certainly is better, but I would still put songs like Castle of Glass in that spot instead.


Didn't vote for LITE, but it does jam pretty good live.


Pretty much agree with the list, maybe not that much with WFTE, it could be replaced by GU or something, but then the whole list would contain only heavy songs. So actually pretty good you kept WFTE on the list.

What I would definitely change with the list is the order, 1.Papercut 2.OSC 3.LITE 4.WY 5.WFTE


Of all of the non-singles in the setlist, we hope that With You stays around after Download Festival, where the band is guaranteed to play it for the Hybrid Theory 10th Anniversary. Plus, it'll fit in nicely with the heavy songs on The Hunting Party in the setlists.

The 10th Anniversary of HT was long ago ...


There isn't an order to the list. I almost put COG but I think a lot of people would have objected. Maybe that's just me though. This is all opinionated lol I tried to include everything that a lot of people mentioned though.


I feel Mark must of wanted to shoot himself writing about LITE lol.


Decent list, would of put in COG or APFMH instead of WFTE though.


Pretty much agree with the list, maybe not that much with WFTE, it could be replaced by GU or something, but then the whole list would contain only heavy songs.

This, I just thought exactly the same thing.

All are great except for WFTE. Not a fan of the ATS shit in the sets, especially if they plan on bringing heavier and higher energy songs back into the sets for this year. I think the only ATS song deserving of being in a set is WTCFM.


I was shocked that COG wasn't here. I mean, I definitely think it sounds better than WFTE live.

It definitely is.


I'd have to say from what I saw on Honda Civic Tour, and I watched from on the stage too... POA is their best live song by far. They really kill it live with that one. Yeah, there are other really good ones like this list and others but shit... POA just destroys.


That's weird

A real mashup would be if the LFY instrumental had the Papercut vocals and vice versa.

Not exactly, for example Numb/Encore has the instrumental of Numb but the vocals from both of the songs. Points Of Authority/99 Problems/One Step Closer is POA and OSC instrumentals with 99 Probelms and OSC vocals, etc. The common/popular mashups are the intrumental from one song and the vocals from the other, but the popularity of something can't become the term itself.


Mashup - two or more songs blended together (it deosn't matter which combination exactly as long it's not just "sampeling").

Medley - usually three or more songs played one after another.


Lying From You-Papercut can be considered as Medley and as Mashup.

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