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  1. Yesterday
  2. This 100%. Simply enjoy the moment, however it fits you. About the second question, I'll tell you a personal experience. I was pretty sure I was gonna cry before my first show last year after their return. Instead, when the lights go down and we open our eyes (sorry ), all I feel is gratitude for experiencing a LP concert again and sharing it with great friends
  3. finally, official reveal of the (possible) cover art! (from linkinpark.com)
  4. Check linkinpark.com
  5. Last week
  6. "In this special episode of Women Who Make Q101, Lauren sits down with Emily Armstrong for an exclusive conversation about her journey, creative process, and the experiences that have shaped her career. Tune in as Emily shares insights, inspiration, and what it's like to be one of the influential women making waves at Q101."
  7. Just be in the moment. No tips to give, just go on time, do what you wanna do, and live in that very moment.
  8. Meteora have 11 real songs and an instrumental and an intro.
  9. Honestly, I imagine these songs weren't 100% complete at the time of release, but they knew these songs were worth getting out and not sitting on. I wouldn't be shocked if things like Lost inspired that desire to stick with tracks more closely that don't make the final cut but seemed worth contention
  10. any real fan who understands how this band works know that they like really short albums, i guess that they have the mentality of more quality less quantity. i still remember being so mad at ATS it only has 9 songs damn fuck you guys lol LPs quality its so damn high that any album could have atleast 15 full songs (except for OMS which only had like 3 good songs)
  11. The Deluxe edition with 3 bonus tracks is for real or just your imagination?
  12. Why is it the fault of the label if the band didn't want to put more than 10 songs on the album? They have whatever creative control they want in terms of the album length. They did 10 songs on OML and didn't release Friendly Fire for a long time - the other full songs from that era aren't even out yet. They kept Meteora at 10 real songs and an instrumental and an intro, and didn't release Lost or More the Victim for 2 decades. If LP wanted this song the album, they could have put it on the album lol. Of course there is big label stuff going on with them on every major decision they make but they have been pretty transparent with the label letting them do whatever they want to do on the actual studio albums, even going so far as the band picking the singles if they want to.
  13. It was leaked by Filter News, the same ones who leaked the news and release date about the deluxe version. They stated there would be 3 new songs.
  14. i've read that here too, but couldnt find it on other sites
  15. Some people here and on other sites said it, it’s probably a news leak
  16. Seated? that gives you an advantage in case that you want to buy some merch before the show starts you can buy anything and you wont have to worry about losing it -the band will probably change the set a bit for the new leg of shows, i prefer to not know the setlist it gives you a better experience. -just record some bits of the show, dont focus on your phone -good luck with the volume level ! haha -try to meet other fans at the show its cool to make some new friends -visit the FOH and try to obtain the setlist of the show, for me its such a cool item to collect.
  17. Assuming with the Deluxe Edition rumor is true with 3 new songs, I wonder if it will also include some new live tracks on top of that.
  18. excuse me?..... Where did you get that info?
  19. 3 new songs ? Whoa! First time the band does something like this.
  20. I love the bass synth in Stained. The way is pushes from "wanna wake from the nightmare you've been liviiiiinnng" and on, it's so cool.
  21. GTG ist second Best Song from FZ. Is a very good Song, super!
  22. ACCURATE TRANSLATION: The label saw our comeback as a good cash opportunity and made us do an album+ a deluxe album after. Lets not forget who the bad guys are here
  23. One of the weakest for me as well, just said it sounds like a hit 😅 But GTG is 10/10 god tier 👌🤫👍
  24. Hold up with posting the cover art till the band will post it.
  25. MIKE We shortened the album to make it into a sweet little fireball so everyone could listen to it over and over again. TRANSLATION With the label, we shortened the album to make money once and add cut songs to make money second time.
  26. From Zero (Deluxe Edition) + 3 new songs May 16
  27. Stained for sure could be a crossover hit!
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