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Posts posted by arbiter

  1. Awesome video. It's nice to see that the feelings i have towards the songs are the same they have too. And the gang vocals are used perfectly on the song. It is a thing of beauty with so many things that strokes your senses albeit subtly.

  2. Oh My God! Best interview ever. I am in violent agreement with everything Chester said. And its nice to know what they think about everything. I've always wondered, why do some fans when they don't like an album, stay on and just choose to bitch to any and everyone how much they don't like the album and the band instead of taking a break and finding something else to like and just wait and see if they like the next album or just stick to the ones they like and move on? Because for me, that is what i do. The moment i stop liking the artist or the album, i forget about that artist and album and just play their old stuff and wait and see if they would release something else in the future i would like. I don't waste my time and life going on forums and youtube 3 years later after the album has dropped, bitching about it still. Those are the people who are the epic losers of all epic losers. Just like the ones who say LP sold out because they are not making Hybrid Theory part 3 when in reality, LP making Hybrid Theory part 3 because that is what people want to hear would actually be them selling out.



    So far for me with LP, i have loved all their efforts and get what they're doing each time they release an album. I understand how they got to where they are. I am one of the fans who is with them for the whole ride as they've proven to me four albums later that they capable of writing music that rapes me senses.(in a good way)


    It is so nice to have a candid interview. And Chester is the man. :wub: That man is always much smarter than he lets on. B)

  3. lol @ you being so pissed you make up bullshit. Jesus, give me a break. If you want to talk about stalking, talk about Ana and Phoenix.

    Would you chill. I meant nothing negative by that statement. Heck, i would stalk them too(their live shows that is) if i had the money. No i'm not pissed. I like the fact that you stalk their shows(electronic) and put it up here for the rest of us to view. I think i'm as much a big fan of them as you are. I admitted that you were right about them having played shows in the past two years in the world. I mean I still believe that NYC was their first exclusive Linkin Park show in two years, simply because i was referring to their shows here in the United States which i'm sure the band were too. I don't count festivals(Epicenter and the random Transformers Premier.)

  4. why are you always so negative in the last few days? :P


    The performance was awesome! can't wait to finally see this song live in October/November here in Germany :D I will enjoy every second of the show like LP doing it on stage! You can really see they are having fun playing live again and also having new songs which they can play in front of big audiences :)

    They really were having fun. I've seen them many times in the past years, and i can honestly say, I've never seen them so energetic and involved with each other and present on stage. I probably enjoyed the concert more because i couldn't help but feed off their enthusiasm and love of what they were doing.

  5. That was exactly as i remembered it. That song and performance was awesome. it's nice to know there is a recording of it. It sounded just like how i remembered it. It was love at first sight and i found my new favourite LP song and i still haven't heard the studio version yet. Chester is amazing. I don't care what anyone else says.

  6. OMG! That was bloody awesome! :) 'Waiting for the End' has now become my favourite LP track. And that was just based solely on the live version. Oh no! I hope i don't end up liking the live version better than the studio track. That would suck so much. I am a bit hesitant to play my CD now. :(

  7. What in the world? How am I being UNGRATEFUL to the band? I'm not being ungrateful at all with that LOL. I support the band, I'd say more than 75% of fans. I go see them in Europe, I buy everything, I spend HOURS on LPLive. That's crazy to say that about me, LOL. I'm sure Mike hates LPL compared to LPA but honestly...does that really matter?


    You've known me for how long? I have been a fan of this band since Hybrid Theory dropped. I am in no way UNGRATEFUL to Linkin Park. Hell yeah I criticize them a lot though. Hardcore fans are the hardest critics of a band - that's a fact. Sometimes it's true though (see: this statement by Chester being BS + Mike lipsynching Requiem in NYC).




    Actually genius...wait. Have you even seen this? http://lplive.net/2009.php


    LPLive = Linkin Park Live. There's a live guide on this website.


    First show in two years? What is your source on that? I'll list you the shows the band played in the last two years and won't include those smaller shows. Full shows.


    21/07/2009 - Athens, Greece

    23/07/2009 - Graz, Austria - I was at this show

    28/07/2009 - Zurich, Switzerland - I was also at this show

    30/07/2009 - Stuttgart, Germany - Also at this one

    02/08/2009 - Grafenhainichen, Germany - Guess what? Here too

    11/08/2009 - Okinawa, Japan

    15/08/2009 - Shanghai, China

    16/08/2009 - Macao, China


    Did you not see they did an entire Europe and Asian Tour last year? Plus they did a full show at Epicenter in LA, which even had DBS there. Full concert.




    Now go back to 2008. Since Projekt Revolution 2008 ended before September 2008, you can't count that. So, on to the next. Valerie won the Verizon contest and LP was going to play at the University of Las Vegas for her + a bunch of her college friends at the Hard Rock Hotel.


    Date? October 16, 2008. Count that.


    Plus, LP booked a Music For Relief Benefit Tour in October in Asia that was canceled for Chester's injury to his back from when he was playing with his kid. That was 5 shows (4 in China, one in Taiwan). But don't count those.


    I'm not trying to be an ass to you but I'm telling you what the fact of the matter is. LP HAS played MANY shows in the past TWO years. For your sake, I didn't even list the FULL sets they did at any festivals so I can tell you it was completely their own show. Those shows: Rock'n Coke, Sonisphere (x2), Tuborg Greenfest, Rock One, Summer Sonic (x2), 2009 Summer Rock Summit, and Epicenter. DBS played at one Sonisphere, Summer Sonic (x2), and Epicenter.


    Total full shows LP booked in the last TWO years (UNLV show counts + NYC 9/14): 23

    Total full shows LP played in the last TWO years (75 min+): 18

    Total shows LP played on their own (no festivals): 9

    Total shows LP played at all (small shit included): 22


    So you're seriously trying to tell me LP hasn't played live in two years? Are you kidding me? Hell, I SAW THEM LIVE FOUR TIMES LAST YEAR.

    Well, you're not being an ass. After all, since you practically stalk them, I can't imagine anything slipping by you. I have no problem admitting when i'm in the wrong. But i do have to say, you obviously count some shows that i do not count as a Linkin Park show like festivals even if they headline with the exception of Pro Rev.

  8. LP is so dumb sometimes.


    "Linkin Park played their first show in nearly two years (or, as Chester Bennington put it, "two f---ing years")"


    What the fuck.

    Actually genius, this would be their first show in two years. As in, their own show. Not a festival show with other bands here in the U.S of A. And like that dude said, i'm sure they don't count Transformers, MTV Awards, Kroq breakfast stuff as an an actual show and neither do I.

    This is their first Linkin Park show in two years.

  9. That was so awesome! The freaking show was orgasmic and wayyyyyyyyyyyy too short! I forgive them because it is their first real show and they're probably using us for warm up and they debuted songs and the view was fantastic. But their future shows better not be so short or i will be super pissed and kill someone.


    No matter what though, Linkin Park never fails to take me away some place wonderful and reduce me to a silly fangirl. They will always be my favourite band. I've never connected with any other artist the way i do with them.



    Since i absolutely refused to listen to the leaked album and the song previews except for the one they sent us, i went in a virgin. I still refuse to listen to the new songs until i can play my own hard copy in a stereo and as loud as i can be.


    But "Irridescent" and "Waiting for the End" was pure beauty. I have been waiting for these songs and i didn't even know it. Mike & Chester's voice were like having awesome sex with each other and my ears and heart welcomed it. They need to write more songs like that. I hope there are more songs on the album and future albums where that marriage continues blissfully.


    Stand-out moments:


    I like how Brad & Mike switched instruments. In fact, the band seem more involved and active than they usually are with their music and stage performance.


    I loved Chester's guitar playing fake-out and pose. (it was adorable.)


    Mike kissed Chester on the head when they met up across the crowd.(yes i squeed because it was cute and i am a slash fan-girl.) :wub: <_<


    Mike was looking really hot as always. :wub: (although, why the damn beanie? It wasn't that cold)


    The way Mike and Chester played well off each other on Wretches & Kings. (magic.)


    Mike & Chester coming down and shaking the fans hands was just so sweet. I appreciate that they took the time to do that.


    Random: Chester has beautiful skin. Everytime i see this man up-close, i marvel at how this always seem to be true and wonder if he is born with it.


    Brad on keyboard is awesome.

  10. I was not excited to read this review. Bu it turned out great. Finally, a bad review. All those vague/semi-positive review(the few i've read) were sort of useless to me and making me suspicious. There is nothing like a bad review to tame down your expectations and reduce the hype.


    If this reviewer hated the album and for all those reasons(although using Justin Bieber as a synonym for bad music looses like 90% of credibility) then there is high chance i am going to love it. Like 99.9% chance.


    I've never jived with the critics and always find myself on the polar opposite. Now i can't wait for this album. Thanks reviewer dude.

  11. Username: threewingedfury

    Age: 23

    Location: North Carolina

    Why: I have the absolute WORST luck in the world. That's why.


    I'm thoroughly disappointed that I was unable to purchase tickets at the time of the LPU pre-sale. I didn't go to work the entire day the pre-sale tickets became available as I figured I had to jump on the opportunity as quick as I could. I waited impatiently at my laptop refreshing my e-mail every 20-30 seconds, waiting for that single e-mail to come through. When it finally came through that afternoon, I hopped onto TicketMaster, excited as ever that I'd be able to see my favorite band this year after thinking I wouldn't have the opportunity since there was no US tour. Unfortunately, I kept getting an error telling me that my code was invalid. I tried over and over again, but of course, it seems that luck wasn't on my side, as usual. I was too busy waiting for an e-mail to read the forum and know that someone had released the code - isn't life a bitch? Must be, because it only gets worse...


    So, I found out days later that a second batch was going up for sale. I'm thrilled, as I just knew I'd be able to snatch my tickets this time around - I wouldn't miss it for the world. I get my e-mail 30 mins before the pre-sale begins, and I'm ready. At 9:40am on the 27th - I get a phone call from my credit card company - my account has been put on hold due to suspicious activity. Some imbecile purchased quite a few hours of phone sex on my credit card the night before? Thanks a lot idiot. I'm freaking out at this point, as I knew I needed my credit card to buy the show tickets and I'm in full rage with this CSR trying to get my account back open to get my tickets within the next half hour. Of course not - my card number had to be closed out and I needed to be reassigned a new card - could they give me this number? Heck no, I have to wait until I got the card in the mail and activate it to use the account. FML.

    If it isn't too late, i would like to say, give this poor dude the ticket. I think he deserves. Not more than me, but because i totally get that frustration and he/she made me laugh. :lol:

  12. My thing is this: Since i already payed for the CD(and even if i didn't already, i would want too) why would i want to prematurely listen to the music? If i did that, it would make getting the CD pointless because the excitement and enjoyment will never be the same. I will wait till i get the physical CD in my hands, pop it into my stereo and blast it from beginning to end and get the full experience. And for me, that won't be till the 20th of September even though i will be getting the CD way before then. I made the mistake of listening to the leaked version of Alice in Chains new album and I've yet to buy the CD.



    On another note, I'm quite surprised it took this long to leaf. A full week is amazing.

  13. I want to go in hopes of hearing more than one song, but, driving 45 mins + EPIC TRAFFIC = I dont know yet...

    common sense dictates the invitation is open to those LPUers who live very near the location plus, those LPUers who would love to attend the VMAs and not just watch only LP.



    If you don't live very near the location and have no interest in attending the VMAs past LP, then you should most likely not even attempt to win.

  14. Username: arbiter


    Age: 22


    Location: Gilroy, California


    Why I think i should win: First of all, i'm 100% certain there are several members on here that deserve to win. Too bad there is only one ticket. I would like to be awarded that ticket not because i deserve it more than any other LP fan(the ones on here anyways) but because i think the ticket would be guaranteed to be used for all that its worth. Which is a lucky LP fan having the time of her life. I missed out on the presale because i was at my lame job(both times.) I am also a poor college student who is trying to save money for school next year. Not meant to be a sob story or anything like that, but i would love to rather use the money i have reserved to buy the ticket for food when i go back to school. I am going to be in New York on that day because i had already booked a flight to go see my aunt. And the flight itself was a free round trip. So if i got this free ticket, it would be a dream summer vacation. In fact, seeing LP would be the highlight of my summer that has been spent getting my messed up family on some part of decency and holding us all together. I so need the break. I don't need to say that LP is my favourite band and hearing the new songs live would be orgasmic to me. Right?

  15. Reaction post from someone who avoided every sneak clip of the video like a plague:






    My second favourite Linkin Park video ever! Or maybe it is now my favourite... ;)



    Or maybe because i have like a little fan girl crush on Mike Shinoda! :wub:


    And oh my god! Poor Chester who had to be dunked in water an in slow mo too. I wonder how many takes that took but i'm sure he's used to suffering for his art. :wacko:



    I love the mood of the video, the cuts, the angels and shots.

  16. Calculus? Psh. Missing two days of college for this. Drive 4 hours to ATL, fly to NYC to the show, fly back, drive 4 hours back, go right back to class.



    mark, you should get some kind of reward or something from the band for being such an enthusiastic fan. ;)

  17. I know this is a long shot, but if anyone has any ticket they are willing to sell, please let me know. I will more than happy to buy it as long as the price is reasonable. I know they tend to go for a lot higher than purchased and that is fine with me. As long as it isn't ridiculous, i'm good.

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