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Posts posted by arbiter

  1. "Mike, why not save on the cost of DSP's, and just sell a CD at every show titled "Greatest Hits?"


    A less clever way of asking might be, "Will your setlists always be generic?" (sorry, new intros don't = a rare song played in full).

    I don't get it. People buy the DSP's before and after the show. The band do not hold you at gun point and force you to buy the freaking CD. So why are you bitching and moaning about it. You knew exactly what you were going to get. If you don't like their set-list, do what normal people do, don't go see them.

    Just like the people who bought Minutes to Midnight and are still bitching and whining.


    As for questions asked, the most annoying questions that people ask all the time are "is the album going to sound like Hybrid Theory?" "Is it going to be more heavy?" "Is it going to be another Minutes to Midnight?" Are you guys going to go back to your old style?" blah blah blah..


    Talk about redundant and boring.

  2. The way I look at it is this... I have been a setlist complainer since the very first show of this tour. I was shocked to see pretty much the same songs bunched together in yet a slightly different order. Add New Divide, a cut-down version of Session, and a little busier POA intro and thats all.


    Why should I even be complaning? I wasn't at any shows this year. It doesn't effect me in any way shape or form if LP plays In The End or And One. However, I am a fan of the band and if there was a tour to ever change something up, this was the one.


    The setlist that was played during this tour is not bad. While I think Session is extremely overrated in general and on this tour, it was certainly a different way to open the show. I am a fair person and I have not seen this song live so I can't say whether or not I would really like it or not. From the videos and just my preference for LP's kickass intros, it seems a bit anti-climatic TO ME. This setlist also contained my 3 favorite LP songs (Lying, Faint, POA) and my two favorite songs from MTM in Given Up and No More Sorrow. But its the principle. This was simply a small tour played on 3 continents. Wouldn't you think the band as a whole would try and say hey, we probably won't be bringing these songs out next year with the new album and such, why don't we bring back With You and Figure or something. But no. They couldn't. They brought the same stuff that they have played in Europe, USA, Asia and everywhere else in between the past few years.


    Fact of the matter is, as fans, and as this being a freakign "live guide" site, anyone has the right to complain or suggest something about the setlist. This is what this site is soley about: Linkin Park in its live form. The old "If you were there, you wouldn't be complaining" is true.... I have seen Linkin Park 8 times and it was all during the MTM time period. But either way, its still makes me wonder why this band can't simply change the set and/or add more songs. I don't think anyone here is asking for 8 singles to be dropped and the set be filled with Step Up, And One, By Myself, With You, Easier To Run, QWERTY, and Annoucement Service Public. One or two or something would be at least sufficient. But LP cannot do that and I don't see them doing it on their next tour with new songs having to be played. Probably the thing that bothers me the most is the way their setlist is designed: It kickass for the first 30-40 minutes then really, really slows down in the middle. The encores usually kickass (and this year's set certainly did) but a whole change of pace is needed. They have kept this basic setlist design for a LONG TIME. It's time to ditch it.


    I just saw this tour as an opportunity for the band to have some fun and do something they haven't done due to being on the MTM cycle and such. But apparently we should be very thankful that the Lord Shinoda changed a few verses here in there, and added a few keyboard pieces identical to what he did mid-PR 07. Apparently we should be content with that.

    Does it ever occur to you that just like you have your favourite Linkin Park songs to listen to, the band has their favourite Linkin Park songs to play? Hence the absent songs and present repeating songs on their set list.


    It won't do anyone any good especially the fans to have Linkin Park playing songs they are not that fond of looking bored and forced.

  3. My Epicenter Review:


    First of all, i hate non-LP produced festivals because of the set times the band have to play.


    I missed everyone on the Monster Stage because they were all boring.


    Atreyu was better at last years Projekt Revolution.


    But they had the same energy, just without that oomph.


    Didn't care for Wolfmother.


    Watched Alice in Chains. They were bloody awesome. I never really liked their music but their live show just won me over instantly. Their songs sound way better live. I fell in love with the new lead singer William Duvall. Personally, i prefer him over Layne. His style rocks. I'm all ready for the new era of Alice in Chains.


    As for Linkin Park. Really loved them today. They were just as addicting and brilliant as they were in Westwood back in June.


    Chester seemed to be giving it his all. I loved the piano intro Mike did with Breaking the Habit. That was the most beautiful moment of the entire concert. Mike actually gave a wicked smile. Brad was a lot more audience interactive. Phoenix was stoic as always. Rob was awesome. I thought Chester's voice was awesome. He was really trying his best. The only time his voice wasn't up to par was in Shadow of the Day which really has to do with the song. I've always felt Shadow of the Day was more of a studio song. I never thought i would like Dead by Sunrise, but i fell in-love with Chester's passion, and the songs. I will definitely be buying the album now.


    Chester looked so sweet when he held onto the microphone when he sang Numb or Leave Out All the Rest.



    Onto the worst part of the concert. Rude Tool fans. I wanted to kill whomever dared to throw a bottle at Mike's keyboard. That was rude, uncalled for, and stupid. People like that ruin concerts for the rest of us. I was really happy LP played before Tool because i was able to leave afterwards.


    I was so edgy the whole time and impatient. I wanted Alice in Chains to keep playing but i wanted Linkin Park to come on. It was a hard moment to be in. I almost got squished to death at the front and managed to escape to the back where it was safer for my ribcage. WHoever came up with crowd surfing and mosh pits needs to be shot.


    I really loved Linkin Parks performance. The Hands Held High acapella and verse over the reanimation Crwaling intro was awesome and spine tingling. Mike was in his zone.

    I wish this wasn't LPs only North American Show. I can't wait to see them again live. I will be there when their album comes out.

    Linkin Park is one of the bands out there that don't get the respect they deserve.


    For the records, A certain group of Tool fans who were complete assholes were the vocal minority who were intent on ruining the show for everyone else and shouldn't influence people's opinion.


    Bu the crowd could have been more energetic. They were boring most of the time. Probably because most LP fans are passive listeners.

  4. 1.) Linkin Park - the only reason i bought the ticket and the only band i wanted to see. I saw them 3 times on this particular tour. They were awesome in mountain view, funny in Irvine, but kicked absolute ass in Dallas. probably biased because i was still on a high from meeting Mike and Chester.(Chester up close and personal has really nice skin and is better looking i noticed. :wub: pictures don't do him justice and Mike is all levels of cute and shy; at least when Chester is talking about him like he was a god.) Back on topic, Papercut was awesome at the dallas show. Chester and Mike were really lively and had high energy.


    2.)10 years. - They were my absolute favourite new discoveries. I am forever grateful to Chester for inviting them on the tour or else, i would never have discovered them. Their music stood out to me for a band i've never ever heard any material from except for beautiful. I missed them in mountain view and saw them for the first time in irvine. I was blown away. the next time i saw them in dallas, i had already downloaded their entire collection. I agree with Chester, why they're not big is beyond me. They entertain and have great songs. And the singer being shirtless most of the time didn't hurt either. <_< They should have been on the main stage above the bravery. They have better stage presence.


    3.) Chris Cornell- i really loved watching him. in irvine, it was hard to hear him because whoever was the idiot responsible for his mike had the volume really low. But in dallas, he kicked butt. I really loved it when chester came out to sing hunger strike with him. it was beautiful. i also loved to hear the james bond theme song. a huge pleasure watching him work the crowd. he set a bar for LP to follow.


    4.) Atreyu- Even though i'm not fond of most of their songs except for 2, they still managed to entertain me. I don't like screaming bands but i'll watch Atreyu any day. they work the crowd and seem genuinely pleased to be there to play for us as much as we were there to see them. huge stage presence.


    5.) The Bravery - i liked three of their songs. they didn't bore me all that much. funny though, i saw them 3 times but i can barely remember them on stage besides their music.


    from here on out, any of this bands could be interchangeable music wise so i am going to rank them presentation wise.


    6.) Street Drum Corps - They get your attention with their crazy get-ups and glow paint. Plus i really liked their drum intro for one step closer.


    7.) Armour for Sleep - the singer guy really annoyed me at first. but i liked when he sang hold the door so i forgave him his ugly tight jeans. seriously, skinny jeans was not meant for every one especially not the jonas brothers. they were not entertaining but were not boring either.


    8.) Ashes Divide - None of their songs did it for me except for the stone though. at first in irvine, Billy the singer creeped me out before he got on stage. After that i noticed how gracious and honoured he felt to be there that i softened and saw that he wasn't a serial killer in disguise. although, they were really boring on stage.


    9.) Hawthourne Heights should have been the opening band for the revolution stage because they suck every life and fun from the audience. their music is lackluster and sound like disney kiddy show tunes. They're really ugly and lack any sort of stage presence. How do they have any fans? The absolute worst on the bill. they were your get some snacks, pee a gallon place holder.

  5. With all due respect, I think you are incorrect. In fact, I know you are wrong.


    Session is an excellent opener. I've seen it three times going into Given Up on this tour. Two were indoors but the Stuttgart outside venue in the daylight is EXACTLY how it was performed in Knebworth, so I know exactly what I'm talking about.


    Session into Given Up is quite solid my friend. It fades in and all of a sudden, BAM the instrumental kicks in and the LP banner starts going up. Everyone stares at the stage, throws their hands up and sees Joe rocking it up on Mt Hahn. Then the band comes out and rocks it with Given Up. Essentially Session is just a show intro and Given Up really opens the set song-wise. It's really good, I see nothing wrong with it at all. How the fuck is it a failure....?


    NMS long intro is still in there and it gets the pits going every damn time. I'd rather have Session and Given Up open the show with the NMS long intro later in the set than have NMS long intro open the set and have no Session at all. Watch the Stuttgart videos, Session is great.


    Nothing has failed. This is a very solid tour, the crowds are responding great to the band outside of the DBS stuff. LP is rocking it HARD every night. They don't talk to the crowd much but they bring the energy song after song and really get the crowd into it. I haven't seen Joe Hahn have this much energy in years - he is absolutely killing it on stage. Mike Shinoda is going fucking crazy changing the setlists during the tour, that is extremely badass. Lots and LOTS of pure energy from the band and some A plus solid performances.


    New Divide starting the encore is the best song to open an encore since Crawling in 2004. The crowd goes fucking OFF for ND, Faint and OSC to close it. I am really enjoying this tour - it blows PR08 USA the fuck out of the water in terms of energy, the setlist and band performance. Totally destroys it. LP is doing really well on this tour. The whole band is hopping around like hell on stage, rocking it start to end. No longer are Brad and Joe just sitting there chilling during songs...those days are gone.


    I am one of the most hardcore fans of the band and I am really really enjoying these shows. The setlists may not have the older songs in them that the fans want, but shit the shows are incredible. And obviously I am not the only one that thinks that since the reviews are great for every show I've been to.

    Brilliantly said and true! You tell him. I can always trust you to give it straight without being offensive.

    By the way, Mark, are you still interested in my Epicenter tickets? If you don't, i guess I'll just have to stick with it. No complaints either way although, it was a little rude not to alert me to your decision. ;)

  6. I hope LP puts on a great show, though the reviews will all probably be pretty negative regardless of how they perform.


    Gotta love those metalheads.

    I hate those metal heads.


    I dislike metal music on the whole along with their narrow-minded and rude fans.


    I'm so worried for LP. :( They have to kick some major ass. That's all they need to do. Screw the critics all-around. If Chester thinks this is a make it or break it show, i hope they bring their A-game.


    Why is Linkin Park even headlining a freaking 90% metal show when they're not even metal? The producers should be shot for their unbalanced mix of genres.


    I have faith in LP to give their all but i don't have any faith in metal crowds in being respectful. God i wish i could go to give LP some support. I'm going to be biting my nails all through tomorrow. And that is why you don't get attached to a band and their music because just like people, you start caring about them. On-top of my worrisome college life, i now have to worry about LP.

    I seriously need a break. <_<

  7. i am shocked too ... booooooring xD


    LP don't have to change their set list at all if they don't want to.

    The only people who find it boring are people on this forum who follow their every move across the European continent as opposed to the people who attend the concerts. I'm sure LP don't expect the fans to follow them across the continent.



    Who am i kidding, i'm very sure LP are aware of fans who will follow them across the continent. :lol:

  8. The set list looks interesting!


    A little off-topic: If you're an aspiring musician,


    Music Mogul, combines a browser-based virtual world with online competitions to find the next big thing in music. They are currently hosting an online competition, decided entirely by the fans, to find the best musical talent around the world and have them compete for a 3 song demo contract! Go to http://bit.ly/xy6K2 for more info!

  9. May the king of pop rest in peace. :( He was and will forever be my number one artist of all time. I was so shocked when i read about it. His talent has inspired waves of artists. There will be no one like him ever again. I wish his family well.


    You may not like his music, but you cannot deny his talent and success.


    Michael Jackson is a god!

  10. Shadow of the Day? Waking the dead? Seriously? Hilarious

    I enjoy your poking even though you very well know that i was not talking about shadow of the day but a general great live performance.

    I guess you consider screaming vocal, loud bass, heavy guitar, as the equivalent to a good live performance. Now i find that hilarious. With those qualifications, i guess everyone with an instrument is capable of putting on a good live show.


    Gone are the days when quality music regardless of it's sound and a kick-ass performance on stage makes a great live act.

  11. Blah! I'm only going to this concert because the Transformers-free-but-very-very-very-short-show left me half full and wanting more. Linkin Park is like a drug that gets me addicted to them every time i see them.


    I don't care for any of the other bands and have never heard of Tool unitl 3 days ago. I hope co-headlining doesn't mean that LP is going to play a shorter set. I don't need a reason to hate the organizers but that would do it.


    And no, I don't think that Tool is a better musicain than LP. After giving them a listen, they're okay but Linkin Park is my first love. I hope Tool plays last as long as it doesn't shorten LP's time on stage so that i can leave early and beat traffic.


    That's the bonus of your favourite band not headlining. I just wish 10 years or Muse were part of the line-up. I hate hard rock and most Metallica-Gun's n Roses-Mastadon- sounding-bands. Ew.

  12. LP want to kick some ass at sonisphere? Not with LOATR, SOD .....so I hope for some older songs. Otherwise they won't beat Muse


    and Rick Rubin....oh noooo....I hope it's NOT true!

    Bullshit. I don't get what shadow of the day has to do with being good live. That song is magnificent in its own right. Being good live means singing properly and putting a show that will wake the dead.


    Linkin Park is Linkin Park. Their songs, albums and live shows is what makes them Linkin Park. If you don't like them, then don't go see them. I don't care for Metallica and think they're over-rated along with their fans. I'm not going to go see them and whine and bitch to other people who are there to have a good time. That would make me stupid and immature.

    Even if they played old songs, if you don't like Linkin Park, you'd still not like them regardless. Even if they play their old songs, not everyone will be happy. All they can do is please themselves first and it seems that the way they feel they can do this is to bring their A game and give a really good live performance. A horrible band can ruin a good song live.

    I hope they play Shadow of the Day because that is a great song. Screw the assholes who think otherwise. All that matters is it's given the proper respect and performed great live.


    A great live band is a band that makes you love a song even more than you already do with their performance of the song.


    Linkin Park is capable of it if they wanted. They want to match Muse in their great live performance not match them in singing the same kind of songs. If you can't understand that, then you never will.


    As for Rick Rubin, I'm surprised at the many fools who believe that Rick Rubin equals more M2M album and No Rick Rubin equals more hybrid Theory kind of album. I marvel at such tunnel vision. They ignore the fact that LP wanted to change their sound and wrote the songs they wanted and are responsible for changing their direction and have said in interviews that they don't want to and won't be making a new album that sounds like any of their previous album. You have to be stupid to keep spouting the same nonsense about Rick Rubin and LP and Sonisphere. Minutes to Midnight was an awesome album and Rick Rubin wasn't responsible for it. If they want to make another album like that, they will make another one like it Rick Rubin or not.


    Producers get way too much credit than they deserve.


    I do wonder though if some people find it easier to blame Rick Rubin for their disappointment in M2M instead of really looking the truth in the eyes that LP really wanted the change. It's either you're on board, or you're not. Stop spreading misery around. LP is well aware that some fans wouldn't like their new sound and are happy to move on with the rest of the fans who are. You should too. Although i wonder how much you really hated that album if you're still on here on a fan forum 2 years after its release.

  13. Well i disagree with all of you on Chester's vocals. I was there live and thought he sounded awesome live. All those fan videos didn't do the New Divide performance Justice. They are nothing compared to the live performance. I don't care how much you guys say you know about music but he sounded great on the song for the first time in-front of an audience (not counting the 4 MFR winners).
  14. Remember this case from 2007?

    MINNEAPOLIS – A replay of the nation's only file-sharing case to go to trial has ended with the same result — a Minnesota woman was found to have violated music copyrights and must pay huge damages to the recording industry.


    A federal jury ruled Thursday that Jammie Thomas-Rasset willfully violated the copyrights on 24 songs, and awarded recording companies $1.92 million, or $80,000 per song.


    One of those songs was One Step Closer by you know who.



    Hey, whether you like it or not, illegally downloading music is a crime. Everybody knows this. When you do it, you do it at your own risk and hope that you don't get caught. She happens to have pissed off lady luck and got caught. Poor woman but she's old enough to know the risks she was taking. It's kind of immature to be saying 'F you' to the RIAA. They do have their obligation to protect the artists interests since the artists themselves can't. Even though i know it's the record companies interest that is really getting protected, till the law changes, it's still a crime to steal music.

  15. i think the show in us is a show for the students of UNLV!!!

    because they won a private show last year!!!!!!!!!^^ ;)

    That seems about right! I honestly don't see them playing Almost Acoustic... this year at all.

  16. Wow, I take a week off and LP has a new single coming out and for Transformers. I'm always the last to know about stuff like this and not too soon.


    So i guess, the people behind Transformers are a big fan of Linkin Park so much so as to have them personally pen a song for their movie outside of their album cycle. All i can say is they have good taste.B)

  17. Mike said he's doing 5-10 demos a week.


    Also I think it'd be cool to see LPTV with them covering shit like:


    -Small clips of new songs

    -Studio stuff, like showing us around and general goofing around

    -Random shit the band is doing

    -Some Dead By Sunrise work

    -Mike's art that he's doing

    -Other cool stuff


    Maybe a 10 min episode every Saturday or something, I mean that'd be really damn cool, lol. That'd give us all kinds of information. Mike is like "Hi guys, this week we've had 1 band meeting...worked on a few demos together...one of them we worked on a lot drum-wise and Rob did a great job *shot to Rob tracking and a small clip*" then like "I've also been still working on my art" etc etc "Chester continues his DBS work" then a 2-3 segment on that. It has potential but it'd never happen.

    Okay, that made me laugh. The first thing that came to mind was "you're such a geek!" :lol:


    Seriously, you like have everything scripted in your head. That was a nice break from all the argument going on.

  18. I seriously highly doubt Linkin Park will release such an album. I'd stake my hearing on it. There is a better chance of them releasing another reanimation album which is already highly unlikely. Besides, no one releases a greatest hits album after only three studio albums? Doesn't make any sense if you really consider it. :mellow:

  19. That sounds terrible. If MTM sucked, then why are people buying and listening to it? I'm sick of hearing such comments 2 years after it's release. Minutes to Midnight is a great album. It was way more diverse than the first two and truly displayed the bands ability. They have often said that the Hybrid Theory Soldier is supposed to represent their heavier side(the soldier) and their softer side(the dragon fly wings) In my opinion, Minutes to Midnight represents just that. It also was a growth album. The same old stuff would have sounded like a repeat. It showed that they've changed and are talented musicians. I also believe that people wouldn't be putting the album down if Linkin Park didn't make it. I think that's the real problem. People were expecting another Hybrid Theory so were disappointed. So they judged MTM based on their expectation instead of the work itself. I hope they don't go back to the old sound completely. I admired them even more when i knew that despite the fact that some fans wanted the old style, they did what they wanted to do and not give in. They stayed true to themselves.


    The band has often said that they felt like they've exhausted their old sound and were getting bored hence the change. I would rather they write something they truly enjoy so that they will be able to stand on a stage and play it with equal passion. That is what music is all about; not what people want.

    I believe that their new album will incorporate their old and new sound as is the natural course for them to go. Even if they go back to their HT style, people will still complain and bitch so what's the point?

    Here's to hoping the band satisfy themselves first before anybody.

  20. I agree, I'd love to see a collab w/ Axl and Chester during Sonisphere, but now getting back to the topic, we def need to find some good audio recorders as well as video.

    I hope to god not. I hate Axl's voice to the core. He sounds like a 100 year old man croaking his last breath which grates my ears.


    Why would they even collab with each other. I get a Busta/LP collab but the sort people seem to be talking about is Chester singing someone else song with them. Lame. Perhaps if they came up with something new together.......

  21. That poll is stupid. What's the point of winning an award like that? When a poll comes up that is worthy of Linkin Park, then I'll vote. Second rate awards are just lame.


    And i disagree that they haven't put out anything grammy worthy since 2003(they won one in 2004). But 2007 was a good year to have won an award. Now we just wait for the next album, so maybe 2010?


    Sadly though, the only artist in that poll that comes close in my book of being potentially (robbed of a grammy nomination) is LP. The others are just okay which is sad.

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