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Posts posted by arbiter

  1. Which people did with Hybrid Theory. Then they decided to make more radio friendly songs into a compact album named Minutes to Midnight, which boosted their popularity even further because it was more appealing to the ears of the masses.


    What's more important, pleasing the "hardcore" fans or making money for your career? I can see why they would choose the money route, seeing as they make only 1 cent off of every album sale as it is (on top of illegal music downloads). Pleasing a small amount of fans who want them to return to their roots is not selling out, nor is it likely to happen.


    I remember back in 2001, I would ask anyone if they heard of Linkin Park before...their initial response was "Yeah! They did that song In The End, right?"


    In The End was a catchy tune and more pleasing to the ears than One Step Closer.

    (my point with this is that the majority of people are more likely to remember the easy listening tunes)


    It's a career. It's obvious they are going to "sell out". I can't think of a single band who has not done so AND grown in popularity. When you are out playing local pubs for the sake of pleasing people, it's different than signing a contract to market your music. You can't market your music too well if the majority of your audience isn't buying the shit.


    Obviously I don't have a tag on my shirt that says "Professional in Marketing" but that's just how I see it.





    Oh, I give Blackbirds a 9/10. It reminded me of Hybrid Theory, Meteora and Minutes to Midnight smashed together...I liked the vibe of it.

    And i disagree. Making music solely to please other people besides your selves; whether it be "hardcore fans"(you obviously use this term to refer to people who are Hybrid Theory fans when in essence, its supposed to refer to anyone who loves the band and the music they make passionately) or the casual mass population is selling out. Outside of yourselves. It can be a small or large group of people. If i went with your definition of "hardcore fans" the Hybrid Theory loving population, then wouldn't it be a lot smarter for LP if they're after money to make music to please them considering that album is still to date their highest grossing album? The figures do not lie. Making another Hybrid Theory would have been the easy way out for them. They took a bigger risk of alienating their fan base by making MTM which is a very bad thing. Some bands never recover from that.

    And people say MTM was more radio-friendly. The best songs of that album would never get played on the radio. TLGYA is one of the best under-rated songs of LP simply because it is not hard guitars, screaming, and Mike's rapping. I think Hybrid Theory right now would be more appealing to the mass population seeing as there are a lot of top 40 artists nowadays who have adopted that style.


    And when you come down to it; the hardcore fans are the fans who bought the 650,000 albums of MTM on the first day and caused it to debut at #1 on Billboards.


    What people need to come to terms with is just like your taste in music, clothes, food, cognitive ability changes, so do the individuals in a band. It's ridiculous that it's okay to change your favourite song every four weeks but expect a band to never change theirs like they're robots. I mean look at all those imbeciles who continuously want Mike to dye his hair back to red or blue, dress like he did in his twenties, wear piercings, and for Chester to dress like a homeless bum/dye his hair blond. Like it was the dyed hair and baggy clothing that wrote the music. Its like they're mistaken LP for N'Sync. You know, a group whose success depended on their looks.

  2. He wasn't exactly going to flip it around and say DBS kicked more ass than LP.

    Chester needs to give himself way more credit. From what i've seen, i thought DBS was kicking a lot of ass. I mean, LP was in the same boat as DBS when they first came out. And if by ass Chester is referring to the audience size, then that is an obvious duh! LP is an established act while DBS is a new baby.


    I don't think he should ever regret making DBS, he just realize that LP is better and always will be and he should get back to working with his band LP, not some failed side project. :unsure:

    Word. Chester needs to cheer up. OOA was a cool album. I don't think it is a failed side project. Chester just needs to get rid of whatever expectations he has and just let the dices fall. Only time will tell if it is a failed project. If more than a hundred people show up to watch you play, i don't think it is a failure. I hope Chester doesn't give up. It would be so unlike him. If he had given up when things got rough, we wouldn't have LP today.


    And seriously people, harsh much? I mean i know DBS wasn't everyone's cup of tea but those a pretty mean words.

  3. It shouldn't really matter who was in the song...what matters is what it was for.



    I'm pretty curious myself as to why LP decided not to be a part of it.

    I would have donated to the cause no questions asked. They didn't have to ruin a great song just to ask? The way i saw it; most of the people on there didn't give a crap but chose to do it for cheap publicity. I'm surprised Chris Brown wasn't on there. I mean; doesn't he care about Haiti too as much as T-Pain or the Jonas brothers? Sure he has a terrible public image right now but what matters is what the cause was for right? <_<



    I'm glad LP steered away from that disaster; not that i would loose respect for them if they didn't. As for why LP didn't participate? It's quite simply and logical. What would they accomplish from doing so? They already put in motion the same but better executed idea with Download to Haiti. Joining in and uttering a single line of that song isn't going to accomplish anything that DtD isn't already doing. They could even help out more by making a commercial that they say "please donate to Haiti" without joining in that song.


    I don't know if that remake is trying to tell me that "Wow! Our generation has got one of the weakest line-up of singers in pop" because that remake was the worst remake to ever grace my ears. Except for Celine Dion, Josh Groban, and Pink, no one could carry a proper note or deserve to call themselves a musician. They might as well have had Soulja Boy doing his dance in the background if they were going to let T-pain use auto-tune. I mean, what a downgrade and an insult to people who actually sing. M.J would be rolling in his grave.

  4. No single answer to the album....good or bad sign? ^^


    Pretty broing Q&A session to be honest. But at least he did one....Phoenix should start it again, too.

    That's because people asked pretty boring questions that have been asked a million times over and are just stupid like "do you read?" No SHIT!


    It would have been nice if members on this board had taken advantage of that opportunity and compiled good questions for Mike.

  5. I'm cautiously optimistic. Reason being: they hyped the crap out of TLTGYA; I heard it and was like, "oh...not bad, but I don't see the hype..."

    LP did not over-hype TLGYA. That song was truly EPIC! Just because it wasn't heavy guitar banging and screaming like people were expecting doesn't make it any less epic. Maybe people need to re-define their definition of epic. heavy guitar chords and riffs with screaming doesn't equal a good song.





    VERY dumb, which is why I made my initial post to begin with...people having sympathy and buying CD's for the hell of it. I guess it's wrong of me to associate actions from people with what Chester said, but it's going together like a puzzle. Just wanted to point it out. If no one else feels that way then I guess I truly am looking into it too much.


    I think you jumped to a huge conclusion based off of a single statement. And i am kind of offended that you think just because i feel sorry for him that it means i would go out there and buy an album as a result of being manipulated. In fact, my thoughts were nowhere near that idea at all. All i read was a man who was having a moment of self-doubt. It happens even to the best of us. Chester isn't immune. He is human. All i felt obligated to do was give him my honest opinion on the album.

    And if there are people who go out there and buy an album, are they not allowed to do so? People who are easily told how to feel or what to do deserve what is coming to them.

  6. give me a break. saying she was black made it easier to describe who was on the stage. you need to relax. black people don't mind be called black. just like white people don't mind be called white. it is perfectly fine for black people to make fun of white people in stand-up comedy or other venues. black people make fun of the way we talk, and everyone laughs. God forbid a white person does an impression of a black person. and let's not forget Queen Latifah's 3rd album "Black reign" could u imagine if a white artist put out an album called "White Reign." Al Sharpton would have had a coronary. there is such a double standard and everyone needs to relax. she was fat, ( for lack of a better word) and she was black. why aren't you concerned that we called her fat? that seems more insensitive than calling her black.

    And another person who misses the point. To you it seems it's one or the other. I don't know how Al Sharpton came into the mix(i don't know who the hell that is anyways) or how you got "it's okay for black people to be racist" out of my post. I don't care much or watch today's black media culture so i don't know half the things you're talking about.


    My main problem was if the woman had been white, i bet my life on it that people would more likely say "that fat woman" not "that fat white woman." You can rave all you want and infer whatever you think i'm trying to say but you and i both know that is the truth. White people in this country are the only ones who generally are labeled Americans. It's always that american. But if it were any other ethnicities, it is always going to be "Mexican-american, Asian american e.t.c. Because god forbid they be just Americans. You don't see anyone referring to white people as European Americans.




    And since when did Obama becoming president equal no racism? I hope that is a joke.

  7. That last performance with Jamie Foxx and T-Pain was a goddamn mess though. My god, it was such a lip synced disaster. Random fat black woman coming on and dancing? Why the hell was Slash there? And then Justin Bieber failing horribly...getting Beyonce and Bon Jovi confused...

    :blink: That does sound like a mess. But seriously, why can't she just be a fat woman instead of fat black woman unless there was more than one fat woman and you need to be more specific. It's like only European-Americans are allowed to be addressed as just people or that person but everybody else has to be identified with the color of their skin as that black, that Asian, or that Mexican. sheesh -_-
  8. alice in chains and nickelback are boring, not bad bands, but don't deserve any awards

    the alice guy and chad from nickelback are bad singers

    Wash your mouth out with soap. Nickelback are not in the same league are AIC even on their best day. William and Jerry are superior vocalists and kick ass. :angry:

  9. i think they have a big chance to win, but i think the grammy will go to Nickelback

    If there is any justice in the world, Alice in Chains would win. They are by far the obvious choice and true winner. If the Grammy people are too stupid to see that, then i would rather they pick LP. Because the alternative is unacceptable. I would rather they be too stupid to choose than be blatantly biased by picking Nickelback(who people seem to believe even against evidence that they've yet to win 4+ nominations and counting) or any of the other default act.


    I would forgive the lose of the Grammy's sanity if LP took it home but will always feel AIC got screwed and cheated intentionally if the other acts took it home. But that is just me. <_<

  10. And that is why Mike refused to tell us the song names. Even at that, all the speculation and misreading and misquoting are still happening.


    Lets face it. Fact, the moment of truth will only be known as in relation to what style and what all the band has been saying mean when the album drops.


    There is no way we will figure out what direction they are going from that song on download to Haiti or anything. I honestly doubt they would release anything yet.


    And when Mike said they were going back to their root, the only thing i see is that they are going back to the studio they made Hybrid Theory and Meteora in. I find my sanity stays intact better when i don't try to speculate and decode every word the band alters from now till the album release. They could just as quickly change their mind and go in a whole different direction. Just like MtM.

  11. i heard that the song was the worst by all a7x fans. they say that any one could write abetter song.

    Who bloody cares. And it's kind of ignorant to put a whole group of people under one umbrella.

  12. WOW! :blink: Not reading through this thread and having my opinion fully untainted by them; i would say: The new song is...I don't know how to describe it properly. All i can say is; it is definetly not what comes to mind when i think of Linkin Park. Chester's singing is reminiscent of "Valentine's Day." The music i won't even try to decipher as i don't have as good a ear to figure it out. But i am really enjoying the beats and spacey feel it has. It is most certainly the most different I've heard them. And people said MTM was very different.


    I know a bunch of people are going to jump on it immediately for the fact that it is the most out of orbit from the sound of the past Linkin Park that we know.


    Regardless, it is a very magical song. I am curious though to know when this song was written. I would guess it is from the MTM era since it has that "Valentine's Day" tone to it even though they are completely different songs.


    The song independent from what the history of LP is a complete 4.5 stars out of 5. It is the only way to listen to the song in my opinion with your judgement being clouded. :lol:

  13. LOL! Mike can't sing, has a really crappy rap flow, the only thing semi talented about LP is Chester and he sucks live.

    You came out of the closet as a Mike/LP hater on an LP fansite. What next, you're going to join the LPU and start a thread about how much you think LP is a corporate made boy band?

    Get an effing life and ditch the holy than thou and know it all act. Your need for attention is too transparent.

  14. Totally disagree. He said he brought a few of the songs to LP and while the band liked them, he didn't want them to be messed with. I think all the songs on OOA are incredible, I love the whole album from start to finish. Do you really think he would have brought songs like GMYN or ITD to LP? No. He probably brought some rough demos and that was it. Mike did FM, Chester can do DBS, it's fine. The only problem is that he seems to be losing interest in LP. LP seems more of just like a 'job' when it shouldn't be, that's what I was trying to say. The DBS songs aren't 'rejected' songs at all, don't know why you would call them that because that's pretty stupid.

    Rejection could either be positive or negative. You're choosing to see it in a negative light. Your problem not mine. LP rejected the songs because if they didn't, the songs would be altered from Chester's original idea to fit with Linkin Park which they didn't want. Just because you don't want to see it that way doesn't mean my opinion is less valid than yours. That's your point and i could care less. I never said the whole album. You took what i said and made a blanket assumption. No one said the album was bad. I love the album.


    As for everyone speculating on Chester losing interest in LP, that is all it is.

  15. ''Linkin Park are always No.1 so I'm forced … not forced, I am at the whim of whatever Linkin Park are doing at the time.''


    I didn't like that quote too much at all. 'Forced'? Sorry but LP is 100 times better than DBS is and I think he just likes the fame of being in LP, not so sure if he even enjoys being in the band at all anymore. The rest of the band looks so focused and what not and Chester always just looks bored now.

    If Chester enjoys the fame of being in LP, he sure as hell deserves and has the right to do so considering he help build the band with all his heart and strength.


    I think what Chester said and what he probably meant are not one and the same. The way i see it, he probably meant that if he had a choice, the priority and obvious choice of his loyalty and dedication has to be LP because that is just how it is.


    And obviously, DBS was created as an outlet for LP rejected songs. It's not what Chester is implying, it is the concrete truth. If LP hadn't rejected any of those songs, there wouldn't be a DBS. There is a reason the album was called Out of Ashes. LP burned the song ideas, and Chester picked it up and made the album we know. <_<

  16. Personally, I don't care if DBS and LP continue to co-exist as long as Chester doesn't end up burning himself out (creatively and/or performance-wise) because he's spreading himself too thin.


    However, this comment puzzles me:


    "Where we're at now with how we view ourselves as songwriters, had these songs been written now, there probably wouldn't be a Dead by Sunrise."


    If the above is true, is it really even necessary to keep Dead By Sunrise going beyond this one record? It's almost like Chester's saying DBS is just an outlet for his rejected Linkin Park song ideas.

    What he said with a little minor adjustment in regards to the burnout. I with my preference don't care about the co-existent of both bands as long as Chester doesn't burn himself out concerning Linkin Park. I would rather he dedicate all his energy towards LP and take out enough time to rest and not over-do it. I don't think Out of Ashes could have been an LP record with the exception of "Too Late." LP may have modified their sound but they generally have that stamp or signature on their songs that stands out from the rest of the pack and marks it as an LP record, most evident in half of MTM. And on an any given LP record, the song catalog is usually way more diverse in style or tone than Out of Ashes that had a kind of melting pot feeling to it with the exception of "Too Late" and "Fire."



    Why is it that this band keeps on releasing the least interesting songs on their record as singles?


    Fir, Too Late, Condemned, My Suffering, and Morning After are the best songs on the album and yet, they release the most boring song a.k.a Let Down as a single? No matter how much i love Chester's voice, the repetitive ending is undesirable.

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