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Posts posted by arbiter

  1. When its allowed to be happy with the new LP, then its also alowed to not be happy and complaining right? Its a open world where i can say my thoughts! Maybe mike or someome read this topics here (they are visit LPL i think) and he see that not EVERYONE is happy with their new shit!


    The fact that they dont give a shit about their old fans who made them to the LP you see today makes me sick, there are bands like Korn, Metallica etc who are still amazing but on their live shows they do alot old songs and the people enjoy it way more then the new stuff! But whatever...LP dont have the nuts to do it caus they probably think they will lose their new emo kiddi fans, dunno...

    I disagree. I am an old fan and most certainly don't get the idea that LP don't give a shit about me. On the contrary. I think they care very much. They care not to give me the same thing over and over again because they know how boring it is to listen to the same kind of thing repeatedly and even worse for them, to make the same kind of thing repeatedly. As for the live shows, their set list is a great display of all the different sides of Linkin Park. I get to hear their journey from the first album to the ATS. I would have gotten off the train if they had kept making the same album over again that's for sure because you can always tell when the heart of the band isn't in the album. And i seriously doubt Linkin Park is capable of producing a decent album when they're not passionate about the music they're creating if all the aim is simply conform to outside expectations of what they should make. A


    And mind you. There are all sorts of "old fans." You seem to be suffering under the misconception that "old fans" are the ones who only like Hybrid Theory and Meteora. When the reality is there are many "old fans" who love the old stuff and the new stuff just as much like myself. So if you could please stop generalizing and start using "me" instead of "us" because you don't know what everybody else but a narrow group of people think. You can't speak for a large group of people.



    And those" emo kiddi fans" sound very much like yourself because talk about the immaturity, and lack of realism bursting from your words. Look in the mirror. Linkin Park isn't going to start conforming to your idea simply because you say Metallica or whoever does it.


    And going on a tour that is right after the release of a new album i loved, i expect to hear more stuff live off the new album. I would be seriously pissed if they end up playing less of it.

  2. I already saw that on another video.


    But besides that there was no talking? :o

    What the effing hell does it matter if the band doesn't "talk" to the damn crowd? Like seriously? Every think maybe they didn't fee like it? They interacted with the fans when they went into the crowd and all that shit in their own way. If hearing the band kiss your ass or give an obligatory talk to you for the sake of obligatory talk, then i assure you, you will be disappointed going to a lot of shows. Wouldn't you rather when they do say something to the audience, you know it is genuine and not some stupid obligatory "talk" they feel they should do.



  3. Looks like a great set list to me. My only question is what was the point in splitting up The Requiem and The Radiance? That is the only thing that makes no sense to me. In my mind, they are one half of a whole and should have gone together like they did in New York City because together they make one heck of an intro.



    My theory is that the band is experimenting with the set-list and will gradually figure out what they like/what works for them.



    as far as we know there was no interact during BIO :(


    setlist is nice, but need to drop SOTD and replace by FTI and it's almost paerfect :D we need POA or we much better need 2 other setlists :P

    I don't know if you are responsible for making the show page, but i noticed that on the other show notes like the best Buy show, it has New Divide as a first time opener for a show but on this show page, it didn't list Wretches & Kings as a first time show opener even though it is.

  4. 19 songs excludidng interludes! They need to play more real songs! And more songs from Meteora! Oh well, overall its not too bad but this setlist is a predictable LP setlist, they should switch it up a bit add some ht songs and more meteora songs. And get rid of the interludes. Besides Empty Spaces i don't want to hear the interludes live. Also as I said before WID is not a good closser. Close with OSC, Faint, bring back APFMH and close with it. Heck, i wouldn't mind if they closed with ITE

    No. Your post is predictable. Now its no longer "more Hybrid Theory" its "more Meteora" <_<



    They can play all off Hybrid Theory from beginning to end and people like yourself will still find something to complain about.

  5. Gotta sleep when you've gotta sleep :lol: I was exhausted!

    Dude! I can't decide if you're hardcore or crazy! :lol: I can't even attempt to do that because i'm a girl and that will never cut it for anybody.


    I so want to go but i don't know if i can since my cousins who will be my room & board for the duration may not be in the country to begin with. And i can't begin to afford a hotel after plane tickets.

  6. I honestly don't get the big deal of meeting all six at a table with one second to spare as opposed to meeting two but getting to sit down with them for 10 minutes and potentially ask a good question(if you don't get paralyzed) and have them answer it and take pictures with you and sign your crap and if you're lucky, you can still chat with them afterwards. I have only had two meet and greets and think just having two of the members present took away my shyness because it wasn't so overwhelming, although Mike & Chester at the same time was overwhelming to the max but that is probably because i adore them so much and i so didn't expect them. Point is, i was more comfortable especially getting to chat with Phoenix and Brad. The band members are usually more relaxed and it transfers onto the fans. I prefer that more. Not to mention, i got to get more than one thing signed and got a picture. If i had a choice, i know which one i would pick.

  7. How about, they'll keep not giving a shit what people think and keep doing what the hell they want because they can after all, they didn't get this far by letting the world and their mother tell them what to do. If they did, Joe Hahn would be dressed as the scientist and Mike wouldn't be in the band and Chester would have been the only vocalist and they wouldn't have made it past the year 2000 needless be here.

  8. this pretty muchh



    and a great LP idea would be pretty much LP doing metallica style meet and greets and setlists. Switching it up everynight. No two setlists in a tour are the same i believe. Yeah... Love Metallica. LP needs to take notes from them

    If they did that, then Metallica wouldn't be all that unique. I prefer different experiences from different bands. If they did the same things, then what's the point? They might as well be playing the same kind of music.


    And i love the way LP does stuff.

  9. I disagree that "When They Come For Me" is against their old school fans. I am an old school fan and i didn't feel that song was directed at me. I think the song was more directed at the "fans" who can't keep up with the inevitable fact that the band is more than just Hybrid Theory and will branch out their wings to make other things besides Hybrid Theory and just want them to keep chugging out Hybrid Theory and nothing else even though reality dictates otherwise. Basically the childish group of people who don't care that the band gets bored doing the same things just like they do doing the same things. And that group of people is made up of more than just old school fans.


    If you think the song is directed at you, then it probably is.

  10. An acoustic cover of an acoustic song.



    I actually don't like this cover. The emotions, widlness and rawness of Chester's voice is what makes the song resonate and that is grossly missing from her cover and everybody else's it seems so meh...

  11. At first, i didn't really like The Messenger, but after a while, i got the beuaty of the song(something you really have to do for the whole album) and love it now as much as any other favourite ATS songs. It's an awesome song and if it was meant for OOA, i can see how, but i'm glad it is on ATS. I feel like it fits better with Linkin Park. And its nice to just hear Chester let it out.

  12. Not at all. If he hasn't already, he never will. And why would he? He already has the best of both worlds. He can go off and do solo stuff and then return to the band and work on music together. And i personally do believe Chester is very dedicated to LP because he helped raise the band from the ground up. Why would he throw away something he worked so hard for and is a part of his life? And if he does go solo permanently, it would be because the band has broken up due to a realistic reason such as a member passed away and music is Chester's life. *knock on wood*

  13. I really think the best performance of the song is the Live from SoHo. I know that version is piano and not the studio, but Chester's performance of it makes it the best. The emotion in his voice just drives the point home. I used to call it my sad LP song. And for some reason, LP love piano versions the way other artists love acoustic versions.

  14. I like this video. Of all of them, Chester seemed the most dedicated to the video. The only one taking it seriously at least. And Phoenix never fails to amuse.

  15. I would debate with you, but after reading what you wrote on your signature it's a complete waste of time. And I can name a dozen artists right now who tour and release albums every 1-2 years lol You're such a blindless tool obsessed with LP that they can do no wrong.

    Yep. That's me. If i love the album, i must be a blindless(by the way,not a word genius) tool obsessed with LP that they can do no wrong. By that vein of logic, you must be one of those idiots who think heavy guitars and screaming = good songs and think the band would make "better" music if Mike and Chester went back to dyeing their hair and Brad shaved off his beard. Isn't stereotyping fun?

  16. I disagree with this. The Catalyst is not very good live at all. And I'm not talking about Chester hitting the notes or whatever, the energy and feel of the song just doesn't seem to translate to the live show.

    Eh...I loved this song live and it reminded me why i loved it when i saw them perform it. It is better than listening to it because i enjoyed hearing the voices of Mike & Chester without the vocal effect and the whole band chiming in with the harmonies. It made me want to sing along and sing along i did. So i disagree that it doesn't translate well live. A song that doesn't translate well live is definitely Crawling but yet, everybody loves that.

  17. I'm not a metal head at all, but I think A Thousand Suns sucked. Well not sucked, but it was an ok album, not great. I hate how Mike thinks the only people who hated ATS are metal heads who want Hybrid Theory/nu-metal because that's not true. ATS had way too many interludes and was overproduced. Gems of the album were Burning in the Skies and Waiting For the end. Wretches and Kings was a fun/nostalgic track but nothing special. The album just did not deliver after 3-4 years of waiting ( which is the BIGGEST issue for me, if they can put out an album 1-2 years a time then whatever, but i hate how slow they are in creating music) and all the teasing by the band pre-release. It just fell flat for me. I still listen to the album regularly, but meh it's just ok..

    Read the article again and quote it to me where exactly Mike said only metal heads hate the new album. And FYI, Hybrid Theory is actually Linkin Park's most over produced album. The terrible mixing that was similar to pop albums in general is one of the only things i hate about both Hybrid Theory and Meteora, especially on the choruses. And you have a terrible knack of time. 3-4 years? If they actually put out an album 1-2 years, then they most certainly won't tour at all genius. Because all they'll be doing is living in the studio. And you honestly expect a band made up of human beings to be perfectly fine living in the studio chugging out albums after albums like a machine because anything else displeases you. The unrealistic expectations people spit out is just baffling sometimes.

  18. There's an awful lot of stupid people on here. Why on earth do you think they won't play old songs? And by old songs do you mean all songs predating Hybrid Theory the album? because if not, since when did One Step Closer, In the End e.t.c become new songs?


    And sheer common sense dictates the band will play songs from all their albums, just like they've been doing since day one. Which songs they play is obviously totally up to them. Just because its not the "old" songs you personally want to hear doesn't meant there aren't hundreds of other fans who won't like it.



    On another note, i would rather hear every song off A Thousand Suns than any song off their previous albums.

  19. It's funny how much people bitch on here about how much LP plays mostly singles and never play the non-singles, yet when a single gets taken off the list, no matter which one and which show, the bitching about bringing it back and why the hell are the band doing that comes in full force. It's like make up your damn mind.

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