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Everything posted by Coizu

  1. Yo, I posted it in the shoutbox... I always hope someone else posts it after that because I'm too lazy :-D
  2. Don't know if anyone posted this videos already but this user uploaded some videos including Paradise City http://www.youtube.com/user/smac8213/videos?view=0
  3. I wouldn't even call it a song... It's just something hew threw together in a few minutes I guess... The whole thing behind this is marketing.
  4. Anyone who expects them to do something special will be disappointed.
  5. What's the point behind touring less so the shows get "better" if most people don't have the chance to even attend one show?
  6. Can't wait for some good results here since I didn't listen to DSPs this year at all (maybe 2 or 3). I will get the best five and check them out
  7. That sounds like it was put together within 30 minutes.
  8. What the fuck is wrong with them? 20 US dates for a touring cycle? I wouldn't be suprised if there won't be a europe tour for living things anymore...
  9. they definitly used some effects on both of them.
  10. I'm wondering if they're going to stream it. Seems like the keynotes getting streamed. http://www.dellworldliveonline.com/dellworld/Home Ok I checked the schedule. Doesn't seem to get streamed
  11. You're on lpLIVE and want them to do only 20 shows a year? Like 5 in Europe, 10 in the US, 5 Asia/Australia? That would never work out....
  12. If they do a second pressing they're not allowed to call it a limited version afaik.
  13. I answered 2010 and later I realized it was 2009.
  14. He did this since the beginning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMrA3mDVFMQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shhas1JPU-A
  15. Here are two wristbands from 2011 we got for doing MFR. The silver one is from Oberursel and the orange on from Munich. Here you can see the color of the orange one. Don't know why it comes out as gold on the scan...
  16. Haha, I guess everyone who ordered the laptop got the stuff and was like: 'wtf is that shit dell ships with their computers? I have to delete this right away!'.But it's very surprising that it didn't appear yet. Some people must have bought it. Can't imagine they didn't sell any of these yet.
  17. I can't believe noone wants to hear the Wizard Song.
  18. The wristband I got at Rock im Park (I did MFR) http://i.imgur.com/bmQ2v.jpg
  19. Wasn't the first live performing of The Catalyst also an award show?
  20. I think that's a general discussion and not 'Live Talk'
  21. I hardly listen to recordings but from the shows I have been to I'd definitly say Numb. Can't hear it anymore.
  22. Yeah that's what I thought, too. But the end goes much more in the direct andone was saying. "my father was in the army, I have to join them and keep on doing what my father was doing, defend my country and shit".
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