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Everything posted by sizedude

  1. it is an awfull movie. so New Divide in 1080p?
  2. I'm a bit annoyed they didn't have at least one show when they where in the UK, but to be honest, I can't see them getting anywhere high here.
  3. After reading all these posts and the newsletter, my geuss is that the new track will have a similer background to what QWERTY went though (i.e, not being suited for the new album, but still a decent track) but I'm almost 100% sure they wouldn't put any new ablum tracks on a LPU CD anymore. One thing people are forgetting is the newsletter said "studio album hits". I'm pretty sure the HT demos will be ones we alredey have, but with a chance of a Papercut one as well. The Meteora demos will be the gold in it all (presumeing the HT demos unrealsed), and will make a very intresting interview question after they stated they wiped them all. My geuss (not simply because I want to hear them): Breaking the Habit, Somewhere I Belong and Faint. The Minutes to Midnight demos are easy, my geuss: Shadow of the Day, Leave Out all the Rest and maybe TLTGYA with mike's vocals.
  4. I remember reading in a few places (I can't find any to quote, so its most likely b.s) but the there the timberland and LP track was called "Underground"? I think he meant from the hills episode?
  5. I doubt you'll get a rip from UK HDTV to be honest, the channel is only aired on Sky HD, which is an apsolute bitch to rip from, the cheapest method is to take the whole box apart. Also I thought it was aired in HD as well the last time it was broadcasted?
  6. they are pretty sick beats as well, montreal has been my ringtone for agers.
  7. I doubt he would have said it if they wernt playing something. I'm getting my hopes up
  8. They didn't, it just wouldn't be surpriseing of warner to deny something like this. btw its on the night of the thursday, so tecnhically airs on the friday incase anyone eles was wondering. I'm geussing if LP do show on it, it will probably be three songs, New Divide, Numb and What I've Done is my bets.
  9. sizedude


    true im looking really sad with my mates doing this at the mo
  10. sizedude


    full version of little boxes?
  11. sizedude


    so know ones geussed anything about it? daamm, i have no idea
  12. lol, is that NRL thing going to start up again It would be pretty sweet if he did though.
  13. Thats the link, its different from the one striked out in the first post. Doesn't look like as much effort went into this cut then the orginal, it doesn't work as well to be honest.
  14. I was surpised to not see this in the newswire as well, a clip of an unheard track from hybrid theory days, daym. I really hope we get to hear this, i'm pumped after hearing it, its smoooth. I'm hopeing we hear something from Mike about it, but it looks doubtfull.
  15. He was misunderstood greatly by the media, I think he needed help yes but his positive impacts outweigh his problems, by sooo far. and yes this should be on the newswire, the passing of the best selling, one of the most influential music artist should be mentioned on every music site. RIP king of pop.
  16. dam, I'd hate to be a n00b on this forum. would be killed in seconds. anyway, this is more then likly the west coast show, but does sound like something small.
  17. I downloaded it in HD from the YouTube server (it doesn't appear on the player for some reason), I don't want to upload it due to the mods. Defo worth downloading.
  18. I don't think joe included as much of that as he was going to, but you can see chester on it (with the motion blur) a couple times as well as the other members (but its not exactly clear due to the video compression effects - which is also where dave appears), its a lot clearer on the HD version.
  19. Video (along with the video compression distortion transition trick) is growing on me a lot, one of my faves YTubes (what?) are pretty awesome as well, although its werid how some videos under some accounts play in standerd quality and not in HD, despite being a HD version on a server. -looks AMAZING
  20. Well, I've been "facepalmed", so I must be wrong. - it doesn't feel good. Just looks screwed up to me thats all.
  21. It can't be, look at 3:40-3:47, no way is that right.
  22. This is also exactly the same...so is the MTV German one. It seems the same video has been dished out with the problem. Will have to wait for a TV-rip or something...
  23. I did that, its still a bit screwed, but it helps yeah.
  24. No Some of it especially between the movie clips and the band the video codec (myspace) hasn't encoded properly, the resolution is fine but the bit rate (detail) is horrible, which screws up a video like this, so some short quick shots just appear as blurred colours from the last, the LP.com widget shouldn't be as bad. We really need to see this as a .vob or in HD to really appreciate it. I'm wondering if they got Megan to do some extra bits for them or its someone or its all from the movie. Its good to see more of Mr.Hahn in it as well, not a lot of Mike though, I don't think he performs much for new divide?
  25. sucks they included the movie clips (was probably compulsery) but mr.hahn blended them in brillienty. Looks like myspace screwed over the video as well with some of the transitions. but overall, amazing, you can tell quite a bit of money was pumped into this, but as always LP + speical effects always = awesomeness. is that megan fox lip syncing as well?
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