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Everything posted by sizedude

  1. sizedude

    Crank II

    lol! this is amazing, the first was one of the best films I've seen, even though this sequal looks incredibly cheesey and for some reason low budget (even though, there budget is almost double the last movie?). lol I remember posting something on this movie in one of the forums (lpu I think) at least a year ago (with just the title). happy new year to you all btw.
  2. It makes me wonder though, Linkin Park are one of Warners biggest and most consistent band signed, Warner where probably on there knees the in 2005 when LP wanted out. To me it seems that theres been some serious meetings up in Warners headquators to tighten up on copyright infringement (by taking off YouTube videos, sueing fan sites, God knows what eles). Most likely partly driven by the financial cires, but even if it is, Warner still have the right. It does seem cruel to jump up on people like this, but it still doesn't rule off the fact that Warner can. There using linkin-park.it as an example, I'm guessing that Warner is doing this to scare other sites such as bazinga!, why Warner chose linkin-park.it over another site I have no idea but thats the law. I wish the people at linkin-park.it the best though, cause it was a decent site, even though it was in italien I still visited it quite a lot.
  3. Each band that preforms on the live lounge only does the three live songs and an interview.
  4. Ah ok, I never brought the super fan eiditon, just wasn't worth the money to be honest.
  5. Its effectivly that but it is different packageing wise look: http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/391/lp384x70revrj0.jpg Its not just a bundle. That one has a brown cover, its a set, they both come in the same thing, at least thats what I understand about it.
  6. Not only that but theres no point to buying this at all if you brought RtR and the speical edition of MTM because theres nothing new on it. So if you have them, please don't buy this for the sake of haveing it, you will just be wasteing a lot of money.
  7. The differance between this and Frat Party for me was that Frat Party was funny, I don't, not find it funny because its released under LPU8 but because the songs to me, arn't funny.
  8. Its good the band get the day off with their family and Cardiff is in Wales, not England, lol. It must suck haveing thanksgiving so close to x-mas?
  9. Brilliant DVD, highlights for me were: LFY, TLTGYA, N/E, J/F, SOTD and also, is there much point to downloaded the broadcast from a few weeks ago, is it edited differently or anything? Does anyone still have the link/torrent?
  10. I think the platinum $100 next level thing takes the piss far worse then this, an LPU member frame is completely unessorcery and doesn't mean a thing, completely milking the hardcore fans and I swear a month or so ago we all voted on the LPU to not have anoter level? As for this CD, I'm split on wheter to buy it or not, I have the chance so I might as well, but it depends how much it will cost. Does this CD also mean that the normal LPU8 package wont be in best buy stores? Mostly all this is screwing over the hardcore fans who want every release and top LPU status, heres the maths: $100 (LPU8 top, plus service and P&P) + ~$35 (geuss for this cd, includes LPU regester) + ~$28 (road to rev) Thats $163 (€129, £110) for no new LP songs, someones going to be getting themselves a brand new car up in the LP headquators.
  11. i knew it would be good, most of you seriously can't say somethings a load of crap before you've seen it, I told you it was amazing and it is, I have to agree though, a little too much Chester on that clip. I knew the editing wouldn't be like LIT due to how the cameras moved and they caught the sun set at the end brilliantly.
  12. The reason the set list is like it is, is to fit next to live in Texas (remember Mark Fiore saying this during the rumors) if you compare them every song will be different in some way (new intro, outro or a completely new song) although how much all of us have several versions of the PMA piano version over and over, a lot of people actually haven’t (those who where not part of LPU 6.0 or brought a DSP). Somewhere I Belong was cut because it has no intros or outros and is an old song. Papercut was cut for only having a basic intro and god knows how many live versions of that have been realised in some way or another - and I'm hoping this wasn't warners choice to cut rap from the show and keep it rockier. POA was most likely cut due to maybe Mike's intros and outros (which would suck) and for it being on LIT and probably because it wasn't the most successful single. It’s a shame because I think POA was done quite well on this show. If it was me I would have cut From The Inside and replaced it with any of those three tracks, we will hear them some way or another anyway, hopefully not on LPU8 or that would be taking the piss. I'm still hoping there will be videos of the other bands under the special features. Anyone else noticed the on-going heavy promotion of LOATR? I think the band and Warner where surprised it didn’t do better (they where going to name the album after it and it was going to be there lead single).
  13. Numb/Encore wasn't finished, only Jay's part was played and that set list will sit very nicely next to Live In Texas, not to mention a load of new intros and outros which aren't on LIT. I'll say it again, LP had to choose what the majorty of LP fans would like to hear live, songs like "Reading My Eyes" and "Don't Stay" aren't the songs a typical LP fan will want to hear live. The majorty of fans have probably yet to hear the PMA piano version and same goes with the other intros and outros. I have to admit the DSP for Milton Kenyes wasn't the best but nothing which can't be fixed, and everything eles fits perfect, the set list, an outdoor arena and being able to play with Jay and at sun set (see Rock AM Ring 2004 to know what I mean). I can asure you the visuals in this are something eles, and looking at how it was filmed (stedy cameras, unlike LIT loose hand-held ones).
  14. A worst show!!?? wtf? That show was out of this world! One thing you really have to realize with this is that this is not how well LP came out in terms of sounding good, that’s all going to be completely edited and layered and it doesn’t sound bad at all to begin with, the set list was not put together to excite those always eager for something different at every single show, the set list is designed to have a typical Linkin Park fan's favourite songs. The visuals are going to be a very key part, the sunset and the crowd there went crazy and so did LP, the show is close to perfect for a DVD. If I had to give a couple of band points for the show it would probably be the fact that they didn’t complete Numb/Encore which I was hoping they would. The HHH acapella ended far too abruptly. The show had dam good reasons to be hyped up, SEVEN bands played on that day, Collision Course did very well in terms of charts and popularity here then any other LP song (who typicaly don't do as well here in the charts then other countrys) plus the show was very close to the Glastonbury dates. I wont be surpised if the end title of the CD/DVD will fit perfectly with its location. I just hope they consider realiseing it in HD as well.
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