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Everything posted by sizedude

  1. sweet, a chance for me actually enter to win something from LP/LPU. All in aid of giving warner an idea of their UK fanbase for LP, as well as their e-mail address. Free spam comin my way .
  2. Thank you very much! I know it can be a bitch to rip from sites like MTVs.
  3. Same, I've just finished the equivalent of "high school", although I never got the certificate. Just got left with a hell load of exams.
  4. I love it, I would rather listen to it over the orginal, any day. He said something similer in the past as well, how he feels he can take some aspects of FM stuff and put them into LP music and with all the problems with Tak and machine shop, I can't see him doing another FM record any time in the near future.
  5. This guy can not be more right, the only offical LP-related music videos that have been released in HD (at least that I know of) are: Shadow of the Day - 1080i Numb/Encore - 1080i (released in 1080i as they are HDTV rips, for some reason 1080i is the HD standerd to broadcast in) The rest will be upscaled from .vob s), I'm surpised I havn't seen LOATR in HD anywhere. I hope we see some older LP videos released in true HD soon (those that where recorded on film, or with HD digital cameras). Although HD from film never looks quite as nice as straight from a digital source.
  6. To be honest, I can't see them bringing back any classics (apart from the obvious singles). Mike gives the impression he really does not want to go back there while chester is slagging off old songs and they're both treating Meteora and HT as they are two parts which is a bit immature move if you ask me, especially since upon Meteora's release they insisted it was different to HT, which everyone understood, expect from the odd review which seemed to get to Mike. Its obvious in live performances as well, it’s slacky and you can just tell they don't enjoy themselves doing old classics, which is sad. So even though how badly we want some old classics back again, I really can't see it. So unfortunately I can't see much changes taking place at all, except New Divide and maybe a few older songs being dropped.
  7. I know its pretty obvious but heres what I got from it: I'm presumeing the lyrics in [-] are Mike's verses. any chance of a re-upload?
  8. you are the man! thank you!
  9. I have nothing like the people have here, simply because i don't have the moneyz. Heres some stuff that could be considered slightly "rare" I geuss: Apologies for the katy perry cd, not mine, i swear. I have the albums and the UK MTM singles as well. I had to have the one step closer promo, it looked way too cool (and got a bit carried away with the sig). Does anyone have a clean lossless rip of the LOATR remix? I thought it should be alright to share since its up on LP's myspace?
  10. sizedude


    I like this idea, although wasn't it done? I think I forgot to enter last time.
  11. Its amazing, I love it, has small older LP elements as well. Not like WID in the slightest for me. Some of the lyrics a little corny maybe and its quite thick in places but apart from that its pretty sick.
  12. I can't say much about it now, it seems like a song in which vocals give it more of an edge (even though that kind of contradicts the fact they're dishing out instrumental previews). Although I'm getting the impression that LP played it safe with this track, [i think it’s pretty obvious by now Mike doesn't have any vocals]. Sounds like rob nailed this track though. As for phoenix, I think he does more then people might think, even though its my least fave LP song, didn’t he come up with most of No More Sorrow? I would be quite happy to see the next album with more syth and samples. Looking forward to it still though, the video sounds like it could be pretty dope as well. You are always (this guy or not) going to get someone whose not satisfied, even if it is the "best song in the world". Off topic, random: I did't realise how sick the Runaway instrumental is without vocals, lol.
  13. My power supply screwed up a few months back and one of my internal SATA drives wasn't showing, got a new power supply and then it decided to show itself (in BIOS and in Windows). I think externals have bigger power issues as a lot of them just draw power straight from the USB. I recomend trying it on another comp, if that doesn't work its not worth risking making the matter worse (especially with unreplaceable data like pics) and probably just best taking it to a professional. A lot of the time all the data is recoverable. I REALLY need to start backing up my data. good luck though man, tell us if you get it sorted.
  14. "which linkin park memeber are you!!?" can't wait to see this on the iphone I don't have/could never afford.
  15. I'm probably missing something here, but to me Machine Shop as a record label hasn't really helped anyone out at all? It just seems to disappoint in the end? I'm not blaming Mike a 100% for that but I do think he should have possibly thought it threw a bit before giving all that hope to Holly and SOB (who both happen to seem really disappointed in him?), especially after the problems he and LP had with warner? This is obviously mostly down to the big guys up at warner in the end. Which sucks because I didn’t think warner could sink any lower.
  16. I thought Rob had to move his drums due to those shelf things at the back rattling? and it would suck completly if they released a demo of it now, would ruin everything but from that "heavy syth" must be good .
  17. I was hoping for this for a long time, its a little late but better late then never . A whole 1080p of goodness.
  18. nice, I like! but is it me or does that look like fot or is it just the font? sweet idea, I'll try and come with a design shortly.
  19. thank you, glad I did't get it now, lol. I did search, couldn't find anything .
  20. I don't know why but I've never found the LPU chats really that intresting, people just repeat questions that have userly alredey been answerd and the ones that might have an intresting response are ignored or blocked. Sorry to go off topic, I've done this before I know, but I just lost this: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=230320140538 I'd never seen it before/wasn't sure what show it was, anyone recognise it (lol or win it off me?).
  21. I would like to see (some maybe a bit too "big" for PR): The Killers, Innerpartysystem, Eminem, Coldplay, KATY PERRY, maybe Shiny Toy Guns, NERD (amazing band live), Lostprophets. To be honest, I don't think they even know themselves when it might be out, they've barely had 3 months in the studio. Knowing LP they will probs scrap sevral long-worked ideas before they end up with an album.
  22. I remember this interview, it was a nice gem to hear the given up clip (since I did't know there was before I downloaded it). It was a worth while risk, if they would have made "hybrid theory 3" it would not have gotten the sucess MTM has had, I think all it would have done was satisfied what was left of LP fans at that point, not to mention it was starting to bore the band itself, which could have led to nasty things, but it was all that balanced with the point of wheter the new style that they had created was good enough. Although, I think if they would have realised that before they entered the studio, I think we would have a more mature sounding album in our hands. I think they should build upon their "new" style rather then experimenting more (which would mean taking, I think this time, a pointless risk). The only thing I hope they drop is all the political stuff, it just doesn't work for me.
  23. There are ways of downloading the raw upload (which in this case was 128kbps) as aposed to listening to the 96kbps stream. Its a good song, I've always liked it, not sure which version I prefer, probably the album one to be honest. Thanks for the info on the remix though. btw can someone put my mind to rest and tell me this 2002 in the end "mix" is nothing: http://eil.com/shop/moreinfo.asp?catalogid=459028
  24. I geuss the Umbrella/Show Me covers: (lol one I recorded). . Even though there was a lot of bitching during this cycle, compared to the others LP gave us a lot!
  25. all looks pretty dope, Wilderness has the closest to mine so far, although shorten the drum solo, and add the intro from rock am ring 04 for Numb (did they only use that once does anyone know?) and defo keep the lying from you intro.
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