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Everything posted by parth196

  1. okay. to clear this up. i just saw the video of the chat. what dave thought was that linkin park plays to vocal backing tracks. which means either 1. essentially, lip-synching or 2. having the track play back through their in-ear monitors, and singing along with it. linkin park occasionally sings OVER backing tracks, but never lip-synchs. and this is very rare. there's small parts of a few songs they even do this to. neither do they have the album track playing back through their in-ear monitors. there's a rip of mike's in-ear monitor from a show in 2004. no album track playing.
  2. don't think that's a diss, he was just talking about how LP couldn't help his situation, being on tour and all. nope. truth. dave couldn't hit half the notes chester hits, or have half the power behind his voice. chester destroys him. not to mention, dave is a terrible live vocalist. horrible tone and pitch is off many times, when chester has become one of the best over the years. sure, dave's got vocal power, but he can't touch chester's. take it from me. i was at the weenie roast last year and saw them both perform within the same ten minutes. chester's power blew me the fuck away up until the end of linkin park's 90 minute set, and i was cringing at dave's horrible tone for most of the foo fighters' set. let's hear dave try to sing "new divide," "given up," or "the messenger." can't imagine that? that's 'cause it's not possible.
  3. does anyone remember the exact quote that mike said, word for word? or have a recording? i have a feeling this has been taken out of context. source? i find this hard to believe since ryu was featured on the raid soundtrack, and was at the LPU screening event with mike and chester. he even attended the afterparty with mike after the screening. where's your proof?
  4. nah, unfortunately he doesn't. the only tracks with vocals are this one and the GBC one.
  5. I'm sure we will. We felt the same way about the "sixth strings song," which turned out to be "Blackbirds."
  6. damn you got a problem LMFAO. i haven't seen a post this angry in a long ass time, even here lmfao
  7. why would linkin park open for someone else on their own tour lmfao. and anyway, muse would open for LP.
  8. LMFAO. you agree that most ATS tracks sound terrible live, but you also claim to like all of the full songs they've played from ATS so far? LMFAO!
  9. *nostalgic*
  10. damn, i really hope they can achieve this new goal.
  11. the art print is sick. the t-shirt's pretty awesome too. great package.
  12. P5hng Me A*wy A Place For My Head Figure 0.9 Leave Out All The Rest One Step Closer Reading My Eyes Shadow of The Day Not Alone Burning In The Skies Little Things Give You Away With You Lying From You Iridescent Pushing Me Away Robotboy In Pieces The Catalyst No Roads Left Crawling New Divide In Between Valentines Day In The End From The Inside Forgotten Dont Stay When They Come For Me Nobody's Listening Hands Held High Waiting For The End Breaking The Habit Papercut
  13. fucking awesome. i wish they opened with 'new divide' at weenie roast.
  14. out of the five shows i've attended, the craziest crowds were mountain view '07 and los angeles '11.
  15. where did you find the last 3 pics?
  16. umm... they are definitely not lip synching it. i can clearly hear them singing over it in every DSP i have. it's pretty pitchy too, how can you not tell if they sang over it or not...? and if they were going to sample it, they'd just play the sample and that's it, lmfao. they wouldn't pretend to sing it.
  17. just FYI, rob didn't mess up the intro of "the catalyst." i was at the show and i saw him come in on time, but there were technical difficulties and his pads were muted until the sound came in. it threw joe off, though, lol. btw, THE SHOW WAS FUCKING AWESOME. HOLY SHIT. i don't give a fuck about the shortened setlist or anything, but LP FUCKING TORE IT UP. all the people who think foo fighters were better than LP, i have to disagree. take it from someone who was actually at the show, lol.
  18. bro, if i see a video of you on stage with a guitar, it will be the most epic video EVAR.
  19. bro, i better see a video of you on stage with a guitar.
  20. hitting up this one as well as LA, i got seats with a friend and 3 other strangers, lol. i applied for a meet and greet, hopefully that translates to playing guitar on stage
  21. yesss, it worked today, haha.
  22. the thing is, i had two tickets already, but when i gave them my credit card information, it took me to a page that said "not found." so i should have gotten two tickets. i'm so pissed, this is some serious bullshit.
  23. wow. just fucking wow. i try to buy pre-sale tickets, and when i try to buy them, it says "not found." i try again and it says "out of stock." WTF. this is bullshit.
  24. can someone help me out please...? i can rephrase my question: do you need to be an LPUX annual member to buy pre-sale tickets? i only have an upgraded membership from LPU9. the reason i know that it's not the same thing is because i tried to buy the LPUX demo cd at the discounted price but it said i didn't have access.
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