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Everything posted by parth196

  1. my bad; i actually believed it, i wasn't messing with you guys. to be honest, i still believe it, because it's about time it leaked, but we'll see.
  2. apparently, the entire album has leaked. check the LPU.
  3. oh nice, edited in there 2 minutes before i asked, lol.
  4. i'm in. whenever this tour happens, they'll definitely be stopping by the bay area, and i can't fucking wait. DBS looked amazing live, at least from the epicenter webcast, even though that show is infamous for DBS getting poor reception. but through the webcast, they looked amazing. chester nailed every note, every scream, and every melody. i cannot fucking wait.
  5. can someone upload it for us poeple not in the UK? thanks.
  6. nope, highly doubt it. the pre-orders never have the option of listening to the previews.
  7. HELL YES. i love how this just came out of nowhere.
  8. i remember that there were around 14-15 songs recorded for out of ashes. since only 12 are on the album, i'm hoping all of the rest are released in some way or another (meaning either through this pre-order, single b-sides, or whatever other way they can be made available to us).
  9. can you split the songs, or will you put it up in one file? either way, thanks a ton and i'll take it but if you can split them up, i want only DBS. that's not to say LP wasn't that good (i thought they were pretty good), but we don't have rips of DBS in this quality yet, so it takes priority for me.
  10. fire was fucking solid, in fact DBS has been nothing but amazing so far. not many rebuffers either. hope someone got a good rip without any rebuffers. damn, i never liked my suffering before this, now i can actually hear the fucking sick drums in the chorus.
  11. goddamnit, the rebuffers have ruined my hope of getting HQ DBS rips.
  12. yup, good to know it wasn't just for me, LOL.
  13. it's not gonna happen dude. chester is so committed to LP, he delayed the DBS project for years. he's even got linkin park tattoos on himself, lol. i highly doubt he leaves LP. he's good friends with all the guys in LP, and he doesn't really seem the kind of guy to do something like that.
  14. lol, you beat me to it.
  15. hey everyone - the song is live on itunes.
  16. just in case anyone hasn't said already, it's now confirmed through DBS's myspace that crawl back in will be on itunes on tuesday.
  17. does anyone know if let down is still the lead single in the UK? i remember it was confirmed by someone in the band, but they haven't been playing it live in UK, and apparently on the stickers/flyers in UK it says the lead single is crawl back in. i'm really hoping let down is the lead single, that song is fucking beautiful. plus, then we get two songs to hold us off until the album releases.
  18. QFT. those three are also better than the three FM songs, IMO. but in this case, comparing these three DBS songs with those three FM songs, FM wins it for me.
  19. imo, DBS's rock side is nothing special. except for chester's powerful screams, the songs are average. i think the band's strong points will shine in their ballads. let down, walking in circles, and in the darkness are going to be the spectacular songs on out of ashes, we can already tell by the rips we have.
  20. holy shit is right. damn. the mixing on this just made it my new favorite version of OSC.
  21. i don't think DBS sounds too bad. of course, IMO these songs can't even begin to compare to walking in circles, let down, or in the darkness, but these still sound good. chester's got powerful vocals on crawl back in, and fire sounds good too from what i've heard. EDIT: the more i listen to those 2 clips, the more i like them. i don't know what you guys are talking about
  22. the source is reliable, i'm gonna guess with 80% certainty that it will release on the 29th in the US. i'm fucking exciteddd
  23. do you guys think this is real? i'm pretty sure it is, it has the picture without text on it, and it's got a new logo. http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/DeadBySu...iewas=647992455 edit: hmm... i'm not too sure actually. some things look suspicious.
  24. hmm... i'm not feeling the heavier side of DBS at all. i'm not feeling "fire" or "my suffering," but i fucking LOOOVE the meoldic, darker side of DBS. "walking in circles," "let down," and "in the darkness" are fucking amazing. i've listened to each one like a million times, and we don't even have a real rip of any of them. "in the darkness" is so captivating that i have been listening to it constantly ever since i heard the rip. i can't wait for this album! i'm hoping for a press release soon.
  25. hmm... i have a feeling that the "big announcement" on monday will be the DBS press release.
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