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Everything posted by FearOfTheDuck

  1. Chester absolutely KILLED it on From the Inside, damn.
  2. I agree. I'd also put Muse in that category as if you compare Showbiz to The Resistance, they are COMPLETELY different albums.
  3. The only problem with ATS is that it needs moar cowbell.
  4. WE MADE IT How has it made it, when it's a really dull music video?
  5. Haha, that was such a mess. I don't think Brad had any idea what was happening
  6. Nice, good to see Blackout is getting so many plays. On the other hand, I still think What I've Done is being played too early. Should be swapped with New Divide IMO.
  7. Erm... no. The guitar is nothing but power chords. The piano melody consists of FOUR NOTES. It's very simple instrumentally. Except the structure is almost identical to Crawling. The only similarity between Blackout and Reanimation is that the middle bit sounds vaguely like X-Ecutioner Style. I honestly have no idea how you could feel that... ATS is an ALBUM, far more so than their others. It's supposed to be abrupt, you fool. Because it doesn't sound exactly like Hybrid Theory? Anyway, carry on.
  8. Good idea for a thread. I'd probably choose Session. An obvious choice, 'cause it's an instrumental song, but the beats and melodies in it are just gorgeous. As for other songs... I'd nominate Faint, The Little Things Give You Away and Blackout as other excellent songs, instrumental wise.
  9. As an album, I still absolutely love A Thousand Suns. It hasn't got the same level of consistency of songcraft as other albums, and doesn't have all the obvious hooks of their older material, but taken as a single piece of music, ATS is greater than the sum of its parts and perhaps a borderline masterpiece. A year on, I'm still finding new things on this album I hadn't noticed before, like the countdown on The Requiem. As a bit of an electronica nut, I love all the little samples and synthy sounds hidden across the album. My favourite tracks initially were- Burning in the Skies When They Come for Me Iridescent Now, the latter two remain two of my favourite Linkin Park songs, but my love for BITS has waned somewhat, replaced by a deeper appreciation of seemingly everyone's favourite ATS song, Blackout. I didn't really appreciate Blackout at first, but as time has gone by I've assimilated with and come to appreciate the contrast between electronic backing and screamed vocals, while also discovering a new-found love for the final section, which- like many other things on this album- is beautiful. As a collection of songs, I'd give ATS a 6/10. But as an album, and EXPERIENCE (which is what they guys were intending to make), it's a 9/10, bordering on classic.
  10. QFT! No Roads Left being done is awesome. Now all we need is for them to sing a bit of Robot Boy over BIO...
  11. If that is the setlist... I like. Iridescent, Blackout and When They Come for Me, and no Shadow of the Day? This is Ducko approved
  12. All the songs are great- I was just singling out Blackout as it is particularly mind-blowing.
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