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Everything posted by FearOfTheDuck

  1. Lies Greed Misery STB is my second favourite song on Living Things
  2. Hurrah for the return of the Song Elections! I too will vote for Tinfoil. The whole thing repeats in Powerless anyway...
  3. FearOfTheDuck


    The United Kingdom- screwed over since 2012 But yeah, if we don't get a proper UK tour after the next record then LP are doing something seriously wrong. I can see them just playing Download again next year, though. They seem to be contractually obliged to do it every three years or so and they're already one of the biggest predictions for next year.
  4. Contrast is the key to true heaviness, my friend. Having soft bits makes the heavy bits sound ALL THE MORE HEAVY.
  5. Surprised nobody's said With You or By Myself yet, both those songs are pretty heavy.
  6. Either - The moment when they walked into the Warner Bros board meeting with all the spreadsheets and stuff explaining what they wanted to do, would have been hilarious. Or - The moment when someone from Warner told Mike to rap more like Fred Durst. His expression must have been priceless.
  7. Likelihood of this happening: 0 % Me wanting this to happen : Infinite %
  8. It's not the main song, just the instrumental part of the rap coda. Towards the end of the video.
  9. The bridge in Blackout is heavy as hell, not just the screamed vocals. I don't actually think Victimized is that heavy per se. It's probably LP's most aggressive track, but for me it's not got that thickness to be really heavy.
  10. And One snippet in background... IT'S A SIGN.
  11. Pretty sure Rob Halford from Judas Priest likes Linkin Park Also, in terms of newer bands Matt Tuck from Bullet for My Valentine, Oli Sykes of Bring Me the Horizon, Austin Carlisle from Of Mice & Men and Josh Francheschi of You Me At Six are all Linkin Park fans.
  12. Question based on earlier conversation in this thread- anyone know why the three songs were put at the end of Road to Revolution? It really annoys me that it's not part of the main show.
  13. I'd be inclined to agree with you. They'd see no point in running their own big tour when there's plenty of big summer package tours to hop on. Wouldn't surprise me if the band did some European festivals next summer, then the Carnival of Madness tour or something.
  14. I'd say QWERTY as the band's heaviest song, the groove is monster-heavy. Heaviest riff, though, I'd give to A.06 actually.
  15. A Pretty Realistic Sunset Strip Festival Setlist 01. With You 02. Faint 03. Given Up 04. Papercut 05. Victimized/QWERTY 06. The Catalyst 07. Numb 08. I'll Be Gone 09. What I've Done 10. Points of Authority 11. Somewhere I Belong 12. Castle of Glass 13. Waiting for the End 14. Breaking the Habit 15. Lost in the Echo 16. In the End 17. Reading My Eyes 18. A Place for My Head ======================= 19. Burn it Down 20. Bleed It Out 21. One Step Closer
  16. The show they played at Docklands supporting Deftones. Hybrid Theory era Linkin Park and White Pony era Deftones... this is what time travel should be invented for.
  17. Actually, come to think about it, they couldn't really replace Joe either.
  18. Massive bands including AC/DC, Iron Maiden and Genesis have all replaced their lead singer and continued to be hugely successful, in fact even more so. I agree with Dmitry and Somedude- Mike is the creative lynchpin of Linkin Park, and the only truly indispensable member. Replacing Chester would be extremely difficult, but possible. There'd probably be a backlash initially, but the band could still go on. In the case of Mike, it's likely the band would just end if he decided to quit- or otherwise become pretty much a completely different band musically haha.
  19. It would be interesting if they did do a full album and tour together. Could also give Mike an opportunity to do another Fort Minor record? PRETTY PLEASE?
  20. A Numb piano version would be perfect.
  21. +1 million. Why the smeg does the band have a drummer if they're just going to use rubbish electronic beats instead? Lost in the Echo verses, I'm looking at you. I too would like a slight reduction in the use of electronics and a few more "real" instruments, if only for some change. Some audible bass guitar would be nice too...
  22. November 11 2010, at the O2 Arena Chester described the venue as "one of the most beautiful arenas in the world". When Mike asked the audience in the seats to all stand up, Chester said he'd rather do the show sitting down, and so sat down (for a few seconds). Mike found this rather funny.
  23. I'm now going to imagine Chester doing that dance whenever I hear Burn it Down... Fun episode, and yeah I'd love to hear that COG remix.
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