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Everything posted by annare

  1. Being realistic, with bands touring at the same time, I'd love to see them with Billy Talent or Limp Bizkit.
  2. Nah, it's Samuel, for real. They revealed it just after the show ended. Still, I'm calling him Man in Black since they never say his name in the show.
  3. I'm buying it on Blu-Ray as long as I have money, it's too expensive but I really want to And yep, that Jacob quote I have it's just awesome lolo
  4. It's nice to see Lost love arround here while waiting lol
  5. Yeah I know the photo is old, it's 4am here waiting and I'm uptdated. Por lo que veo tu también eres española, así que estamos sufriendo lo mismo xDD. ¿Vas a quedarte lo que haga falta o vas a dormir si te hartas?. Yo no creo que aguante mucho. Please Mike, make it quick. It's just a tweet.
  6. The LP retweet is not old, and it means it's active. Wich, could mean they announce whatever it is soon.
  7. linkinpark He plays a mean vuvuzela. RT @phoenixlp At our video shoot today with out newest band memer! http://tweetphoto.com/27276670 http://twitter.com/linkinpark
  8. I wanna know how it sounds like!. 3:17am here. I really hope it's coming soon, I have to sleep and all that, you know.
  9. Great news, let's see what happens next...
  10. My favourite moment was two years ago in June, when LP played the first show in Spain in 5 years. I was there and it was one of the best nights of my life. The set was very unique, playing the original HT Pushing me Away, A Place for my Head, even Cure for the Itch. There was lot of Hybrid Theory songs (8 I belive). So it wasn't only special for myself as a person, but also for LP for playing such a special set. Also, Mike apologized for not coming here very often. I'm really looking forward to another LP show as soon as possible.
  11. 1- New Divide 2- Across the Line 3- Lockjaw 4. Blackbirds 5. Not Alone I also love We Made It very much.
  12. Then I hope they don't come back, haha.
  13. My personal favourite would be Into You I think.
  14. Favourites-> Faint, Breaking the Habit, LOATR Least Favourites-> New Divide, Shadow of the Day, Given Up
  15. They're all really amazing songs, but I voted for She Couldn't.
  16. Did D12 really join LP for One Step Closer? When?
  17. Also, before the solo in Shadow of the Day, after Chester says "and the sun will set for you" he adds "Yes it will".
  18. I really hope they drop SOTD or piano versions this tour.
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