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Everything posted by annare

  1. I went to the UK when he was supposed to play, and before his death I was thinking in going to one of his shows... Rest in Peace, Michael.
  2. To the people who see things in the pictures: The eye sees what the mind wants.
  3. Hahahah we totally made it. That's a pretty cool number.
  4. Yep, that's what I belive too. He wants to but he's not allowed. There are rules. Just like Jacob and The Man in Black.
  5. As a Mike Shinoda solo song, I like it. As an LP song in a LP album... you know, the song is the same but it was a really bad decision.
  6. I wouldn't like a double album. I don't know why but I like shorts album, 10 or 11 songs, like Rammstein.
  7. I really love it, and I wish the soft songs from the new album sound like it.
  8. Any good recordings of Hit the Floor?. I already have one of Easier to Run, HTF is all I need.
  9. If you are in LPLive, this might be a good opportunity to say it: Mike, you are a genius.
  10. I was lucky to see them play Pushing Me Away in the original HT version, and thankful they didn't play the piano version. Please, no more piano versions.
  11. annare


    It's not gonna be in the regular setlists of course, but they could play it a few times sometime somewhere.
  12. The Rambo situation would be awesome. But seriously, I really wish it doesn't leak.
  13. annare

    Proggy sound

    My thoughts exactly. That's why I don't wanna read any description at all.
  14. annare

    Proggy sound

    I wish I hadn't read that there's rapping on it. At least, it's the first single, the only song I'm going to listen to until I buy the album.
  15. Yep, we should. I think I'm with Meteora for now.
  16. About the Did You Know thing, I noticed a few mistakes: On the last show of the US leg of the Meteora World Tour in 2004, members of the opening bands came out with roadies with inflatable penises and full bondage gear on during “One Step Closer” to end the to... ...and it finishes there. Also; Did you know that both the Minutes To Midnight (2007) and new album (2010) touring cycles have started off in Germany? Both in Berlin, actually! They new tour is starting in South America this time, I think that one was little quick hah. I must say I totally love this idea, just wanted to help.
  17. Okay, I've been changing into the different styles (HT, Reanimation...) and it changed my mind a bit, it's an awesome feature. But still, as Legend says, I think the previous forum design was better, I don't know, but there's something... Maybe it's the lack of things on both sides of the screen?
  18. To be honest, I liked a lot more 3.0. Sorry.
  19. ^That's because BIO is not a hard song lol I used to love NMS, but it's been a while since I last listened to it. It's not one of the songs I wanna listen to when I'm in a Linkin Park mood.
  20. 01. Wake 02. Given Up 03. Bleed it Out 04. Leave Out All the Rest 05. Across the Line 06. QWERTY 07. What I've Done 08. Blackbirds 09. No Roads Left 10. No More Sorrow 11. The Little Things Give You Away
  21. I don't belive any of this. I'm just waiting for something from LP.
  22. That's got to be the funniest thing I've seen in this forum hahahah Okay that was about the elephant. Is that true?. I'm getting tired of all this rumours...
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