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Everything posted by RedZero

  1. Not bad. Can't wait to see more LPUTV and LPTV in 2010.
  2. Man, can't wait to hear how this sounds and turns out for the final product.
  3. I'm starting to think they Chester just ment the writing for the album would be done by june... Then they would go into the mixing stage. I have high hopes they can have this album out the first half of the year but with DBS suddenly pulling new tour dates out of there ass and the album being half done. I say this album will be out by August or September.
  4. Same here. Chester said he was going to work more on LP and would do another DBS album in a span of 5 years I believe? Then again there is no telling with Chester... Sooo... Yeah I say if thats so then put your full effort into making another awesome Julien-K album. Out of Ashes was a decent album. Some songs I can't stop playing and others are so so. For the moment I'm in no hurry for another DBS album anytime soon. Not saying its bad you want to work on DBS stuff.... but work more on your own stuff for a while. I want another JK album and I want the new LP album to finally see the light of day.
  5. Well hey, being 1 of 63 contenders is pretty good. Would be intresting to see them get the nomanation.
  6. I can almost see how things might play out... The LP album will be finished in 2010... I say between June and August. Also Chester has said he wants to do a full proper world tour with DBS I believe. Also there was a RUMOR posted on the LPL facebook that there wasn't any tours with LP set till August. Once again... RUMOR. If things keep going the way they are, and if LP doesn't plan on touring till August (Rumor), then I could see DBS doing a full summer tour. This is all speculation of course and Mike could come out and say the new LP will be coming out in May or June with a summer tour. Never know with the band these days. I know they have said that DBS isn't slowing down the album but... Meh... lets see how the next few months go.
  7. I don't think I have ever seen any of the music videos played on TV or heard any of the singles on the radio... The CD has its moments but I think it also makes you go "Alright, that was pretty cool.....Wonder when LP will finally get the new album out..."
  8. That is what I was wondering myself. Like Mike has been producing the album this whole time or they got another producer and want to keep it a surprise? Like I said no telling with LP these days.
  9. One other thing I want to bring up is something that was brought up in the chat was... Greg_B says to (13:15): Hi mike, thanks for taking the time to stop by the LPU. I was wondering, are you guys working with Rick Ruben on the new album or a different producer? mshinoda says to (13:16): We haven't officially confirmed that Rick will be producing the next album Is Mike toying with us? Is Rick the producer or not? Never can tell with LP these days.
  10. Yea I thought of those after my post. I'm using the computer at work and didn't have much time to think. All 3 are very awesome albums.
  11. This. I agree with this 100% If the album does come out with 10 songs and if they total about an average of 5 minutes a song... The album would be around 50 minutes long and thus would be the longest (Studio) album they have released I believe. With this whole "Concept" idea they are going with it may only take 8-10 songs to tell the "story" they are going with. Its just a guess and I could be wrong but who knows. But as GraDon said, if they are excellent songs then I don't care how many tracks there are. I just think back two of my fav concept albums (There are plenty but these two stand out as my favs) Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here - 5 Tracks that come to about 44 minutes of music I believe... Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon - 10 Tracks that come to about 39 minutes of music I belive as well... I'm not saying these are THE best albums out there, its just two of my favs that I could think about off the top of my head. VERY excellent albums, 10 tracks or less and under and hour. And I'm NOT comparing Linkin Park to Pink Floyd... Just saying if LP can pull off an awesome album... then track number won't matter.
  12. Well at least Mike will be heard more in some of the songs... I know you could hear him doing a little back up here and there in MTM but I hope he can be heard more this time around. I'm interested in hearing the song with changing singing parts myself.
  13. The iPhone/iPod Touch is pretty much my No. 1 question. I want to see if this thing is coming out before the album. And maybe getting a time frame of "When". I might not be able to make this chat. If anyone could throw this question out it would be awesome.
  14. I can think of 3 things I would like to get from the chat... 1. Any kind of new Album info. Not like, whens the release date or how does it sound, something like... how is the 5 songs going that you posted about in your blog last month. 2. What can we expect with the new site layouts for mikeshinoda.com and linkinpark.com 3. Any new info about the iphone/ipod touch app.
  15. I wouldn't mind hearing a little bit more about the site updates to mikeshinoda.com and linkinpark.com. Like what new features can we expect, what kind of time frame we are looking at to seeing the updates and will it reflect on whats going on with the album at the current time.
  16. Haha lets hope not! People are already on edge that we may have to wait as late as June for the new album.
  17. I'm just curious as to what this "Download" is that we will get with our lpu box?
  18. I have to say Across the Line is pretty awesome. The other thing that came to mind when I heard the song was.... It wasn't the 6th String Song from the Minutes to Midnight DVD... LPU10 Bound??
  19. Can't wait to pick this up at Best buy in a few weeks.
  20. Watch out for all the upcoming links! Its a trap!
  21. So if we got an album with 12-13 songs...It might push over an hour of music... I hope at this rate they will be mixing the album by Feb or Mar.
  22. Woo! Just read this on his blog. Was wondering when the next album update was going to be. Looks like things are going very well.
  23. Ah, see I never knew that. Thanks for the insight. On another note, would be nice to see the other B-sides on future LPU's.
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