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Everything posted by Soeffingnaive92

  1. My issue is not the high pitched vocals, I like the song but i just can't imagine, now that we heard it, how can you leave out of the tracklist Friendly Fire and opt for SFN. FF is just too good for me
  2. It’s a nice song, I like it, but if I had to pick one it’d be FF because I find it vastly superior. SFN has cool elements but it’s not a top song for me
  3. If Heavy was just Chester and FF replaced SFN, OML would be my 3rd fav record by the band. Outstanding song, probably my fav b-side of their career. Love the emotional and melancholic vibe and the way they arranged it. Strong strong song, 8/10
  4. As much as THP is my least favorite album by them, I totally agree with all of you that no THP is super weird and the label is the only one to blame (they’re guilty all the same, too sick to be ashamed!). Plus, yeah, the GH album is clearly due to the label pushing because of the great success of M20. Not a big fan of the release, but without it we would have never gotten FF that soon and QWERTY on Spotify.
  5. I would put Friendly Fire right after Heavy on OML, at the core of the record. Amazing song, easily better than SFN and GG
  6. The song is probably going pretty big, almost 500k in 9 hours since the video released on YT.
  7. Yeah they knew what they were going for, but I'm honestly not a fan of that kinda LPU artwork for an official release, but it's a minor complaint since we got an amazing song and video + QWERTY on stereaming
  8. There's this weird situation where the song is amazing, the video is incredible but the artwork is awful lol
  9. yeah totally, like, the song probably went through some changes to make it iconic as it is, it's too good to be left out from the album. Almost "Primo" level
  10. The video is amazing. Song is outstanding, strong song.
  11. I love the song, but yeah there are some weird effects on it
  12. Song is fucking fantastic, I’ll wait for the official release to properly judge, but I love the little elements in there and Chester is great in there. It’s not a shocker like Primo, but if I had to pick I’d pick this one over GG and SFN any day
  13. This ! The timing and the whole campaign is super odd, it’s like if the label pushed them to release FF, but no complaints at all, we’re getting the song like 10 years prior to my expectations 😂
  14. A OML leftover and one of their heaviest songs back to back, I love it
  15. Yeah this totally feels like the label pushes it, maybe due to contractual obligations as somebody already said. Like, Mike saying he didn’t like GH albums, nobody in the band ever hinting at 2024 being a “LP year” (as Mike did with 2023 instead), and the artwork that seems rushed, compared to M20 or HT20 where all looked more planned. But as a fan I am happy obviously
  16. The whole release is kinda weird and feels rushed, but I will NEVER complain I mean we are getting QWERTY on Spotify and a song that’s a holy grail and i was scared we could never hear it or we could get it in like 15 years
  17. Yeah I love Lorde but she won a Grammy in the rock cathegory for a song off her first record, which is a straightforward pop album from start to finish lol
  18. Having FF released YEARS before what I thought would be is just AMAZING, couldn't be more thankful, the possibility of another unreleased track being revealed is astonishing too. So the artwork being kinda bad is a minor issue to me, all I care about is FF dropping on streaming platforms
  19. What about: "Friendly Fire: A Linkin Park collection" ? Does it sound dumb?
  20. Lol yeah what a mess ahaha. I don't know I hear Resolution as more "complete", dunno why.
  21. I would not include that because it's areally rough demo, totally lacks a chorus and a bridge, not ebven Mikre mumbling "nananana", but it's good to have it
  22. No, otherwise I wouldn't have included Massive. Just forgot Resolution
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