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Everything posted by Alexonlyalex

  1. Compare: LPUX: http://linkinpark.com/lpu Metclub: http://www.metclub.com/membership/MembershipDetails.asp So tell what ya think.
  2. pop is awesome too
  3. Xefuzions try, sounds awesome so far! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLXd5QcMgDM
  4. No offense really but, you really have can download it from rapidshare while he cant download it directly?
  5. I know the seller, its all official.
  6. A friend of mine was there (Sal) he said it was no more than 500 people which is weird looking at the recordings.
  7. Chile can stfu R.I.P
  8. hmm, here is some preview then
  9. I'll just wait, I mean they could just cancel it as well as blackbirds or just postpone it. :waitinganddrinkingtea:
  10. I'm afraid lpl brought a lot of trouble to this radio station
  11. Congrats, now LP has to cover India and and South Africa and then hopefully we are released from that spam
  12. Just like on Lost forums back in good days! Now we have to analyze every single word he said, translate in japanese, paint the words on a wall, make a picture of, put a picture of 8bit-r on our pic and the anogramm will be the release date!
  13. +1
  14. This is the 10th frame inside the gif, I lined the lines I could find, prolly it helps somehow.
  15. And now look down on the main site > look at the pic from Anon > look at streetdate > look at the date today
  16. Concert agency, Warner and LP, so far I know.
  17. I know it's not a news but I think it's worth your attention. Aren't you guys sick of talking how awesome it would be if Julien-k would join Linkin park's europe tour, but seeing nobody doing anything to realize it? I think we should at least just try to make it happen and I honestly believe that together we can make it. I will try to make the right people see how many Julien-k fans would actually love to see them live. Guys, hurry up, join our facebook group, so far it's not too late. We want Julien-k as support act for Linkin Park Europe Tour 2010 !!! STAFF NOTE: Before anybody freaks out, this will stay here only for a few hours. Amir is spreading the word too!
  18. If you are not ok with LPL's politics at news posting, go to linkinpark.com you won't find anything related to julien-k on the news page there. No offense.
  19. what was it?
  20. Absolutely what I'm thinking.
  21. Oh, cmon, we wont get any answers anyway.
  22. My most defenitely favourite momment was, as I saw In the End at RaR 2004, as the crowd didn't stop to sing as Mike asked them for. from this momment I knew how big, huge this band really is. Really great times.
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