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Everything posted by ChesterKiwi

  1. Lies Greed Misery. Problem solved. All they do is switch around who uses which MIDI controller lmao.
  2. Foreword could fit on any band's album, in any genre. It's nothing but a bunch of bangs that increase in speed, with rain effects and a smashing.
  3. I love just watching the torrential waves of text lmao
  4. I thought honestly that LGM was from Sao Paulo it was blended with the Ballad Medley so perfectly.
  5. Dang today is the one-year anniversary of it! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  6. Fuck this shit, Izzo/In the End is better than both Jigga What/Faint and Big Pimpin'/Papercut. Maybe even Numb/Encore.
  7. -Edit- Nevermind. Now I know what everyone is talking about.
  8. WHERE IS ISSHO NI? I'll accept this challenge as well.
  9. 01/02. I discovered LP in 2008, after my cousin introduced me to Faint. It wasn't until 2 years later that I got into the band, just in time for the release of ATS. 03. I own all the studio album CDs but Living Things, Songs From the Underground, Live in Texas, Road to Revolution, Recharged, and Reanimation. Currently hunting singles. 04. A Thousand Suns; Live in Amneville from 2008. That What I've Done intro gets me every damn time. 05. When They Come for Me. Absolutely amazing how a hip-hop style track incorporated such tribal-sounding drums and vocals. 06. Lost in the Echo used to be, but I don't quite know anymore. 07. Brad or Mike. I really can't decide.
  10. Because that would make sense. Lol.
  11. I can name who knows how many explicit albums without PA labels. One-X, Saturate, Three Days Grace...THE HUNTING PARTY...
  12. Does anyone know how to create a synth sound that sounds somewhat like the outro synth of Robot Boy? I absolutely love the sound of the solo synth. It's so fluid-sounding. While I'm at it, I missed the post saying that Forgotten's "beep" sound couldn't be harmonics on guitar. I've personally tried it, and a 5th fret harmonic on the high E string sounds a lot like it. And another thing. It's been said a few times in places that the Breaking the Habit drum track got that chirp glitch and wasn't noticed until after the album was mixed. But we can hear on the 2002 demo that the glitch was there even back then. So are we sure it wasn't intentional?
  13. It's completely untouched. I personally believe it's a big "fuck you" to someone, somewhere. But that last "motherfucker" is left as it is on the explicit version. Plus, if you listen closely, you can still faintly hear "fucker" after all the echoes. I've always wondered about the censoring (or honestly, lack thereof lol) on that track. Then in the second verse he says "Chuck said an Uzi weighs a motherfuthuh ton"
  14. It does? That's strange af. When I was in middle school my parents refused to buy the album for me off iTunes because W&K wasn't censored. I got it anyways when my friend ripped it though lol. So they did a half-ass job on the digital version's censoring and then did it thoroughly on the physical one? Is the final "motherfucker" censored in WTCFM on the physical one?
  15. I've been playing this song really incorrectly on my bass then. I always heard a bassline that sounded like the chorus. Regardless, it's still not mind-blowingly different.
  16. What the hell on the clean version of ATS I listened from iTunes to they said shit every time in Wretches. It's not censored. It even says it on the page that was linked. And then the final motherfucker wasn't censored for WTCFM. Obviously someone just decided to put it down without even listening to it. https://i.imgur.com/LtI8CEN.png?1
  17. New Divide could fit on an LPU album. (That's where it belongs)
  18. This is hard...damn. Dirt Off Your Shoulder/Lying From You.
  19. How do you know that? Crawling has a lot of fills in it, but it's nearly impossible to pick them out with the rest of the song. You can only hear it when you listen to the multitrack. Who knows what the other songs hold. There's a fill on Papercut that doesn't follow the guitars at all, for one. Plus, I'm fairly certain Forgotten has little to no variation on the bass from the guitar root notes. The verse bassline is just the chorus bassline with a slightly different rhythm (I believe, but I can't really hear what the rhythm is for the chorus, it may very well be the same).
  20. I'm so hoping I can go to this. I've been dying to see the band for 6 years, and this is the first time that the date and place has worked out so perfectly.
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